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PureRotation V2

There is a new update for PR in testing phase atm

Rogues in General
Merged some stuff from the different Speccs to use the same methods where possible

Combat Rogues
Added a setting for SpecialKey usage
Added a setting for shiv and feint
Tweaked KS when AR not up
Tweaked AR and SB to be casted at the same time but not when KS is up OR KS CD <10s

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Any ETA on when this will be up and running for warlocks again? I want to do the green fire scenario :(
Any ETA on when this will be up and running for warlocks again? I want to do the green fire scenario :(

any issues with Warlocks in general, or only the Green Fire fight?
for second issue ... still leveling my next WL for getting the fire again and testing some more stuff ...
Tried to start it up yesterday to start the bot, it just kept giving me the option over and over to choose a routine. Tried a fresh install via the svn but got an error message when trying. I'm at work at the moment so can't provide much more information but it just wouldn't load at all. Not sure if that's an error on my end or not, I figured that it might have just been an update that was needed but now I'm not sure!

EDIT: been using this routine successfully several times for my many warlocks (I just like them okay!) and the last time I used it would have been on Saturday (23rd)
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there is no public SVN anymore
so i assume ur using an outdated local copy.
Delete your copy and get the routine streamed from the store and u should be fine again, the issue with the repopping of the CR selection was fixed on 8/22/2014 7:18:14 PM

2.1.12 Release
Fixed a bug with Retribution Paladin and Combat Rogue where it was possible that the routine stops performing
fix for buddy store version of HB

2.1.13 Release
Deathknight Frost (Dualwielding and TwoHandedCombat) should be fixed Warlock Destruction should be fixed
removed blood fear from pre combat buffs
fixes to Shaman and Warlock

2.1.14 Release
Added a Setting for Eternal Flame and Shield of the Righteous to Protection Paladin

2.1.15 Testing (currently not sent to the store)
General Rogue changes -> merged multiple methods and calls to class-specific actions instead of Specc-Specific ones
Combat Rogue changes for Shiv (PVP and PVE), Feint (in General)
Windwalker Monk -> changes to Chi Bre usage (will be moved from Cooldowns section to default Rotation), Tiger Eye Brew -> will support different Auras from Trinkets of MoP Content to have a better usage of TEB

why i can't attach it here?
Well that's pretty easy, by publishing it on the store, i can be sure that everyone is using the same (or at least one of the latest 2) version, which makes it much easier for me to debug stuff.

In the last two days i got contacted by two users that had made some optimizations on their own BUT they used for example totally outdated versions where some bugs were already fixed, some parts of the rotations already added so that there was no need for them to have their own private ones.

and of course because it is much easier to give support (even then when i don't need to give support for the product).

Tbh ... my first idea was to going Paid with PureRotation (which i declined after some thoughts because THIS project was ever intended to be free, and so it will be for its lifetime).

If u wanna use an older Version, and u have still a copy on your comp that worked with the last version of HB (before the store was introduced ... so it should be 745) feel free to ask me which line u have to modify so that it will work again for ya.

But i don't mind sharing the code again, to have multiple (and often outdated) copies around here. If someone needs / wants some edits / tweaks, this person has multiple ways to contact me to do these edits for him.

If you are not the owner of the Buddy-Auth Account, it is not my fault, ask your friend for the Account data so that u can logon the buddyauth portal and register a buddy store account with the same credentials and u'll have access to the product.
Or buy yourself a HB license.

And last but not least ... any Community Dev has the possibility to ask me for sources :) there is absolutely NO SECRET in PureRotation ... but i won't sshare code with users .. not because i don't want ... only because i don't want to figure out why stuff is not working for someone who uses his own copy with his modifications based on an oudated version
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why i can't attach it here?
Well that's pretty easy, by publishing it on the store, i can be sure that everyone is using the same (or at least one of the latest 2) version, which makes it much easier for me to debug stuff.

In the last two days i got contacted by two users that had made some optimizations on their own BUT they used for example totally outdated versions where some bugs were already fixed, some parts of the rotations already added so that there was no need for them to have their own private ones.

and of course because it is much easier to give support (even then when i don't need to give support for the product).

Tbh ... my first idea was to going Paid with PureRotation (which i declined after some thoughts because THIS project was ever intended to be free, and so it will be for its lifetime).

If u wanna use an older Version, and u have still a copy on your comp that worked with the last version of HB (before the store was introduced ... so it should be 745) feel free to ask me which line u have to modify so that it will work again for ya.

But i don't mind sharing the code again, to have multiple (and often outdated) copies around here. If someone needs / wants some edits / tweaks, this person has multiple ways to contact me to do these edits for him.

If you are not the owner of the Buddy-Auth Account, it is not my fault, ask your friend for the Account data so that u can logon the buddyauth portal and register a buddy store account with the same credentials and u'll have access to the product.
Or buy yourself a HB license.

And last but not least ... any Community Dev has the possibility to ask me for sources :) there is absolutely NO SECRET in PureRotation ... but i won't sshare code with users .. not because i don't want ... only because i don't want to figure out why stuff is not working for someone who uses his own copy with his modifications based on an oudated version

I agree 100% with this. I edited my own version before the store version, to find out it was outdated and stopped working. So I PM'd him to ask for something to be added too the store version for MY personal use, it was added within 20minutes. The guys support is amazing.
There is a new update for PR in testing phase atm

Rogues in General
Merged some stuff from the different Speccs to use the same methods where possible

Combat Rogues
Added a setting for SpecialKey usage
Added a setting for shiv and feint
Tweaked KS when AR not up
Tweaked AR and SB to be casted at the same time but not when KS is up OR KS CD <10s

After some more Discussion the changes changed a bit more :D

Shiv, Feint, Expose Armor and Tricks of the Trade are reworked and/or added for ALL three speccs

- can be used now for Dispelling Enrage effects (separate Setting)
- can be used now for Healing yourself (when Leeching Poison is on your weapon)
- can be used now for decreasing Movement Speed of your Target (when Cripplong Poison is on your weapon)
- can be used now for increasing casting speed of your Target (when Mind-numbin Poison is on your weapon)
- The usage for Healing / Movement Speed / Casting Speed can be setup to use for everything (u don't have to watch your poisons) or to ONE of the three possibities (u have to watch your poising, no poison-switching integrated)

Feint & Expose Armor
- can be assigned to Special Key in each Specc
- u can assign the Special Key to use ONE of the spells or ALL of the spells (i changed from both to all for the case that i need to add more spells to the Special Key)
- Feint has currently no check for incoming AOE damage, means as soon as Feint fades, it will be refreshed

Tricks of the Trades
- is now handled the same way in all 3 speccs, and will be automaticly used
- Priority of TotT target:
-- Focus Target (Distance<40 and isFriendly),
-- RaFLeader (maybe obsolete),
-- active Tank (Distance < 40,targetted by Me.CurrentTarget),
-- DamageDealer (Distance < 40)

Cooldown Management (already done)
Tweaked KS when AR not up
Tweaked AR and SB to be casted at the same time but not when KS is up OR KS CD <10s

In Progress
Also the Cooldown-Management for Combat Rogues will be reworked, but on this i'm currently in the conceptional phase (have to talk to a rogue player and do some mo researches so that it fits to all talents, not only Anticipation)