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PureRotation V2

Is it possible to disable only certain interrupts? For example, my pandaren hunter seems to actually stop her rotation if I'm not in range for "Quaking Palm". If I was a melee, that would be fine, but since I'm not, I'd like to only use Silencing Shot.
Also, in V2 Hunter's Mark still casts when disabled. It's a tad annoying to mark every single piece of trash I target.
could anyone tell me how the tanking part works?..
does it just do the rotation, or does it actually well.. do it all for u :S ?
could anyone tell me how the tanking part works?..
does it just do the rotation, or does it actually well.. do it all for u :S ?

it WON'T taunt for ya
it WON'T save abilities for encounterspecific actions (like AMS of Blood DK to prevent the debuff of JinRokh as often as possible)

it will do:
- the rotation
- save your life
- make your dpsers looking like nubs with bad gear!
O.o gotta... gear... tank... NAW!
(which specific cd's will it use for paladin? if that's not too much to ask of ;)
since we're dependant on our cds to live :S )
O.o gotta... gear... tank... NAW!
(which specific cd's will it use for paladin? if that's not too much to ask of ;)
since we're dependant on our cds to live :S )

- Holy Prism
- Light's Hammer
- Word of Glory
- Avenging Wrath
- Execution Sentence
- Shield of the Righteous
- Divine Protection
- Lay on Hands
- Holy Avenger
- Guardian of Ancient Kings
- Ardent Defender

but all of them can be setup :) if u wanna disable one or more of'em ... set the dependicies to false (if possible) or to 0
I'm tanking with Pally and DK atm, the real survivability talents are enabled for me (Holy Avenger,Ardent Defender, Shield,Lay on Hands), the DPS talents are enabled (AW) all the others i've disbled for situational using by hand and it is working good all the time, sometimes i enable all CDs (on farmbosses or very bad groups where MY life is more important than the live of some dpsers)
Is it possible to disable only certain interrupts? For example, my pandaren hunter seems to actually stop her rotation if I'm not in range for "Quaking Palm". If I was a melee, that would be fine, but since I'm not, I'd like to only use Silencing Shot.
Also, in V2 Hunter's Mark still casts when disabled. It's a tad annoying to mark every single piece of trash I target.
Quaking Palm is handled specifically in spell.cs. There is no distance check on it (and I have no idea what the range is) but something like the following should work:
Cast("Quaking Palm", onUnit, ret => onUnit(ret).Distance < 8))
I'm sure one of the devs will fix it when they get a chance.

I've not played with V2 yet, but I'll switch to it this weekend and update the SV hunter routine to fix the hunter's mark problem and any other glitches I find.
Spent 2 days primarily working on Demonology Warlocks... Here's the changes...

Warlocks - All:
- Grimoire of Service will no longer force you into combat by summoning the second pet instead of pre-buffing activities.
- Kil'Jaeden's Cunning setting removed. If we have the talent, we obviously want to cast while moving!
- Setting default values amended

Warlock - Demonology:
- Major code re-write
- Updated recommended spec
- Removed Lua call for demonic fury (performance increase)
- CR's call to Medic() will no longer trigger offensive cooldowns.
- 'While moving' code optimised
- Life Tap will now work out the exact value of mana to be returned, and cast it when optimal (to prevent any waste).
- Corruption will no longer hard cast (once the debuff is active). Instead it will switch into demon form and cast touch of chaos to increase it's duration.
- Will now stay in demon form until <= 650 fury, instead of <= 750 fury.
- Some minor priority changes when deciding on what spell to cast and when.
- AoE Specific: Will not cancel Metamorphosis if Immolation Aura active.
- AoE Specific: Will now refresh corruption on targets we've previously multi-dotted using Void Ray.
- AoE Specific: Fixed pausing when high AoE unit count
- AoE Specific: Will now use the setting 'Use AoE Abilities'
- AoE Specific: Follows same shapeshifting logic as single target mode (which has been optimised correctly).
- AoE Specific: Immolation Aura will now correctly cast before multi-dotting.
- AoE Specific: Added setting to allow facing target before casting void ray.
- AoE Specific: Will use Hand of Gul'dan in heavy AoE situations to generate fury when unable to cast metamorphosis.
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Quick update to Balance Druids - Added setting to allow multi dotting in single target mode.
PureRotation Version 2 has been released!

This is the biggest release, and update to PureRotation since it's release. The team, and testers have spent some serious hours working on and tweaking nearly all rotations, we hope you all enjoy it !

Please update from the /trunk/ SVN (using the link on the first post in the thread). Those of you who were using /branch/ must switch back to /trunk/, as /branch/ will no longer be updated (and has been deleted).

Enjoy the weekend!
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is it me or does the troll racial not work? :(

at least it isn't working on my lock :(
Thanks, we've just noticed not all files have merged over correctly. We're looking at it.

Any idea about Blood DK useing gloves n trinket and just autoattacking? did a clean install only latest Pure in and still the same
Post a log :)
Already posted ;)
it is all good with his log, no issues with his installation, it is an error in the routine
i'll test it on an elemental shaman with ingi profession in .... 8 hours or so