Im a sage, and all this rotation does for me is cast Weaken Mind. Nothing else.
Super helpful and detailed feedback. Try updating from SVN
Thanks for the helpful hint.
I installed a fresh BW, updated from the SVN, allocated my skills to Balance tree, loaded Combat Bot.xml, went out in the open, level 51, targeted a mob, initiated combat, and the routine only casts Weaken Mind.
To better illustrate my problem, what more info do you need?
Thanks for help.
Spell.Cast("Weaken Mind", ret => !Me.CurrentTarget.HasDebuff("Weaken Mind (Force)")),
View attachment 139847
well tried TK as well, and this was even odder.
Log shows different spells cast, but it only cast this AOE spell, cant remember the name now... the one you cast, earthquake style
This cast didnt show up on log or on the status window in bot.
View attachment 139953
Here ya go, fresh install, no plugins, only Pure in routines folder. Be there 2 or 1 mob, it casts Forcequake, then sometimes a Telekinetic Wave. But mostly it just spams Forcequake. I killed 5 mobs there, 1 group of 2 mobs, 1 group of 1 mob, and again a 2 mobs group.
Hello guys.
Unpure doesnt revive character and do not scaveng corpses and nodes.
How to fix this?
i have tried for a few weeks now and i cannot get this to work all it does is cast stealth and stand next to npcs and cast recklessness it does not engage fights or anything i deleted all the plugins and performed the installation the way it was supposed to be done