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Pure SWTor

Hah, whoops, did Corruption not have a DPS rotation? We usually added a minor DPS rotation for Healing specs-- I know Commando and Scoundrel have them.
Nevermind me. I have an outdated version.
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Nevermind me. I have an outdated version.

Well let me know how it runs. It will only DPS while solo, but at the same time, several of us are trying to figure out why we can't get it to heal the companions. This means you may be at a disadvantage with a healing class while solo until we get it fixed (or we may never, it could be a BW problem). I'd recommend the Lightning tree with a tank companion or healing companion for now-- the Lightning rotation is finely tuned and absolutely destroys the mobs.
Well let me know how it runs. It will only DPS while solo, but at the same time, several of us are trying to figure out why we can't get it to heal the companions. This means you may be at a disadvantage with a healing class while solo until we get it fixed (or we may never, it could be a BW problem). I'd recommend the Lightning tree with a tank companion or healing companion for now-- the Lightning rotation is finely tuned and absolutely destroys the mobs.
My Smuggler/Sawbones heals companion just fine when solo, not sure about the Sorc/Corruption, will check it :)
I have had this bot for the past 2 hours and in 2 hours still cannot figure out how to load a profile. I want to control the movement and targetting of the mobs / players, so I read that the pure swtor bot is the best for that. If that is incorrect, please tell me.

I need an explanation on how to install the profile. For example when i go to the thread for pure swtor, there is nothing to download or install. This doesnt make any sense. It should be so difficult to figure out. I am a really smart guy. It just doesnt make any sense. The guide on the website doesnt explain how to install the profile; only load it.

Is the Combat Bot.xml - the correct one that I need or should I go into classes and select say Guardian for my Guardian?

Also, the Combat Bot.xml - when I click it - it takes me to a blank page - There is nothing on the webpage or an option to download anything - please help me out. Pretty please with Sugar on Top.
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lol dude, i hope you arent trolling...

Still in the bot press, load profile, and select Combat Bot.xml.
Then pick the PURE combat routine.
Press start, and move around. whenever you select something the bot will take over fighting.
First of all, you need to control your tone. A lot. In each of the threads you've opened or posted in, you're coming off as hostile, whether or not you mean it, and you're not going to get any help or answers that way.

I'm going to try to help you through this process. First you need to access the SVN here: https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/pureswtor/trunk/PureSwtor/

If you don't know how to get SVN's to work, you need to read the thread here: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...des/124801-guide-how-download-update-svn.html

Create a new folder in your Buddywing/Routines folder. Name it PureSWTOR. Now, using your SVN client, update from the PureSwtor SVN server. Your SVN client will download a bunch of files.

Next, start up SWTOR. Make sure you run it in ADMINISTRATOR mode. Log into your Madness Sorc, and once he/she's in the world, you can start up Buddywing. Again, make sure Buddywing is in ADMINISTRATOR mode.

Buddywing will load up, and you should see that it has recognized your character's class and spec. If it doesn't, that means you haven't added your skill points correctly (best bet is to fill out one tree first, don't use hybrids).

Once Buddywing loads up, click on the second tab at the top. You'll see that the Default Routine is selected under the Routines drop-down menu. Open that menu and select PureSWTOR. You can also select UnPure, but that rotation will handle movement, which you don't want.

After you've selected Pure, one of two things will happen: 1. The rotation will load fine and you'll be all set, or 2. The bot will freak out and you'll get a bunch of Compiler Errors in the log. If #2 happens, you need to shut down the bot, go to your Buddywing folder, and find the folder called Compiled Assemblies. Open this folder, and delete everything inside. Then simply restart the bot and you should be okay.

Once your rotation is loaded, you need to go back to the original tab at the top, and select your profile. Since you want to handle movement, you simply need to select a blank profile. Conveniently, Pure has a blank profile, called "Combat Bot" included in the SVN download. You'll find it in your Routines/PureSWTOR folder. Simply click the Load button, select Combat Bot, and click the Start Button. Your character should now perform his/her rotation.

I should finally add that Pure is built around level 55 characters, and sometimes won't function on lower level characters. That is because our routine is built around a Priority Selector, so if you're missing certain abilities, it can lock up the routine. If this happens, you should try Walter's or Joe's routine instead. If not, enjoy Pure!
Well thanks. Finally. And yes, this was not explained in the manual or the dummies guide. So it wasnt due to a lack of computer skills. Anyway, I will try these instructions out.
If you still have trouble, it's usually helpful if we can get a log file to browse through. They're found in your Buddywing/Logs folder. Good luck and hopefully it works!

EDIT: I'll keep an eye on this thread and check it every hour or so until about 10pm EST
Hey I did everything you just said and - it works - thanks a lot - All i was saying was these step by step instructions are not on the manual or dummies guide - They also are not on the main page of the thread either. I dont see how anyone is supposed to know how to do this without posting like myself - anyway the reason I posted in multiple threads was because some of them were from 2011 or 2012 and I didnt want to wait a week for a response.

My computer skills are just fine. Anyway, thanks for the assistance. I appreciate it.

I am wondering however - do these work for pvp and also what is the difference between Pure and Unpure. Does one work better with pve and the other pvp - also does unpure allow me to control the movement more?
First of all, I'm glad you got it to work. The bot can be complicated sometimes for several reasons. First, and most important, SWTOR's code itself is a fucking mess and constant shifts data around which crashes the bot. Secondly, because SWTOR is less popular, the bot doesn't get as much support as Honorbuddy.

PvP doesn't work, mostly because other players going into stealth can cause the bot to crash. So it works, but your bot will likely crash periodically.
Thanks a lot - I just joined warzone and my buddywing stopped working - Does it not work in warzones? Also, when I closed buddywing in order to reset it - thinking it might require a reset when going into a new zone - it said I had max sessions - but that isnt possible because I still had SWTOR on - I only had 1 client running - this is obviously a bug. I shouldnt have to close out of SWTOR when resetting BuddyWing - please tell me that isnt the case - you have to restart SWTOR everytime you change into a new zone or want to reset buddywing when it freezes. How do I fix this?

Much appreciated. You last response was hugely helpful.
Max sessions happens when the bot doesn't shut down properly. Basically, the authentication website still thinks you're logged in. You can go here: Home Page - Buddy Auth Portal and log in and select Sessions from the menu at the top. There, you should see your current session. Simply check the box and select "Kill" then you should be able to log in. You won't have to close out SWTOR to do all this, just Buddywing.

For warzones, everything I said about PvP still holds. Sometimes, you'll load in and the bot will work fine. Sometimes, you'll load in the bot will crash. Like I said, this is a SWTOR issue: the game moves data around when you zone, which wrecks havoc on the bot. On top of that, players using stealth (which happens all the time in PvP) causes major issues with GetHealth functions. That's why the bot works very well solo, great in groups, and not-so-great in PvP.
Thanks again for the response. I really appreciate it. Sorry about before. PVP is the main thing that I am interested in doing in this game. Is there a profile that is really good with pvp or a way to reduce the chance of it wigging out and when it does wig out - do I just reset the bot the way you suggested? What is your experience pvping with the bot - is it just impossible or does it wig out say 1 time per game or else dozens of times per game. But yah, is there a really good profile that at leadt experiences very few problems in pvp?

The reason I ask is because the Bot not very useful to me endgame without it working in PvP as i mainly want it to function as a rotation macro in pvp ~ ill still use it to farm ~ however, if PvP really isnt a viable option ~ is there a good rotation autohotkey script you know of that I can use for PvP only ~ I'm a sorc; jugg; sniper
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Why would you want a bot for pvp anyway? 90 percent of the thrill of pvp is the feeling that you know you're better than the other kid. If you need a script to help you kill other players you're probably not cut out for pvp. In my opinion, Bots should only be used for levelling up/grinding to endgame so you can enjoy the fun things the game has to offer

Just my two cents
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Because its super fun ~ lol. I just want an easy rotation script or whatever for PvP ~ I don't care about being better ~ just making people cry in frustration. Haha.

Isn't the main problem with the bot trying to auto target people in stealth or after popping out of stealth ~ wouldn't it work if I disabled auto target ~ I would even pay to have someone introduce a plugin or something to make the bots more viable for PvP ~ anyway, what is the best one for a PvP rotstion ? Pure or one of the others ?
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If you go fully pvp, i think you have to edit the routine yourself to use pvp spec skills etc.
Current release is, if im not mistaken, purely PVE.
Ah okay. Is it difficult to change? Or just a matter of changing the spell names? Sorry for all of the questions.
Ah okay. Is it difficult to change? Or just a matter of changing the spell names? Sorry for all of the questions.

It depends on your abilities with scripting. If you open up an individual class' file (Under Buddywing/Routines/PureSWTOR/Classes/Sorcerer/Madness.cs) you will be able to see several sections: PreCombat, Buffs, AoE, SingleTarget. You could either swap around the stuff in the AoE and SingleTarget sections, or (for advanced users) you could create a new function called PvP and craft a PvP rotation there. If you scroll all the way to the bottom, you'll see we have a PvP Priority Selector, but it just uses the PvE stuff.
Ah cool. So it automatically switches to pvp mode when entering a WZ; but utilizes the pve rotation correct?