i sometimes have an issue where if i target an enemy it will go through the rotation fine but if i change target mid-way through it will no execute the attack anymore unless i start/stop the bot. is there a better way to do this while in combat?
Any reason it was working fine last night and now when I am using it on my Sith Warrior it just keeps saying >> Casting Shii-Cho Form << Over and over? It's already cast, when I un cast it it casts it but then keeps trying it.... Not doing the rotation at all because of it.
how do i tun off automatic reviving when dead?
Any reason it was working fine last night and now when I am using it on my Sith Warrior it just keeps saying >> Casting Shii-Cho Form << Over and over? It's already cast, when I un cast it it casts it but then keeps trying it.... Not doing the rotation at all because of it.
Have you updated svn? This is something we fixed last week.
Yeah I updated with SVN. It is a newbie warrior. It stopped working on my Level 22 Marauder last night for no apparent reason and wasn't working today. However the Shii-Cho problem is on a Level 7 Newbie at the moment. Is it just sucky on Level 1-10? When it worked right it was bloody heaven.
Hey Ama nice fix man. I am guessing Sith Juggernaut/ Jedi Knight one handed sabers are having issues? When I was using my Newbie Sith warrior around level 12, it doesn't charge at target, it will start rotation then after 3 or 4 attacks or so it will stop and give up. Logged my Marauder at level 20 and it charges and works flawlessly just like before. Is Juggernaut/one handed saber classes of the sort not fully working or tested?
is there any line of code that can make Pulse Canon better?
The problem is he is not facing at the target and sometimes it throws it away in the other direction of the target.
the whole aoe part is not really working as i for example want it...
but yeah for starters you could check Me.IsFacing and add a Me.CurrentTarget.Face() before the cast.