Everything is possible, even with this bot. The key is persistence, not just giving up if a session wasn't successful, switching decks straight away, etc etc etc. Gotta stick to one and that is what I did. The meta right now is only slowly solidifying so a deck that got me 13-3 one night could go 12-15 the next one and then be positive again after that. Also note that wild is a little less polulated, so if you play at night you might easily get the same opponent you've beaten again..and again..and beat him again.
Anyways, I've also tried achieving legend in standard as well but it just wasn't possible for me. At one point, I was 2 wins away from Legend, dropped to rank four..then I was one win away..dropped to rank 3 the next day as all of a sudden I only faced rogues. It was easier to rank up at the beginning where there were more aggro than midrange, now there is as many midrange ones as there is aggro decks. Right now it is a game of who plays first and curves out the best.. if you opponent has two good first and second turn draws it is often gg already.