i added a Leeory, still at R10...im still using it...hopefully it will reach R5 soon.Hello,I use your pirate warrior deck,remove 1 southsea captain and plus 1 ooze,but I don't use Leeory.
I got 62-50 in Asia from R11 to R6.
Thank you very much,Otis.
Hello,I use your pirate warrior deck,remove 1 southsea captain and plus 1 ooze,but I don't use Leeory.
I got 62-50 in Asia from R11 to R6.
First of all, Leeroy sux. Enemy HP 25, my board 3/3 and 3/1 weapon, enemy board 1/3, 5 mana available, Hand: leeroy, cultist, krok... Bot plays Leeroy and go all face... well done his hp is 13 now, but he also has 2 x 1/1 to clear board and win game...
Second, I win no matches vs Pirate Shaman.
Third, I win mostly mirrors without Ooz just coz opponents do not trade.
Least, ignore my deck changes Reckless Rocketeer > Leeroy, Fool's Bane is being Upgraded for no reason, Harrison - no idea... all good cards to play manualy needs to be implemented into routine to be playable by bot.
- never play N'Zoths First Mate if we already have a weapon
[*]tweaked Upgrade! penality/bonus
- no penality if we have no weapons or weapongivers in hand
- big penality if we have a weapon or weapongiver in hand that is playable this turn or next turn
- small bonus if we have a weapon equipped
- bigger bonus to upgrade bigger weapons
thanks man! it looks like Drogon Priset and Warrior had been improved, i will try them; be the way, i hit R8 in China with WarriorSorry guys, I did some small mistakes in the last update. Also some penalities weren't high enough to make the bot do what we want.
Big thanks to Iso![]()
I need the UILogg for that match. They are located in Hearthbuddy Folder\Routines\DefaultRoutine\Silverfish\Ultimate Logs
Download latest update
Update8.1 Download updated in first post!
- fixed typo in Upgrade! penality(used > instead of <)
- raised penality to use Mortal Strike on minions if lethal is close(unless not killing the minion gives opponnent (possible)lethal)
- lowered penality to break pirate synergies if we have no other options(don't keep em in hand forever)
- no penality to play Acidic Swamp Ooze vs mage
- added small penality to play Finley over other options
- added small bonus to play Small Time Buccaneer
- added a lot of mSoG spells to Databases to apply global bonuses/penalities on them(don't know why HB devs didn't add them)
- added penality to play Drakonid Operative without another dragon in hand
Big thanks to Iso![]()
Anytime.But it's rly bad now man... Not hitting face at all, hitting 1/1 with 5/2 weapon. Logs after shower.
Old mid Shaman deck just replace a Jinyu Waterspeakerim try hard on rank 9/11 with a pirate deck (eu) @everybody the deck for pushing on rank5+ who is?
the shaman mid? the new shaman mid don't have golem? 0_0