Has anyone gotten banned doing this? I used one without knowing it took me to fricken dalaran and i got a 72 hour ban for just sitting there doing perfect fishing for 3 hours infront of everyone, and i dont want to get another perma ban.
Any clue why it keeps changing the secondary bot to combatbot from autoangler2?
Edit: Fixed it, just had to change the console from changing it to combatbot...
Well.. This suckt.. installed the needed addons and shit, and now the bott wont start... Clicking to logg in on the bott and it just shuts down
Got it fixed. how ever got the problem that he dont catch the fish when it bites.. any ideas?
Check - Install ProfessionBuddy in your Bots folder of HB.
Check - Install AutoAngler in your Plugin folder of HB.
Check - Download the .xml file and put in in Bots/ProfessionBuddy/Profiles folder.
Check - Start HB and choose ProfessionBuddy as your BotBase. ( like you choose LazyRaider, Questing, Grind Bot .....) Don't choose AutoAngler !!!!
Not in the list of Profiles. - Click on Bot Config and load the downloaded file. (it should be in the list with Profiles, if not, then you did something wrong, read again then)
* Also, I can't select AutoAngler in the PB Window Profile. I have it installed in the Plugins folder as mentioned in the OP, but nothing shows up there.
Same here, Plugin doesn´t show up.
For this profile, go into AutoAngler2 settings and turn "Pool Fishing" to false. Then try the script again. Should work fine.