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ProfessionBuddy doesn't work.

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Ok next problem:
When I use the 1-50 profile he wanted to clear my bags and mail but 1) I don't want to mal the trade goods and 2) he just stands in from of the mailbox and does nothing. There's not even an option to turn mailing to false.
Log after some mining/herbing with 1-50: View attachment 38731

And now for no reason, when I manually load the 1-525 pack he wants to empy my bags at the mailbox even there are 58 empty slots...
He also just stands in from of the mail box... So I can't upload a log from 1-525 with just flying arount atm because of this problem x.x
In Profile settings set 'Ah Items' to 'True'
It's on "True", that's the problem. I don't get whats wrong.. some months ago when I used PB it worked perfectly..
It shouldn't be trying to send mail. When the bot goes to train it will stop at a mailbox to get all mail and then stop at the AH to post all the gathered goods on AH and then it goes off to train. I'll need to see a log.
Already posted the log.. but here again:View attachment 38732

It says [00:26:19:050] Mine/Herb 1-525: Emptying my bags in Org and walks to the mailbox.
System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Ein Aufrufziel hat einen Ausnahmefehler verursacht. ---> Styx.InvalidObjectPointerException: Der Deskriptor kann auf einem falschen Objekt nicht gelesen werden.
I think if you restart HB then it'll start working again
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Ok this time he walked to the mailbox, mailed no items, and created auctions with nearly all my stuff in bags (even Chaos Orbs) with a really LOW price. He just created like 15 auctions in just some seconds without undercutting the current auctions. The prices are complete random... is that normal?

Log if you need it: View attachment 27.03.2012_01_07 5208 Log.txt
Already restarted HB, thats why he created auctions.

edit: it also seems like I have to restart hb AND wow because now he stands again just in front of the mailbox.

quick question: So is it normal that he doesnt undercut when he puts the trade goods in the auction house? he just randomly puts the things in the ah in a few seconds...

sorry that i take so much time from you...
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Sorry mates,

I'm nearly done and it works much better than at the start but could u please help me with these question:

1) Is it normal that he doesn't undercut competition in the auction house and instead just creates auctions with nearly random prices in just some seconds?
After 10 min. the hb stop

I use the mining and herb after 10-15 Min. the bot stop the farmig. whats the problem?
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