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ProfessionBuddy doesn't work.

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Aug 5, 2011
Hey, I already posted in this thread but nobody could help me in that case.

My problem is that when I choose ProfessionBuddy -> Bot configuration -> select 1-525 profile -> load profile -> start he doesn't do anything.
In "debug" he keeps saying errors and there're just changing numbers in "[20:02:59:106] Cleared POI - Reason Exception in Root.Tick()
[20:02:59:106] Cleared POI"
He just stands still and does nothing.

I trained both professions before I started the bot and also tried to start one profile with GB2 manually which worked but there's no autoswitch between profiles and no auto-ah part. :(

Someone has an idea of whats the problem?

Here's the log: View attachment 26.03.2012_20_00 5348 Log - Professionbuddy.txt

Thanks in advance!
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try a new Hb installation from scratch and let me know
hey guys, I;m new and i am really getting aggrivated with this thing becaus ei know its go to be the easiest thing in the world.. Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
I cant fix it.. i dont know what to do. I know i'm supposed to change the "CC" but what the heck is that and where do i find it? im sorry but i honestly browsed these forums for 2 hours and couldnt fix it.. please help.
Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to level 0 - 2147483647
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Hi m8 :)

A "CC" is a Custom Class - if you look inside your HB folders, you will see a folder named "Custom Classes". A CC basically is a routine HB uses to make your toon fight.

If I was you, regardless of the class you're currently playing, use "Singular".


1. Open your HB like normal and sign in
2. Start your bot like normal and when it asks what CC you want t use - click "Singular"

If at any time you want to change your CC, you can browse the "Classes" forum (Found here ---> Classes) and choose one that suits you. Simply download it, unpack it and place it in your CC folder. When you restart HB, it will appear as a choice for you and you can select it.

Hope this helps - if not - just yell :)
you are trying to load a PB profile on Gb2

you have 2 options

1)Use a Gb2 profile
2)Use ProfessionBuddy
well i got it running.. but its farming greays caus ei had it at 150.. hopefully it willmake its way up to the good ones- thanks :)
Bradleyhird: The log shows that ProfessionBuddy wasn't the bot being used.

MadPod: your log shows that a GB2 profile is being loaded but soon after something is loading an empty profile and it isn't PB doing it. The error is coming from GB2 because it can't handle an empty profile. This is what you can try. From within HB click the "Load Profile' button and then browse to Honorbuddy\Bots\ProfessionBuddy\Profiles\HBProfiles\(GB2 1-300)Herb&Mining\Alliance and load '(GB2 1-75)(Elwynn.Alliance)Herb&Mining.xml' file, and press start. Hope this helps.
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Bradleyhird: The log shows that ProfessionBuddy wasn't the bot being used.

MadPod: your log shows that a GB2 profile is being loaded but soon after something is loading an empty profile and it isn't PB doing it. The error is coming from GB2 because it can't handle an empty profile. This is what you can try. From within HB click the "Load Profile' button and then browse to Honorbuddy\Bots\ProfessionBuddy\Profiles\HBProfiles\(GB2 1-300)Herb&Mining\Alliance and load '(GB2 1-75)(Elwynn.Alliance)Herb&Mining.xml' file, and press start. Hope this helps.

When I load it manually it works but I guess it won't change to the next profile automatically and sells the stuff in ah?
When I load it manually it works but I guess it won't change to the next profile automatically and sells the stuff in ah?
It will as long as you have PB set as your bot and Mining/herb 1-525 loaded. See you can have a PB profile and a HB/GB2 profile loaded at the same time.
It will as long as you have PB set as your bot and Mining/herb 1-525 loaded. See you can have a PB profile and a HB/GB2 profile loaded at the same time.
Sorry I don't get what you mean. I manually load the 1-50 profile (I'm horde). When I try to load manually the 1-525 pack he flies around but doesn't herb or mine by the way... He just flies around.
Sorry I don't get what you mean. I manually load the 1-50 profile (I'm horde). When I try to load manually the 1-525 pack he flies around but doesn't herb or mine by the way... He just flies around.
Can you attach the log of it doing this? I'm guessing 'Mining' and 'Herb' are set to 'false' in the PBs Profile settings or in GB2 settings.
Ok next problem:
When I use the 1-50 profile he wanted to clear my bags and mail but 1) I don't want to mal the trade goods and 2) he just stands in from of the mailbox and does nothing. There's not even an option to turn mailing to false.
Log after some mining/herbing with 1-50: View attachment 27.03.2012_00_00 6712 Log - Mail.txt

And now for no reason, when I manually load the 1-525 pack he wants to empy my bags at the mailbox even there are 58 empty slots...
He also just stands in from of the mail box... So I can't upload a log from 1-525 with just flying arount atm because of this problem x.x
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