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[Professionbuddy] AHBuddy - Full Auction House Bot

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I just wanted to try the bot, but i'm doing something terebly wrong i think. Ik downloaded the SVN link, opened HB and started it in ProfBud, but it's not working.
What am i doing wrong?

if you post a log we can try to figure it out for you
How do I change this

PB 1.471: Skipping Cobalt Ore since lowest buyout:1g45s0c is below MinBuyout:2g0s0c
PB 1.471: Skipping Copper Ore since lowest buyout:0g67s59c is below MinBuyout:0g90s0c
PB 1.471: Skipping Stormvine since lowest buyout:0g82s0c is below MinBuyout:1g10s0c

To sell lower than the MinBuyout? Without changing the values on the notepad, because it would take a lot of time.

Nice profile though.


Edit: Goldclover, Solid Stone, Coarse Stone, Dreamfoil, Kadghar's Whisker, Fadeleaf, Mountain Silversage, Stormvine, Blindweed aren't on the list and aren't being sold.

Inferno Ruby is selling higher than the lowest Inferno Ruby on the AH, what happened? I changed to sell even if the MinBuyOut wasn't the one set, and I changed it because I've bought Inferno Ruby's at 5g each and they are selling on the AH at 50g+, but the bot put them to sale at 65g, the MaxBuyOut. What is the problem here?
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i figuered out what went wrong and it's working now. only need to add everthing in .txt
looks good so far, to bad it isnt screening AH and posting everthing from my GB onto the AH for a lower price automaticly, or i still need to figure it out a bit more (also possible)

The only error it's giving is:
Err: Unable to link action that produced Error: The type HighVoltz.Util already exists in c:\****\Application Data\Bossland GmbH\Honorbuddy\\CompiledHonorbuddyAssemblies\AutoAngler2_634735408171717836.dll and c:\*****\Application Data\Bossland GmbH\Honorbuddy\\CompiledHonorbuddyAssemblies\ProfessionBuddy_634735408182186452.dll
Err: Unable to link action that produced Error: HighVoltz.Util does not containt defenition for GetBankItemCount

I translated it into enlgish
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Every time the bot scan ah for items to buy, i end up whit 60+ of Dream emerald. Why does it do this? And can it be fixed?
Every time the bot scan ah for items to buy, i end up whit 60+ of Dream emerald. Why does it do this? And can it be fixed?
Lucky you, mine has already bought >2500 (!) Volatiles and I can't seem to sell them that fast, obviously. It already spent 23000 gold and I hardly ever sell anything. So, in the default config it's really a money pit for me. :)
BTW: Mine also buys Dream Emeralds every time. I now cancelled the purchasing of Volatiles because I'm loaded with these now...
Lucky you, mine has already bought >2500 (!) Volatiles and I can't seem to sell them that fast, obviously. It already spent 23000 gold and I hardly ever sell anything. So, in the default config it's really a money pit for me. :)
BTW: Mine also buys Dream Emeralds every time. I now cancelled the purchasing of Volatiles because I'm loaded with these now...

The idea is good it gather data every 2 week from that website they posted in first thread, but it kinda suck you cant choose which server YOU want data from. Would make things much better so me and Soeski wont end up whit tons of Volatile and Dream Emerald's we cant get rid of.

I feel sorry for you mate. :( 23k gold kinda wasted.
Really nice profile like it alot

+ puts all auctions that u want
+ Buy things of your choice
+ cancel auctions (i hate clickin blizz 1 by 1 cancel button)
+ refreshes and undercuts
+ works great with auctioneer

- requires a litte bit editing of prices in the xml (posting 397 gear for 100g, posting 200 of some vilatile's for 20'000 and small other wierd things)
- cant feel real time prices and edit them by itself (as prices differ by server to server and week to week)

Would be awsome if u or someone wanted to code a plugin th hb that could edit the xml or something like that.
But great work man many thumbs up :-P
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i use mailbox addon but it doesnt seem to ue it it grabs items 1 by 1 but same speed as my mail addon does
can u add INFERNO INK please?

Here you go m8 - just add this into your profile .xml

<!--Inferno Ink-->

<SellItemOnAhAction Category="TradeGoods" SubCategoryType="WoWItemTradeGoodsClass" SubCategory="None" UseCategory="False" RunTime="_24_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="61980" MinBuyout="90g0s0c" MaxBuyout="130g0s0c" StackSize="1" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" Amount="10" BidPrecent="95" UndercutPrecent="0.001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" Location="0, 0, 0" />

Change the amount / minbuyout / maxbuyout etc as you want and then hit save - I didn't include a "buy from AH" option, this is just to sell on the AH :)
will this bot withdraw things from my guild bank and personal bank and put the items into the AH
if so how do i enable that
Would you consider adding an option to pulls mats from the guild bank, maybe when bags are empty or every hour or something?
Would you consider adding an option to pulls mats from the guild bank, maybe when bags are empty or every hour or something?
I'm working on an option to withdraw materials from personal and guild bank.
Would it be possible to get an option to change the data to your server needs?
You have to change the prices manually in the profile, unless someone makes a plugin to change the prices from an underminejournal xml.
I don't know if this has already been discussed or not, but will you be able to add a variable which will search for the items on the server where the bot is running?

ie: In the AHBuddy.xml we would be able to choose which server the bot is, and the bot would update AHBuddy.xml through the TheUndermineJournal.
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