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[Professionbuddy] AHBuddy - Full Auction House Bot

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I checked the thread and it looks like a year since anyone mentioned this, but what's up with support for a relogger like HBRelog? Mine seems to be working kinda ok, but it waits until the wait timer in AHBuddy is complete before HBRelog initiates the next task of logging off and starting the idle timer. This means the bot has time to cancel all of the undercut auctions again, but gets shut down before it has a chance to repost them.
Hopefully today/tomorrow. I was already working on trade chat advertisement before the tripwire went off again.
Hopefully today/tomorrow. I was already working on trade chat advertisement before the tripwire went off again.
Fantastic! Yeah, that tripwire is a pain... but I'm glad it works. Kind of like an alarm system when you think about it. Sure it's annoying if it goes off, but at least you know it functions as intended.

As far as HBRelog goes, I'll keep an eye on this thread. Hand-in-hand support with AHBuddy would be awesome, though, and it would definitely make life easier!

Thanks for doing what you do. :)
hi all
ive been using this for a while now selling my bits and bobs and works very well. I am now wanting to go one further and use the buying function, however i just can not make head nor tail or the instructions or commands. id like to confirm a few things please

i have changed these lines in the AHbuddy.XML

<Settings DefaultValue="True" Type="Boolean" Name="Buy Herbs" Summary="Buys Pandarian herbs." Category="AH Buy" Global="True" Hidden="True" />
<Settings DefaultValue="True" Type="Boolean" Name="Buy Ore" Summary="Buys Pandarian Ore." Category="AH Buy" Global="True" Hidden="True" />
<Settings DefaultValue="True" Type="Boolean" Name="Buy Mounts" Summary="Buys Mounts." Category="AH Buy" Global="True" Hidden="True" />
<Settings DefaultValue="True" Type="Boolean" Name="Buy Rare Companions" Summary="Buys Rare Companions." Category="AH Buy" Global="True" Hidden="True" />
<Settings DefaultValue="True" Type="Boolean" Name="Buy Enchanting Materials" Summary="Buys Pandarian enchanting materials." Category="AH Buy" Global="True" Hidden="True" />
<Settings DefaultValue="True" Type="Boolean" Name="Buy Sha Crystal Enchants" Summary="Buys enchants that require Sha Crystals." Category="AH Buy" Global="True" Hidden="True" />
<Settings DefaultValue="True" Type="Boolean" Name="Buy Cooking Materials" Summary="Buys Pandarian fish, meat and vegetables used for cooking." Category="AH Buy" Global="True" Hidden="True" />
<Settings DefaultValue="True" Type="Boolean" Name="Buy Flasks" Summary="Buys Pandarian flasks." Category="AH Buy" Global="True" Hidden="True" />
<Settings DefaultValue="True" Type="Boolean" Name="Buy Gems" Summary="Buys Pandarian cut Gems." Category="AH Buy" Global="True" Hidden="True" />
<Settings DefaultValue="True" Type="Boolean" Name="Buy Cloth" Summary="Buys all types of Cloth." Category="AH Buy" Global="True" Hidden="True" />
<Settings DefaultValue="False" Type="Boolean" Name="Buy Glyphs" Summary="Buys Glyphs." Category="AH Buy" Global="False" Hidden="False" />

I have changed the values from false to try, i understans also i need to tell the bot what price i want to pay is this also correct and where to i find these lines to change?
my thanks for help ( or is there a downloadable list somewhere i can have? )
hi all
ive been using this for a while now selling my bits and bobs and works very well. I am now wanting to go one further and use the buying function, however i just can not make head nor tail or the instructions or commands. id like to confirm a few things please

i have changed these lines in the AHbuddy.XML

<Settings DefaultValue="True" Type="Boolean" Name="Buy Herbs" Summary="Buys Pandarian herbs." Category="AH Buy" Global="True" Hidden="True" />
<Settings DefaultValue="True" Type="Boolean" Name="Buy Ore" Summary="Buys Pandarian Ore." Category="AH Buy" Global="True" Hidden="True" />
<Settings DefaultValue="True" Type="Boolean" Name="Buy Mounts" Summary="Buys Mounts." Category="AH Buy" Global="True" Hidden="True" />
<Settings DefaultValue="True" Type="Boolean" Name="Buy Rare Companions" Summary="Buys Rare Companions." Category="AH Buy" Global="True" Hidden="True" />
<Settings DefaultValue="True" Type="Boolean" Name="Buy Enchanting Materials" Summary="Buys Pandarian enchanting materials." Category="AH Buy" Global="True" Hidden="True" />
<Settings DefaultValue="True" Type="Boolean" Name="Buy Sha Crystal Enchants" Summary="Buys enchants that require Sha Crystals." Category="AH Buy" Global="True" Hidden="True" />
<Settings DefaultValue="True" Type="Boolean" Name="Buy Cooking Materials" Summary="Buys Pandarian fish, meat and vegetables used for cooking." Category="AH Buy" Global="True" Hidden="True" />
<Settings DefaultValue="True" Type="Boolean" Name="Buy Flasks" Summary="Buys Pandarian flasks." Category="AH Buy" Global="True" Hidden="True" />
<Settings DefaultValue="True" Type="Boolean" Name="Buy Gems" Summary="Buys Pandarian cut Gems." Category="AH Buy" Global="True" Hidden="True" />
<Settings DefaultValue="True" Type="Boolean" Name="Buy Cloth" Summary="Buys all types of Cloth." Category="AH Buy" Global="True" Hidden="True" />
<Settings DefaultValue="False" Type="Boolean" Name="Buy Glyphs" Summary="Buys Glyphs." Category="AH Buy" Global="False" Hidden="False" />

I have changed the values from false to try, i understans also i need to tell the bot what price i want to pay is this also correct and where to i find these lines to change?
my thanks for help ( or is there a downloadable list somewhere i can have? )
The line you need to change looks like this
<BuyItemFromAhAction ItemListType="Item" ItemID="43415" MaxBuyout="0g0s0c" Amount="20" BuyAdditively="False" AutoFindAh="True" BidOnItem="True" />
Updated the default profile with trade chat advertising, dnd message setting and hbrelog skip task support.
thanks for the reply, still having a couple of issues

i reset all values i changed before and changed this line

<!--Green Tea Leaf-->
<BuyItemFromAhAction ItemListType="Item" ItemID="72234" MaxBuyout="22g0s1c" Amount="20" BuyAdditively="False" AutoFindAh="True" BidOnItem="True" />
so as i understand any stacks under 22g0s01c it should buy,

also now when i start the bot i get this
Current Version: Revision 57 (No updates available)
Zone lock: Orgrimmar - Valley of Honor (1637)
Teleport distance: 15 yards
Datastore Addon: Disabled
Check Mail: Enabled
Post to the Auction House: Enabled
Cancel Undercut Auctions: Enabled
Buy from the Auction House: Disabled
Wait Timer: Disabled
Deposit Gold Threshold: Disabled
Current Gold: ????????

didnt used to get all this, so its I want it to NOT cancel undercut auctions and i want ti to buy from AH but i dont see where to change these, help please :D
Does this undercut the next lowest seller, or does it put stuff up at predefined prices?
If you don't want the bot to post auctions if the lowest price is below minimum, do a find/replace search in the profile for PostIfBelowMinBuyout="True" (change to false).
I noticed the bot no longer goes to different spots in the AH... for example, my toon always goes to the middle auctioneer in the SW Dwarven AH when it used to go to various spots in the room each time it checked the mail. Can this be brought back or did it never disappear and I'm missing something?
Hey, can you bring a option to say the Bot only take for Auction 50-100G? My problem is, that he put some low mats for high prices ( Like Classic Mat´s 2000G per Stack ). No one will buy this, so it would be nice to do the bot a profil for over all Cost´s of Mat´s. Thanks if you answer me :)
I noticed the bot no longer goes to different spots in the AH... for example, my toon always goes to the middle auctioneer in the SW Dwarven AH when it used to go to various spots in the room each time it checked the mail. Can this be brought back or did it never disappear and I'm missing something?
People were having issues with it (especially in Stormwind), so I temporarily removed it until I do some improvements to it.

Hey, can you bring a option to say the Bot only take for Auction 50-100G? My problem is, that he put some low mats for high prices ( Like Classic Mat´s 2000G per Stack ). No one will buy this, so it would be nice to do the bot a profil for over all Cost´s of Mat´s. Thanks if you answer me :)
It's most likely posting it at the max buyout, so the best solution for now would be just to lower the selling max buyout and in the future the profile editor will be able to make things like this easier.
It's most likely posting it at the max buyout, so the best solution for now would be just to lower the selling max buyout and in the future the profile editor will be able to make things like this easier.

I do about 1000 Auctionts per day, i have not the time for change all of the items max buyout, so maybe it give a overall maxbuyout?
Hello, I just started using professionbuddy so im trying to figure this all out. I got the ahbuddy profile from SVN and load the profile through bot config, however I don't see the setting where I can change the min/max buyout, or what items to sell etc. all I see is what seems to be couple preset settings in the "profile" tab and Cancel undercut auctions in the "profile settings" tab. I feel like ive almost got it but im just not looking at the right place. any help is appreciated!!! thanks!! :)
Just started using this profile today and I like it. But one thing that I noticed is that my poster will walk to the top of the platform and then all the way across to get to the auctioneer. Is there a way that i can change the pathing myself or make it so that it will only stay on the bottom but choose different auctioneers? This is in Stormwind.
I do about 1000 Auctionts per day, i have not the time for change all of the items max buyout, so maybe it give a overall maxbuyout?
Just do a find and replace all in notepad++ for maxbuyout.

Hello, I just started using professionbuddy so im trying to figure this all out. I got the ahbuddy profile from SVN and load the profile through bot config, however I don't see the setting where I can change the min/max buyout, or what items to sell etc. all I see is what seems to be couple preset settings in the "profile" tab and Cancel undercut auctions in the "profile settings" tab. I feel like ive almost got it but im just not looking at the right place. any help is appreciated!!! thanks!! :)
Info on how to setup prices manually is on the first post.

Just started using this profile today and I like it. But one thing that I noticed is that my poster will walk to the top of the platform and then all the way across to get to the auctioneer. Is there a way that i can change the pathing myself or make it so that it will only stay on the bottom but choose different auctioneers? This is in Stormwind.
Answered a posts above.

It does'nt update anything for me on the SVN?
I'll update the svn today or tomorrow.
The class profile currently loaded is Druid - Restoration, but the current toon is Monk - Windwalker. Please respec the toon, or select a proper class profile under settings before starting the bot.
Every damn time.
Please tell me what i need to do to get the class Settings twice or someting other.
After my farmchar Login at my bankchar the bot stops.
The class profile currently loaded is Druid - Restoration, but the current toon is Monk - Windwalker. Please respec the toon, or select a proper class profile under settings before starting the bot.
Every damn time.
Please tell me what i need to do to get the class Settings twice or someting other.
After my farmchar Login at my bankchar the bot stops.

This is happening because you're switching characters without restarting Honorbuddy. If you're using HBRelog, it's probably best to have your farm character log out, close HB/WoW, then restart the game and bot for your bank toon. Unfortunately I don't believe there's a way for the bot to automatically change class profiles when you switch toons.
How is it possible to got 1 farmer and 1 banker to bot full afk ?
Will Honorbuddy restart the game automaticly and takes the stuff to the auction house and logs back to the farmer ?
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