New Member
- Joined
- Mar 10, 2014
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- 310
how can i let AH buddy post some items singularily? i want to post gems for example in stacksize 1 (10 gems of each sort), but enchanting mats in 20 stacks etc. how is that possible?
[23:54:14.784 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.9958.729 started.
[23:54:15.878 N] Logging in...
[23:54:16.817 N] Attaching to D3D9
[23:54:17.113 N] Attached to WoW with ID 2100
[23:54:17.300 N] New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
[23:54:17.300 N] New bot added!: BGBuddy
[23:54:17.456 N] New bot added!: Dungeonbuddy
[23:54:17.519 N] New bot added!: Gatherbuddy2
[23:54:17.519 N] New bot added!: Grind Bot
[23:54:17.519 N] New bot added!: Questing
[23:54:17.550 N] New bot added!: Mixed Mode
[23:54:17.550 N] New bot added!: Party Bot
[23:54:17.550 N] New bot added!: [BETA] GrindBuddy
[23:54:17.550 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<BotBase> - Reloading Bots
[23:54:18.689 D] H: EE-4E-50-3E-DA-7B-BA-69-FF-63-C2-28-22-AA-66-68-67-A6-8E-69
[23:54:18.689 D] V: 2.5.9958.729
[23:54:18.938 N] New bot added!: Combat Bot
[23:54:18.938 N] New bot added!: ProfessionBuddy
[23:54:18.938 N] New bot added!: Raid Bot
[23:54:18.938 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.9958.729 started!
[23:54:18.938 D] Using WoW with process ID 2100
[23:54:18.938 D] Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
[23:54:18.938 D] Executable Path: C:\BOT\AHBOT\Honorbuddy.exe
[23:54:18.938 N] Character is a level 1 Orc Warrior
[23:54:18.938 N] Current zone is Orgrimmar
[23:54:18.954 D] UICulture: en-US
[23:54:18.954 D] UseFrameLock: True
[23:54:18.954 D] TicksPerSecond: 15
[23:54:18.954 D] CombatRoutinesPath: Routines
[23:54:18.954 D] ReloadRoutinesOnFileChange: False
[23:54:18.954 D] PluginsPath: Plugins
[23:54:18.954 D] ReloadPluginsOnFileChange: False
[23:54:18.954 D] BotsPath: Bots
[23:54:18.954 D] ReloadBotsOnFileChange: False
[23:54:18.954 D] QuestBehaviorsPath: Quest Behaviors
[23:54:18.954 D] MeshesFolderPath: C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes
[23:54:18.954 D] KillBetweenHotspots: True
[23:54:18.954 D] AdvancedSettingsMode: True
[23:54:18.954 D] LogoutForInactivity: False
[23:54:18.954 D] LogoutInactivityTimer: 20
[23:54:18.954 D] LogoutInactivityUseForceQuit: False
[23:54:18.954 D] ProfileDebuggingMode: False
[23:54:18.954 D] LogLevel: Normal
[23:54:18.954 D] SeperatedLogFolders: True
[23:54:18.954 D] SelectTalents: True
[23:54:18.954 D] ClassProfileName: Warrior - Protection
[23:54:18.954 D] AutoEquip: True
[23:54:18.954 D] AutoEquipBags: True
[23:54:18.954 D] AutoEquipWeapons: True
[23:54:18.954 D] AutoEquipArmor: True
[23:54:18.954 D] AutoEquipBoEEpics: False
[23:54:18.954 D] WeaponStyle: Automatic
[23:54:18.954 D] RollOnItems: True
[23:54:18.954 D] RollDisenchantWhenGreed: True
[23:54:18.954 D] MaxBoEDisenchantQuality: Uncommon
[23:54:18.954 D] FoodAmount: 0
[23:54:18.954 D] DrinkAmount: 0
[23:54:18.954 N] RecentProfiles:
[23:54:18.954 D] AHBuddy@@!@@C:\BOT\AHBOT\Bots\Professionbuddy\Profiles\AHBuddy\AHBuddy.xml
[23:54:18.954 D] AHBuddy@@!@@E:\BOT\AHBOT\Bots\Professionbuddy\Profiles\AHBuddy\AHBuddy.xml
[23:54:18.954 D] AHBuddy@@!@@E:\BOT\BOT PROFILES\AHBuddy\AHBuddy.xml
[23:54:18.954 D] AHBot@@!@@E:\BOT\AHBOT\Bots\Professionbuddy\Profiles\AHBot.xml
[23:54:18.954 D] SelectedBotIndex: 9
[23:54:18.954 D] UseFlightPaths: True
[23:54:18.954 D] FindMountAutomatically: True
[23:54:18.954 D] UseRandomMount: False
[23:54:18.954 D] FoodName has no value yet!
[23:54:18.954 D] DrinkName has no value yet!
[23:54:18.954 D] MountName has no value yet!
[23:54:18.954 D] FlyingMountName has no value yet!
[23:54:18.954 D] LootMobs: True
[23:54:18.954 D] SkinMobs: False
[23:54:18.954 D] NinjaSkin: False
[23:54:18.954 D] LootChests: True
[23:54:18.954 D] HarvestMinerals: False
[23:54:18.954 D] HarvestHerbs: False
[23:54:18.954 D] UseMount: True
[23:54:18.954 D] PullDistance: 100
[23:54:18.954 D] LootRadius: 45
[23:54:18.954 D] LastUsedPath: C:\BOT\AHBOT\Bots\Professionbuddy\Profiles\AHBuddy\AHBuddy.xml
[23:54:18.954 D] MountDistance: 60
[23:54:18.954 D] RessAtSpiritHealers: True
[23:54:18.954 D] GroundMountFarmingMode: False
[23:54:18.954 N] Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
[23:54:18.954 D] Activity: Initializing
[23:54:18.954 D] Activity: Loading memory management & tables
[23:54:18.985 D] Activity: Loading Spells
[23:54:19.042 D] Activity: Initializing Spell Manager
[23:54:19.084 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Symbiosis (110506)
[23:54:19.084 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Parry (3127)
[23:54:19.084 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Throw (122475)
[23:54:19.084 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Heroic Strike (78)
[23:54:19.084 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Battle Stance (2457)
[23:54:19.084 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Weapon Skills (76290)
[23:54:19.084 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Languages (79743)
[23:54:19.084 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Hardiness (20573)
[23:54:19.084 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Command (21563)
[23:54:19.084 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Battle Fatigue (134732)
[23:54:19.084 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Axe Specialization (20574)
[23:54:19.084 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Armor Skills (76268)
[23:54:19.084 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Blood Fury (20572)
[23:54:19.084 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Auto Attack (6603)
[23:54:19.099 D] [SpellManager] GCD check spell set to Symbiosis
[23:54:19.099 D] Activity: Initializing Navigator
[23:54:19.146 D] Class profile set to WarriorProtection (Warrior - Protection)
[23:54:19.209 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event START_LOOT_ROLL with handler
[23:54:19.209 D] Activity: Initializing Flight Paths
[23:54:19.240 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event TAXIMAP_OPENED with handler
[23:54:19.302 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event EQUIPMENT_SETS_CHANGED with handler
[23:54:19.333 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event START_LOOT_ROLL with handler
[23:54:19.333 D] Activity: Initializing Routines
[23:54:19.333 D] Activity: Initializing Plugins
[23:54:19.333 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<ICombatRoutine> - [RoutineManager] ReloadRoutineAssemblies called.
[23:54:19.365 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<HBPlugin> - RefreshPlugins Called
[23:54:20.737 D] ItemForAura: Loading config file: C:\BOT\AHBOT\Plugins\ItemForAuraQuesthelper\ItemForAura.config
[23:54:20.737 N] ItemForAura - Questhelper - Version 2.0 Loaded.
[23:54:20.737 D] ItemForAura: Loading config file: C:\BOT\AHBOT\Plugins\ItemForAuraQuesthelper\ItemForAura.config
[23:54:20.956 D] (Singular) 0.0 days since Windows was restarted
[23:54:20.987 D] (Singular) 32 FPS currently in WOW
[23:54:21.018 D] (Singular) 32 ms of Latency in WOW
[23:54:21.018 D] (Singular) 03/24/2014 00:54:21 local system time
[23:54:20.940 D] [RoutineManager] Routines have been reloaded. Current class-specific list:
[23:54:20.940 D] Singular v3.0.0.3304 v3.0.0.3304
[23:54:20.956 N] [Singular] Starting Singular v3.0.0.3304
[23:54:21.065 N] [Singular] Installation: integrity verified for
[23:54:21.065 N] [Singular] GCD check fix spell Sunder Armor not known
[23:54:21.065 N] [Singular] GCD check fix spell set to: Heroic Strike
[23:54:21.081 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event PLAYER_LEVEL_UP with handler UpdateTalentManager
[23:54:21.112 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event CHARACTER_POINTS_CHANGED with handler UpdateTalentManager
[23:54:21.143 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event GLYPH_UPDATED with handler UpdateTalentManager
[23:54:21.174 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED with handler UpdateTalentManager
[23:54:21.205 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED with handler UpdateTalentManager
[23:54:21.237 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event LEARNED_SPELL_IN_TAB with handler UpdateTalentManager
[23:54:21.283 N] Installed plugins
[23:54:21.283 N] Anti Drown - Disabled
[23:54:21.283 N] AutoEquip2 - Disabled
[23:54:21.283 N] DrinkPotions - Disabled
[23:54:21.283 N] Questhelper - ItemForAura - Disabled
[23:54:21.283 N] Refreshment Detection - Enabled
[23:54:21.283 N] Talented2 - Disabled
[23:54:21.939 D] (Singular) BossList: for Kalimdor
[23:54:21.798 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED with handler HandleCombatLog
[23:54:21.829 D] Applied filter to event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED. Filter: return args[4] == UnitGUID('player') and (args[2] == 'SPELL_MISSED' or args[2] == 'RANGE_MISSED' or args[2] == 'SWING_MISSED' or args[2] == 'SPELL_CAST_FAILED')
[23:54:21.861 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event START_TIMER with handler HandleStartTimer
[23:54:21.892 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event UI_ERROR_MESSAGE with handler HandleErrorMessage
[23:54:21.923 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event END_BOUND_TRADEABLE with handler HandleEndBoundTradeable
[23:54:21.954 D] (Singular) BossList: contains 0 entries
[23:54:22.001 V] (Singular)
[23:54:22.001 D] (Singular) ====== Singular Settings ======
[23:54:22.001 D] (Singular) ConfigVersion:
[23:54:22.017 D] (Singular) EnableDebugLoggingGCD: False
[23:54:22.017 D] (Singular) EnableDebugTrace: False
[23:54:22.017 D] (Singular) DisableDebugLogging: False
[23:54:22.017 D] (Singular) FormHeight: 337
[23:54:22.017 D] (Singular) FormWidth: 378
[23:54:22.017 D] (Singular) FormTabIndex: 0
[23:54:22.032 D] (Singular) AllowMovement: Auto
[23:54:22.032 D] (Singular) MeleeDismountRange: 12
[23:54:22.032 D] (Singular) MeleeMoveBehind: True
[23:54:22.032 D] (Singular) UseCastWhileMovingBuffs: True
[23:54:22.032 D] (Singular) MinHealth: 60
[23:54:22.032 D] (Singular) MinMana: 50
[23:54:22.032 D] (Singular) PotionHealth: 30
[23:54:22.032 D] (Singular) PotionMana: 30
[23:54:22.048 D] (Singular) UseBandages: False
[23:54:22.048 D] (Singular) DisengageAllowed: True
[23:54:22.048 D] (Singular) DisengageHealth: 70
[23:54:22.048 D] (Singular) DisengageMobCount: 2
[23:54:22.048 D] (Singular) KiteAllow: False
[23:54:22.063 D] (Singular) KiteHealth: 50
[23:54:22.063 D] (Singular) KiteMobCount: 2
[23:54:22.063 D] (Singular) AvoidDistance: 8
[23:54:22.063 D] (Singular) JumpTurnAllow: False
[23:54:22.063 D] (Singular) UseFrameLock: True
[23:54:22.063 D] (Singular) WaitForResSickness: True
[23:54:22.063 D] (Singular) DisableNonCombatBehaviors: False
[23:54:22.063 D] (Singular) DisableInQuestVehicle: False
[23:54:22.079 D] (Singular) DisableSpellsWithCooldown: 0
[23:54:22.079 D] (Singular) SelfRessurect: Auto
[23:54:22.079 D] (Singular) DisablePetUsage: False
[23:54:22.079 D] (Singular) PetTankAdds: True
[23:54:22.079 D] (Singular) IgnoreHealTargetsAboveHealth: 95
[23:54:22.079 D] (Singular) MaxHealTargetRange: 75
[23:54:22.095 D] (Singular) StayNearTankRange: 25
[23:54:22.095 D] (Singular) StayNearTank: True
[23:54:22.095 D] (Singular) IncludePetsAsHealTargets: True
[23:54:22.095 D] (Singular) DispelDebuffs: LowPriority
[23:54:22.095 D] (Singular) CombatRezTarget: TankOrHealer
[23:54:22.095 D] (Singular) CombatRezDelay: 2
[23:54:22.095 D] (Singular) HealerCombatAllow: True
[23:54:22.110 D] (Singular) HealerCombatMinMana: 75
[23:54:22.110 D] (Singular) HealerCombatMinHealth: 85
[23:54:22.110 D] (Singular) UseAlchemyFlasks: True
[23:54:22.110 D] (Singular) Trinket1Usage: Never
[23:54:22.110 D] (Singular) Trinket2Usage: Never
[23:54:22.110 D] (Singular) GloveUsage: OnCooldownInCombat
[23:54:22.126 D] (Singular) UseRacials: True
[23:54:22.126 D] (Singular) GiftNaaruHP: 30
[23:54:22.126 D] (Singular) ShadowmeldThreatDrop: True
[23:54:22.141 D] (Singular) DisableTankTargetSwitching: False
[23:54:22.157 D] (Singular) EnableTaunting: True
[23:54:22.173 D] (Singular) TypeOfTargeting: Auto
[23:54:22.173 D] (Singular) PurgeTargets: Current
[23:54:22.173 D] (Singular) PurgeBuffs: Whitelist
[23:54:22.173 D] (Singular) InterruptTarget: All
[23:54:22.173 D] (Singular) TrivialMaxHealthPcnt: 50
[23:54:22.188 D] (Singular) AllowAOE: True
[23:54:22.188 V] (Singular)
[23:54:22.204 D] (Singular) ====== HotkeySettings Settings ======
[23:54:22.204 D] (Singular) SavedToFile: True
[23:54:22.204 D] (Singular) ChatFrameMessage: True
[23:54:22.219 D] (Singular) KeysToggleBehavior: True
[23:54:22.219 D] (Singular) AoeToggle: None
[23:54:22.219 D] (Singular) CombatToggle: None
[23:54:22.219 D] (Singular) MovementToggle: None
[23:54:22.219 D] (Singular) SuspendMovement: False
[23:54:22.235 D] (Singular) SuspendDuration: 3
[23:54:22.235 D] (Singular) SuspendMovementKeys: System.Windows.Forms.Keys[]
[23:54:22.251 V] (Singular)
[23:54:22.282 D] (Singular) ====== WarriorSettings Settings ======
[23:54:22.282 D] (Singular) ArmsSpellPriority: Noxxic
[23:54:22.282 D] (Singular) WarriorEnragedRegenerationHealth: 50
[23:54:22.282 D] (Singular) WarriorShieldWallHealth: 30
[23:54:22.297 D] (Singular) WarriorLastStandHealth: 20
[23:54:22.297 D] (Singular) WarriorShieldBlockHealth: 50
[23:54:22.297 D] (Singular) WarriorShieldBarrierHealth: 80
[23:54:22.297 D] (Singular) UseWarriorInterrupts: True
[23:54:22.297 D] (Singular) UseWarriorSlows: True
[23:54:22.297 D] (Singular) UseWarriorCloser: True
[23:54:22.313 D] (Singular) Stance: Auto
[23:54:22.313 D] (Singular) Shout: BattleShout
[23:54:22.313 D] (Singular) VictoryRushOnCooldown: False
[23:54:22.313 D] (Singular) UseDisarm: False
[23:54:22.313 V] (Singular)
[23:54:22.313 V] (Singular) ====== Evaluated/Dynamic Settings ======
[23:54:22.329 D] (Singular) Debug: N
[23:54:22.329 D] (Singular) DisableAllMovement: N
[23:54:22.329 D] (Singular) DisableAllTargeting: N
[23:54:22.329 D] (Singular) TrivialHealth: 66
[23:54:22.329 D] (Singular) NeedTankTargeting: False
[23:54:22.344 D] (Singular) NeedHealTargeting: False
[23:54:22.344 V] (Singular)
[23:54:22.344 V] (Singular) No spells blocked by DisableSpellsWithCooldown
[23:54:22.344 D] (Singular) MapId = 1
[23:54:22.360 D] (Singular) ZoneId = 1637
[23:54:22.360 V] (Singular)
[23:54:22.360 D] (Singular) Talents Selected: 0
[23:54:22.360 V] (Singular)
[23:54:22.360 D] (Singular) Glyphs Equipped: 0
[23:54:22.375 V] (Singular)
[23:54:22.407 V] (Singular)
[23:54:22.422 V] (Singular) My Current Dynamic Info
[23:54:22.422 V] (Singular) =======================
[23:54:22.422 D] (Singular) Combat Reach: 1.5000
[23:54:22.422 D] (Singular) Bounding Height: 2.0313
[23:54:22.438 V] (Singular)
[23:54:22.453 V] (Singular) Singular Behaviors: Added 326 behaviors
[23:54:21.954 N] [Singular] Determining talent spec.
[23:54:22.001 N] [Singular] Current spec is None
[23:54:22.344 N] [Singular] Your Level 1 Orc Lowbie Warrior Build is
[23:54:22.344 N] [Singular] ... running the ProfessionBuddy bot in Orgrimmar
[23:54:22.360 N] [Singular] ... Zone: Kalimdor using my SOLO Behaviors
[23:54:22.453 D] Replaced hook [Singular.KitingBehavior] 56a5dc4f-00e7-4af4-93c9-9689435ab100
[23:54:22.469 D] (Singular) 0 Combat CreateLowbieWarriorCombat
[23:54:22.485 D] (Singular) 500 Pull CreateLowbieWarriorPull
[23:54:22.500 D] (Singular) 0 PreCombatBuffs CreateWarriorNormalPreCombatBuffs
[23:54:22.500 D] (Singular) 0 Death CreateDefaultDeathBehavior
[23:54:22.516 D] (Singular) 0 LossOfControl CreateWarriorLossOfControlBehavior
[23:54:22.485 D] Replaced hook [Singular.Combat] 60b90313-2d24-4030-b16b-7436a4a6e44c
[23:54:22.485 D] Replaced hook [Singular.Pull] 0e2b5984-f299-4bde-a754-e71ed6b7e799
[23:54:22.500 D] Replaced hook [Singular.Rest] b550f49a-8b62-4a3b-bfa8-6439d4f60720
[23:54:22.500 D] Replaced hook [Singular.CombatBuffs] ffc59bfd-4607-4b92-adf0-451cd9eadfd8
[23:54:22.500 D] Replaced hook [Singular.Heal] 9500720a-4052-45ef-8142-9e19ca505841
[23:54:22.500 D] Replaced hook [Singular.PullBuffs] 64311295-d32c-4e34-89f1-0ae4358afef4
[23:54:22.500 D] Replaced hook [Singular.PreCombatBuffs] 42d6f5ef-457a-43df-98de-4682a99e252e
[23:54:22.516 D] Replaced hook [Singular.Death] 75fcf823-d1ae-4c6d-b2c2-e72cfab8df5c
[23:54:22.516 D] Replaced hook [Singular.LossOfControl] 9107aae1-3577-4736-be4f-7aa7403db7e0
[23:54:22.516 N] [Singular] Initialization complete!
[23:54:22.531 D] Activity: Initialization complete
[23:54:22.531 N] Initialization complete.
[23:54:22.531 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Startup Complete
[23:54:25.542 N] Starting the bot!
[23:54:25.542 N] Currently Using BotBase : ProfessionBuddy
[23:54:25.542 D] Character is a level 1 Orc Warrior
[23:54:25.542 D] Current zone is Orgrimmar
[23:54:25.551 D] Cleared POI
[00:54:25.644 N]PB 1.650: Done Loading Tradeskills.
[00:54:25.667 N]PB 1.650: Loading profile AHBuddy.xml from file
[23:54:25.561 D] PB 1.650: Initializing ...
[23:54:25.663 D] PB 1.650: No DataStore Addon found
[00:54:28.413 N]PB 1.650: Checking for new version
[00:54:28.600 N]PB 1.650: No updates found
[23:54:28.413 D] PB 1.650: Start Called
[23:54:28.428 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnBagUpdate from event BAG_UPDATE; it is not a member
[23:54:28.428 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnSkillUpdate from event SKILL_LINES_CHANGED; it is not a member
[23:54:28.428 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnSpellsChanged from event SPELLS_CHANGED; it is not a member
[23:54:28.428 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnGBankFrameOpened from event GUILDBANKFRAME_OPENED; it is not a member
[23:54:28.428 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnGBankFrameClosed from event GUILDBANKFRAME_CLOSED; it is not a member
[23:54:28.428 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnBankFrameOpened from event BANKFRAME_OPENED; it is not a member
[23:54:28.428 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnBankFrameClosed from event BANKFRAME_CLOSED; it is not a member
[23:54:28.428 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event BAG_UPDATE with handler OnBagUpdate
[23:54:28.444 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event SKILL_LINES_CHANGED with handler OnSkillUpdate
[23:54:28.459 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event SPELLS_CHANGED with handler OnSpellsChanged
[23:54:28.475 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event GUILDBANKFRAME_OPENED with handler OnGBankFrameOpened
[23:54:28.491 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event GUILDBANKFRAME_CLOSED with handler OnGBankFrameClosed
[23:54:28.506 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event BANKFRAME_OPENED with handler OnBankFrameOpened
[23:54:28.522 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event BANKFRAME_CLOSED with handler OnBankFrameClosed
[23:54:28.537 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnUnitSpellCastSucceeded from event UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED; it is not a member
[23:54:28.584 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Symbiosis (110506)
[23:54:28.584 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Parry (3127)
[23:54:28.584 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Throw (122475)
[23:54:28.584 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Heroic Strike (78)
[23:54:28.584 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Battle Stance (2457)
[23:54:28.584 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Weapon Skills (76290)
[23:54:28.584 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Languages (79743)
[23:54:28.584 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Hardiness (20573)
[23:54:28.584 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Command (21563)
[23:54:28.584 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Battle Fatigue (134732)
[23:54:28.584 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Axe Specialization (20574)
[23:54:28.584 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Armor Skills (76268)
[23:54:28.584 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Blood Fury (20572)
[23:54:28.584 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Auto Attack (6603)
[23:54:28.584 D] [SpellManager] GCD check spell set to Symbiosis
[23:54:28.584 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler from event LEARNED_SPELL_IN_TAB; it is not a member
[23:54:28.600 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler from event ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED; it is not a member
[23:54:28.600 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event LEARNED_SPELL_IN_TAB with handler
[23:54:28.600 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED with handler
[23:54:28.600 D] Set query filter to Horde
[23:54:28.771 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event QUEST_AUTOCOMPLETE with handler
[23:54:28.771 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event QUEST_FINISHED with handler
[23:54:28.849 N] [Singular] info: Pull Distance set to 100 yds by ProfessionBuddy, Plug-in, Profile, or User
[23:54:29.005 D] Downloaded tilemap MountHyjalPhase1
[23:54:29.536 D] Downloaded tilemap Kalimdor
[23:54:29.629 D] Changed map(s) to MountHyjalPhase1, Kalimdor
[00:54:30.300 N]Current Version: Revision 57 (No updates available)
[00:54:30.316 N]Zone lock: Orgrimmar - Valley of Strength (1637)
[00:54:30.316 N]Teleport distance: 15 yards
[00:54:30.316 N]Datastore Addon: Disabled
[00:54:30.331 N]Check Mail: Enabled
[00:54:30.331 N]Post to the Auction House: Enabled
[00:54:30.331 N]Cancel Undercut Auctions: Disabled
[00:54:30.331 N]Buy from the Auction House: Disabled
[00:54:30.347 N]Wait Timer: Disabled
[00:54:30.347 N]Deposit Gold Threshold: 10000g 00s 00c
[00:54:30.347 N]Current Gold: 673g 08s 51c
[00:54:30.363 N]AHBuddy: Checking for new mail.
[23:54:30.316 N] For automatic prices PM me on the buddy forum
[23:54:30.316 N]
[23:54:30.394 D] Activity: Loading Tiles
[23:54:30.409 D] Loading Kalimdor_40_28
[23:54:30.833 D] Successfully generated path from {1635.189, -4445.97, 17.02819} to {1607.681, -4424.809, 13.6011} in 432 milliseconds
[00:54:38.612 N]PB 1.650: MoveTo Action completed for type NearestMailbox
[23:54:38.628 D] InteractDebug:511072020
[23:54:38.628 D] Interact Done:511072020
[00:54:43.745 N]PB 1.650: Mail retrieval of items:AllItems finished
[23:54:43.776 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnUnitSpellCastSucceeded from event UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED; it is not a member
[00:54:44.291 N]AHBuddy: Posting items to the AH.
[23:54:44.291 D] Loading Kalimdor_40_29
[23:54:44.540 D] Loading Kalimdor_39_28
[23:54:44.727 D] Loading Kalimdor_39_29
[23:54:44.883 D] Loading Kalimdor_40_30
[23:54:45.039 D] Loading Kalimdor_41_28
[23:54:45.180 D] Loading Kalimdor_40_27
[23:54:45.383 D] Loading Kalimdor_39_30
[23:54:45.632 D] Loading Kalimdor_41_29
[23:54:45.804 D] Loading Kalimdor_41_27
[23:54:45.991 D] Loading Kalimdor_38_28
[23:54:46.163 D] Loading Kalimdor_41_30
[23:54:46.303 D] Loading Kalimdor_38_29
[23:54:46.568 D] Loading Kalimdor_38_30
[23:54:46.709 D] Loading Kalimdor_38_27
[23:54:46.771 D] C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_38_27.etm is not this user's mesh file!
[23:54:46.771 D] Failed to load C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_38_27.etm at all.
[23:54:46.787 D] Loading Kalimdor_42_29
[23:54:46.787 D] C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_42_29.etm is not this user's mesh file!
[23:54:46.787 D] Failed to load C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_42_29.etm at all.
[23:54:46.787 D] Loading Kalimdor_38_27
[23:54:46.787 D] C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_38_27.etm is not this user's mesh file!
[23:54:46.787 D] Failed to load C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_38_27.etm at all.
[23:54:46.787 D] Loading Kalimdor_38_27
[23:54:46.787 D] C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_38_27.etm is not this user's mesh file!
[23:54:46.787 D] Failed to load C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_38_27.etm at all.
[23:54:46.787 D] Loading Kalimdor_38_27
[23:54:46.787 D] C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_38_27.etm is not this user's mesh file!
[23:54:46.787 D] Failed to load C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_38_27.etm at all.
[23:54:46.787 D] Loading Kalimdor_42_29
[23:54:46.787 D] C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_42_29.etm is not this user's mesh file!
[23:54:46.787 D] Failed to load C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_42_29.etm at all.
[23:54:46.787 D] Loading Kalimdor_42_29
[23:54:46.787 D] C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_42_29.etm is not this user's mesh file!
[23:54:46.787 D] Failed to load C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_42_29.etm at all.
[23:54:46.787 D] Loading Kalimdor_42_29
[23:54:46.787 D] C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_42_29.etm is not this user's mesh file!
[23:54:46.787 D] Failed to load C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_42_29.etm at all.
[23:54:46.787 D] Loading Kalimdor_42_30
[23:54:46.787 D] C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_42_30.etm is not this user's mesh file!
[23:54:46.787 D] Failed to load C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_42_30.etm at all.
[23:54:46.787 D] Activity: Downloading Mesh...
[23:54:47.941 D] Downloaded C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_42_28
[23:54:47.941 D] Activity: Loading Tiles
[23:54:47.941 D] Loading Kalimdor_42_28
[23:54:47.957 D] Loading Kalimdor_42_29
[23:54:47.957 D] C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_42_29.etm is not this user's mesh file!
[23:54:47.957 D] Failed to load C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_42_29.etm at all.
[23:54:47.988 D] Could not generate full path from {1606.462, -4422.875, 13.68748} to {1639.42, -4449.21, 18.53408} (time used: 3.666 seconds)
[23:54:54.290 D] PB 1.650: Wait for 00:00:00.5000000 or until !Me.IsMoving Completed
[23:54:54.290 D] InteractDebug:507045232
[23:54:54.290 D] Interact Done:507045232
[23:54:54.930 D] PB 1.650: Wait for 00:00:02 or until AuctionFrame.Instance.IsVisible Completed
[23:54:54.930 D] Activity: Posting to the auction house.
[23:54:55.382 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnUnitSpellCastSucceeded from event UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED; it is not a member
[00:54:55.897 N]AHBuddy: Posting items to the AH.
[00:54:56.973 N]AHBuddy: Posting items to the AH.
[00:54:58.081 N]AHBuddy: Posting items to the AH.
[00:54:59.135 N]AHBuddy: Posting items to the AH.
[00:55:00.196 N]AHBuddy: Posting items to the AH.
[00:55:01.256 N]AHBuddy: Posting items to the AH.
[00:56:39.856 N]AHBuddy: Posting items to the AH.
[00:56:40.886 N]AHBuddy: Posting items to the AH.
[23:56:41.369 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: Main window is closing
[23:56:41.401 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnUnitSpellCastSucceeded from event UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED; it is not a member
[23:56:41.416 D] PB 1.650: Stop Called
[00:56:41.479 N]AHBuddy: Gold earnt this session: 0c
You're probably using an older version of AHBuddy.Understand when i wanna buy items for crafting i can set the min amount to buy and price and works fine.
But ive set it to buy 20 "random item" which it seems to but then on the next scan buys another 20.
What ive been doin is when i have enough of that item just drop the price to buy so doesnt get more.
My question is, is there a way for it to stop buying that item once i have a certain amount in total ?
Many thanks and much appreciated, awesome profile
Why would you only enable selling if you don't have any items....For some reason AHBuddy will go into endless loop
He'll try to post something without having anything in bags and endless loop
He'll try to cancel auctions without having anything to cancel or no one undercut endless loop again
Code:[23:54:14.784 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.9958.729 started. [23:54:15.878 N] Logging in... [23:54:16.817 N] Attaching to D3D9 [23:54:17.113 N] Attached to WoW with ID 2100 [23:54:17.300 N] New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy [23:54:17.300 N] New bot added!: BGBuddy [23:54:17.456 N] New bot added!: Dungeonbuddy [23:54:17.519 N] New bot added!: Gatherbuddy2 [23:54:17.519 N] New bot added!: Grind Bot [23:54:17.519 N] New bot added!: Questing [23:54:17.550 N] New bot added!: Mixed Mode [23:54:17.550 N] New bot added!: Party Bot [23:54:17.550 N] New bot added!: [BETA] GrindBuddy [23:54:17.550 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<BotBase> - Reloading Bots [23:54:18.689 D] H: EE-4E-50-3E-DA-7B-BA-69-FF-63-C2-28-22-AA-66-68-67-A6-8E-69 [23:54:18.689 D] V: 2.5.9958.729 [23:54:18.938 N] New bot added!: Combat Bot [23:54:18.938 N] New bot added!: ProfessionBuddy [23:54:18.938 N] New bot added!: Raid Bot [23:54:18.938 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.9958.729 started! [23:54:18.938 D] Using WoW with process ID 2100 [23:54:18.938 D] Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 [23:54:18.938 D] Executable Path: C:\BOT\AHBOT\Honorbuddy.exe [23:54:18.938 N] Character is a level 1 Orc Warrior [23:54:18.938 N] Current zone is Orgrimmar [23:54:18.954 D] UICulture: en-US [23:54:18.954 D] UseFrameLock: True [23:54:18.954 D] TicksPerSecond: 15 [23:54:18.954 D] CombatRoutinesPath: Routines [23:54:18.954 D] ReloadRoutinesOnFileChange: False [23:54:18.954 D] PluginsPath: Plugins [23:54:18.954 D] ReloadPluginsOnFileChange: False [23:54:18.954 D] BotsPath: Bots [23:54:18.954 D] ReloadBotsOnFileChange: False [23:54:18.954 D] QuestBehaviorsPath: Quest Behaviors [23:54:18.954 D] MeshesFolderPath: C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes [23:54:18.954 D] KillBetweenHotspots: True [23:54:18.954 D] AdvancedSettingsMode: True [23:54:18.954 D] LogoutForInactivity: False [23:54:18.954 D] LogoutInactivityTimer: 20 [23:54:18.954 D] LogoutInactivityUseForceQuit: False [23:54:18.954 D] ProfileDebuggingMode: False [23:54:18.954 D] LogLevel: Normal [23:54:18.954 D] SeperatedLogFolders: True [23:54:18.954 D] SelectTalents: True [23:54:18.954 D] ClassProfileName: Warrior - Protection [23:54:18.954 D] AutoEquip: True [23:54:18.954 D] AutoEquipBags: True [23:54:18.954 D] AutoEquipWeapons: True [23:54:18.954 D] AutoEquipArmor: True [23:54:18.954 D] AutoEquipBoEEpics: False [23:54:18.954 D] WeaponStyle: Automatic [23:54:18.954 D] RollOnItems: True [23:54:18.954 D] RollDisenchantWhenGreed: True [23:54:18.954 D] MaxBoEDisenchantQuality: Uncommon [23:54:18.954 D] FoodAmount: 0 [23:54:18.954 D] DrinkAmount: 0 [23:54:18.954 N] RecentProfiles: [23:54:18.954 D] AHBuddy@@!@@C:\BOT\AHBOT\Bots\Professionbuddy\Profiles\AHBuddy\AHBuddy.xml [23:54:18.954 D] AHBuddy@@!@@E:\BOT\AHBOT\Bots\Professionbuddy\Profiles\AHBuddy\AHBuddy.xml [23:54:18.954 D] AHBuddy@@!@@E:\BOT\BOT PROFILES\AHBuddy\AHBuddy.xml [23:54:18.954 D] AHBot@@!@@E:\BOT\AHBOT\Bots\Professionbuddy\Profiles\AHBot.xml [23:54:18.954 D] SelectedBotIndex: 9 [23:54:18.954 D] UseFlightPaths: True [23:54:18.954 D] FindMountAutomatically: True [23:54:18.954 D] UseRandomMount: False [23:54:18.954 D] FoodName has no value yet! [23:54:18.954 D] DrinkName has no value yet! [23:54:18.954 D] MountName has no value yet! [23:54:18.954 D] FlyingMountName has no value yet! [23:54:18.954 D] LootMobs: True [23:54:18.954 D] SkinMobs: False [23:54:18.954 D] NinjaSkin: False [23:54:18.954 D] LootChests: True [23:54:18.954 D] HarvestMinerals: False [23:54:18.954 D] HarvestHerbs: False [23:54:18.954 D] UseMount: True [23:54:18.954 D] PullDistance: 100 [23:54:18.954 D] LootRadius: 45 [23:54:18.954 D] LastUsedPath: C:\BOT\AHBOT\Bots\Professionbuddy\Profiles\AHBuddy\AHBuddy.xml [23:54:18.954 D] MountDistance: 60 [23:54:18.954 D] RessAtSpiritHealers: True [23:54:18.954 D] GroundMountFarmingMode: False [23:54:18.954 N] Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes. [23:54:18.954 D] Activity: Initializing [23:54:18.954 D] Activity: Loading memory management & tables [23:54:18.985 D] Activity: Loading Spells [23:54:19.042 D] Activity: Initializing Spell Manager [23:54:19.084 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Symbiosis (110506) [23:54:19.084 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Parry (3127) [23:54:19.084 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Throw (122475) [23:54:19.084 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Heroic Strike (78) [23:54:19.084 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Battle Stance (2457) [23:54:19.084 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Weapon Skills (76290) [23:54:19.084 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Languages (79743) [23:54:19.084 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Hardiness (20573) [23:54:19.084 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Command (21563) [23:54:19.084 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Battle Fatigue (134732) [23:54:19.084 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Axe Specialization (20574) [23:54:19.084 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Armor Skills (76268) [23:54:19.084 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Blood Fury (20572) [23:54:19.084 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Auto Attack (6603) [23:54:19.099 D] [SpellManager] GCD check spell set to Symbiosis [23:54:19.099 D] Activity: Initializing Navigator [23:54:19.146 D] Class profile set to WarriorProtection (Warrior - Protection) [23:54:19.209 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event START_LOOT_ROLL with handler [23:54:19.209 D] Activity: Initializing Flight Paths [23:54:19.240 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event TAXIMAP_OPENED with handler [23:54:19.302 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event EQUIPMENT_SETS_CHANGED with handler [23:54:19.333 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event START_LOOT_ROLL with handler [23:54:19.333 D] Activity: Initializing Routines [23:54:19.333 D] Activity: Initializing Plugins [23:54:19.333 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<ICombatRoutine> - [RoutineManager] ReloadRoutineAssemblies called. [23:54:19.365 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<HBPlugin> - RefreshPlugins Called [23:54:20.737 D] ItemForAura: Loading config file: C:\BOT\AHBOT\Plugins\ItemForAuraQuesthelper\ItemForAura.config [23:54:20.737 N] ItemForAura - Questhelper - Version 2.0 Loaded. [23:54:20.737 D] ItemForAura: Loading config file: C:\BOT\AHBOT\Plugins\ItemForAuraQuesthelper\ItemForAura.config [23:54:20.956 D] (Singular) 0.0 days since Windows was restarted [23:54:20.987 D] (Singular) 32 FPS currently in WOW [23:54:21.018 D] (Singular) 32 ms of Latency in WOW [23:54:21.018 D] (Singular) 03/24/2014 00:54:21 local system time [23:54:20.940 D] [RoutineManager] Routines have been reloaded. Current class-specific list: [23:54:20.940 D] Singular v3.0.0.3304 v3.0.0.3304 [23:54:20.956 N] [Singular] Starting Singular v3.0.0.3304 [23:54:21.065 N] [Singular] Installation: integrity verified for [23:54:21.065 N] [Singular] GCD check fix spell Sunder Armor not known [23:54:21.065 N] [Singular] GCD check fix spell set to: Heroic Strike [23:54:21.081 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event PLAYER_LEVEL_UP with handler UpdateTalentManager [23:54:21.112 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event CHARACTER_POINTS_CHANGED with handler UpdateTalentManager [23:54:21.143 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event GLYPH_UPDATED with handler UpdateTalentManager [23:54:21.174 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED with handler UpdateTalentManager [23:54:21.205 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED with handler UpdateTalentManager [23:54:21.237 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event LEARNED_SPELL_IN_TAB with handler UpdateTalentManager [23:54:21.283 N] Installed plugins [23:54:21.283 N] Anti Drown - Disabled [23:54:21.283 N] AutoEquip2 - Disabled [23:54:21.283 N] DrinkPotions - Disabled [23:54:21.283 N] Questhelper - ItemForAura - Disabled [23:54:21.283 N] Refreshment Detection - Enabled [23:54:21.283 N] Talented2 - Disabled [23:54:21.939 D] (Singular) BossList: for Kalimdor [23:54:21.798 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED with handler HandleCombatLog [23:54:21.829 D] Applied filter to event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED. Filter: return args[4] == UnitGUID('player') and (args[2] == 'SPELL_MISSED' or args[2] == 'RANGE_MISSED' or args[2] == 'SWING_MISSED' or args[2] == 'SPELL_CAST_FAILED') [23:54:21.861 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event START_TIMER with handler HandleStartTimer [23:54:21.892 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event UI_ERROR_MESSAGE with handler HandleErrorMessage [23:54:21.923 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event END_BOUND_TRADEABLE with handler HandleEndBoundTradeable [23:54:21.954 D] (Singular) BossList: contains 0 entries [23:54:22.001 V] (Singular) [23:54:22.001 D] (Singular) ====== Singular Settings ====== [23:54:22.001 D] (Singular) ConfigVersion: [23:54:22.017 D] (Singular) EnableDebugLoggingGCD: False [23:54:22.017 D] (Singular) EnableDebugTrace: False [23:54:22.017 D] (Singular) DisableDebugLogging: False [23:54:22.017 D] (Singular) FormHeight: 337 [23:54:22.017 D] (Singular) FormWidth: 378 [23:54:22.017 D] (Singular) FormTabIndex: 0 [23:54:22.032 D] (Singular) AllowMovement: Auto [23:54:22.032 D] (Singular) MeleeDismountRange: 12 [23:54:22.032 D] (Singular) MeleeMoveBehind: True [23:54:22.032 D] (Singular) UseCastWhileMovingBuffs: True [23:54:22.032 D] (Singular) MinHealth: 60 [23:54:22.032 D] (Singular) MinMana: 50 [23:54:22.032 D] (Singular) PotionHealth: 30 [23:54:22.032 D] (Singular) PotionMana: 30 [23:54:22.048 D] (Singular) UseBandages: False [23:54:22.048 D] (Singular) DisengageAllowed: True [23:54:22.048 D] (Singular) DisengageHealth: 70 [23:54:22.048 D] (Singular) DisengageMobCount: 2 [23:54:22.048 D] (Singular) KiteAllow: False [23:54:22.063 D] (Singular) KiteHealth: 50 [23:54:22.063 D] (Singular) KiteMobCount: 2 [23:54:22.063 D] (Singular) AvoidDistance: 8 [23:54:22.063 D] (Singular) JumpTurnAllow: False [23:54:22.063 D] (Singular) UseFrameLock: True [23:54:22.063 D] (Singular) WaitForResSickness: True [23:54:22.063 D] (Singular) DisableNonCombatBehaviors: False [23:54:22.063 D] (Singular) DisableInQuestVehicle: False [23:54:22.079 D] (Singular) DisableSpellsWithCooldown: 0 [23:54:22.079 D] (Singular) SelfRessurect: Auto [23:54:22.079 D] (Singular) DisablePetUsage: False [23:54:22.079 D] (Singular) PetTankAdds: True [23:54:22.079 D] (Singular) IgnoreHealTargetsAboveHealth: 95 [23:54:22.079 D] (Singular) MaxHealTargetRange: 75 [23:54:22.095 D] (Singular) StayNearTankRange: 25 [23:54:22.095 D] (Singular) StayNearTank: True [23:54:22.095 D] (Singular) IncludePetsAsHealTargets: True [23:54:22.095 D] (Singular) DispelDebuffs: LowPriority [23:54:22.095 D] (Singular) CombatRezTarget: TankOrHealer [23:54:22.095 D] (Singular) CombatRezDelay: 2 [23:54:22.095 D] (Singular) HealerCombatAllow: True [23:54:22.110 D] (Singular) HealerCombatMinMana: 75 [23:54:22.110 D] (Singular) HealerCombatMinHealth: 85 [23:54:22.110 D] (Singular) UseAlchemyFlasks: True [23:54:22.110 D] (Singular) Trinket1Usage: Never [23:54:22.110 D] (Singular) Trinket2Usage: Never [23:54:22.110 D] (Singular) GloveUsage: OnCooldownInCombat [23:54:22.126 D] (Singular) UseRacials: True [23:54:22.126 D] (Singular) GiftNaaruHP: 30 [23:54:22.126 D] (Singular) ShadowmeldThreatDrop: True [23:54:22.141 D] (Singular) DisableTankTargetSwitching: False [23:54:22.157 D] (Singular) EnableTaunting: True [23:54:22.173 D] (Singular) TypeOfTargeting: Auto [23:54:22.173 D] (Singular) PurgeTargets: Current [23:54:22.173 D] (Singular) PurgeBuffs: Whitelist [23:54:22.173 D] (Singular) InterruptTarget: All [23:54:22.173 D] (Singular) TrivialMaxHealthPcnt: 50 [23:54:22.188 D] (Singular) AllowAOE: True [23:54:22.188 V] (Singular) [23:54:22.204 D] (Singular) ====== HotkeySettings Settings ====== [23:54:22.204 D] (Singular) SavedToFile: True [23:54:22.204 D] (Singular) ChatFrameMessage: True [23:54:22.219 D] (Singular) KeysToggleBehavior: True [23:54:22.219 D] (Singular) AoeToggle: None [23:54:22.219 D] (Singular) CombatToggle: None [23:54:22.219 D] (Singular) MovementToggle: None [23:54:22.219 D] (Singular) SuspendMovement: False [23:54:22.235 D] (Singular) SuspendDuration: 3 [23:54:22.235 D] (Singular) SuspendMovementKeys: System.Windows.Forms.Keys[] [23:54:22.251 V] (Singular) [23:54:22.282 D] (Singular) ====== WarriorSettings Settings ====== [23:54:22.282 D] (Singular) ArmsSpellPriority: Noxxic [23:54:22.282 D] (Singular) WarriorEnragedRegenerationHealth: 50 [23:54:22.282 D] (Singular) WarriorShieldWallHealth: 30 [23:54:22.297 D] (Singular) WarriorLastStandHealth: 20 [23:54:22.297 D] (Singular) WarriorShieldBlockHealth: 50 [23:54:22.297 D] (Singular) WarriorShieldBarrierHealth: 80 [23:54:22.297 D] (Singular) UseWarriorInterrupts: True [23:54:22.297 D] (Singular) UseWarriorSlows: True [23:54:22.297 D] (Singular) UseWarriorCloser: True [23:54:22.313 D] (Singular) Stance: Auto [23:54:22.313 D] (Singular) Shout: BattleShout [23:54:22.313 D] (Singular) VictoryRushOnCooldown: False [23:54:22.313 D] (Singular) UseDisarm: False [23:54:22.313 V] (Singular) [23:54:22.313 V] (Singular) ====== Evaluated/Dynamic Settings ====== [23:54:22.329 D] (Singular) Debug: N [23:54:22.329 D] (Singular) DisableAllMovement: N [23:54:22.329 D] (Singular) DisableAllTargeting: N [23:54:22.329 D] (Singular) TrivialHealth: 66 [23:54:22.329 D] (Singular) NeedTankTargeting: False [23:54:22.344 D] (Singular) NeedHealTargeting: False [23:54:22.344 V] (Singular) [23:54:22.344 V] (Singular) No spells blocked by DisableSpellsWithCooldown [23:54:22.344 D] (Singular) MapId = 1 [23:54:22.360 D] (Singular) ZoneId = 1637 [23:54:22.360 V] (Singular) [23:54:22.360 D] (Singular) Talents Selected: 0 [23:54:22.360 V] (Singular) [23:54:22.360 D] (Singular) Glyphs Equipped: 0 [23:54:22.375 V] (Singular) [23:54:22.407 V] (Singular) [23:54:22.422 V] (Singular) My Current Dynamic Info [23:54:22.422 V] (Singular) ======================= [23:54:22.422 D] (Singular) Combat Reach: 1.5000 [23:54:22.422 D] (Singular) Bounding Height: 2.0313 [23:54:22.438 V] (Singular) [23:54:22.453 V] (Singular) Singular Behaviors: Added 326 behaviors [23:54:21.954 N] [Singular] Determining talent spec. [23:54:22.001 N] [Singular] Current spec is None [23:54:22.344 N] [Singular] Your Level 1 Orc Lowbie Warrior Build is [23:54:22.344 N] [Singular] ... running the ProfessionBuddy bot in Orgrimmar [23:54:22.360 N] [Singular] ... Zone: Kalimdor using my SOLO Behaviors [23:54:22.453 D] Replaced hook [Singular.KitingBehavior] 56a5dc4f-00e7-4af4-93c9-9689435ab100 [23:54:22.469 D] (Singular) 0 Combat CreateLowbieWarriorCombat [23:54:22.485 D] (Singular) 500 Pull CreateLowbieWarriorPull [23:54:22.500 D] (Singular) 0 PreCombatBuffs CreateWarriorNormalPreCombatBuffs [23:54:22.500 D] (Singular) 0 Death CreateDefaultDeathBehavior [23:54:22.516 D] (Singular) 0 LossOfControl CreateWarriorLossOfControlBehavior [23:54:22.485 D] Replaced hook [Singular.Combat] 60b90313-2d24-4030-b16b-7436a4a6e44c [23:54:22.485 D] Replaced hook [Singular.Pull] 0e2b5984-f299-4bde-a754-e71ed6b7e799 [23:54:22.500 D] Replaced hook [Singular.Rest] b550f49a-8b62-4a3b-bfa8-6439d4f60720 [23:54:22.500 D] Replaced hook [Singular.CombatBuffs] ffc59bfd-4607-4b92-adf0-451cd9eadfd8 [23:54:22.500 D] Replaced hook [Singular.Heal] 9500720a-4052-45ef-8142-9e19ca505841 [23:54:22.500 D] Replaced hook [Singular.PullBuffs] 64311295-d32c-4e34-89f1-0ae4358afef4 [23:54:22.500 D] Replaced hook [Singular.PreCombatBuffs] 42d6f5ef-457a-43df-98de-4682a99e252e [23:54:22.516 D] Replaced hook [Singular.Death] 75fcf823-d1ae-4c6d-b2c2-e72cfab8df5c [23:54:22.516 D] Replaced hook [Singular.LossOfControl] 9107aae1-3577-4736-be4f-7aa7403db7e0 [23:54:22.516 N] [Singular] Initialization complete! [23:54:22.531 D] Activity: Initialization complete [23:54:22.531 N] Initialization complete. [23:54:22.531 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Startup Complete [23:54:25.542 N] Starting the bot! [23:54:25.542 N] Currently Using BotBase : ProfessionBuddy [23:54:25.542 D] Character is a level 1 Orc Warrior [23:54:25.542 D] Current zone is Orgrimmar [23:54:25.551 D] Cleared POI [00:54:25.644 N]PB 1.650: Done Loading Tradeskills. [00:54:25.667 N]PB 1.650: Loading profile AHBuddy.xml from file [23:54:25.561 D] PB 1.650: Initializing ... [23:54:25.663 D] PB 1.650: No DataStore Addon found [00:54:28.413 N]PB 1.650: Checking for new version [00:54:28.600 N]PB 1.650: No updates found [23:54:28.413 D] PB 1.650: Start Called [23:54:28.428 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnBagUpdate from event BAG_UPDATE; it is not a member [23:54:28.428 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnSkillUpdate from event SKILL_LINES_CHANGED; it is not a member [23:54:28.428 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnSpellsChanged from event SPELLS_CHANGED; it is not a member [23:54:28.428 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnGBankFrameOpened from event GUILDBANKFRAME_OPENED; it is not a member [23:54:28.428 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnGBankFrameClosed from event GUILDBANKFRAME_CLOSED; it is not a member [23:54:28.428 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnBankFrameOpened from event BANKFRAME_OPENED; it is not a member [23:54:28.428 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnBankFrameClosed from event BANKFRAME_CLOSED; it is not a member [23:54:28.428 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event BAG_UPDATE with handler OnBagUpdate [23:54:28.444 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event SKILL_LINES_CHANGED with handler OnSkillUpdate [23:54:28.459 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event SPELLS_CHANGED with handler OnSpellsChanged [23:54:28.475 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event GUILDBANKFRAME_OPENED with handler OnGBankFrameOpened [23:54:28.491 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event GUILDBANKFRAME_CLOSED with handler OnGBankFrameClosed [23:54:28.506 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event BANKFRAME_OPENED with handler OnBankFrameOpened [23:54:28.522 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event BANKFRAME_CLOSED with handler OnBankFrameClosed [23:54:28.537 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnUnitSpellCastSucceeded from event UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED; it is not a member [23:54:28.584 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Symbiosis (110506) [23:54:28.584 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Parry (3127) [23:54:28.584 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Throw (122475) [23:54:28.584 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Heroic Strike (78) [23:54:28.584 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Battle Stance (2457) [23:54:28.584 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Weapon Skills (76290) [23:54:28.584 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Languages (79743) [23:54:28.584 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Hardiness (20573) [23:54:28.584 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Command (21563) [23:54:28.584 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Battle Fatigue (134732) [23:54:28.584 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Axe Specialization (20574) [23:54:28.584 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Armor Skills (76268) [23:54:28.584 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Blood Fury (20572) [23:54:28.584 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Auto Attack (6603) [23:54:28.584 D] [SpellManager] GCD check spell set to Symbiosis [23:54:28.584 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler from event LEARNED_SPELL_IN_TAB; it is not a member [23:54:28.600 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler from event ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED; it is not a member [23:54:28.600 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event LEARNED_SPELL_IN_TAB with handler [23:54:28.600 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED with handler [23:54:28.600 D] Set query filter to Horde [23:54:28.771 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event QUEST_AUTOCOMPLETE with handler [23:54:28.771 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event QUEST_FINISHED with handler [23:54:28.849 N] [Singular] info: Pull Distance set to 100 yds by ProfessionBuddy, Plug-in, Profile, or User [23:54:29.005 D] Downloaded tilemap MountHyjalPhase1 [23:54:29.536 D] Downloaded tilemap Kalimdor [23:54:29.629 D] Changed map(s) to MountHyjalPhase1, Kalimdor [00:54:30.300 N]Current Version: Revision 57 (No updates available) [00:54:30.316 N]Zone lock: Orgrimmar - Valley of Strength (1637) [00:54:30.316 N]Teleport distance: 15 yards [00:54:30.316 N]Datastore Addon: Disabled [00:54:30.331 N]Check Mail: Enabled [00:54:30.331 N]Post to the Auction House: Enabled [00:54:30.331 N]Cancel Undercut Auctions: Disabled [00:54:30.331 N]Buy from the Auction House: Disabled [00:54:30.347 N]Wait Timer: Disabled [00:54:30.347 N]Deposit Gold Threshold: 10000g 00s 00c [00:54:30.347 N]Current Gold: 673g 08s 51c [00:54:30.363 N]AHBuddy: Checking for new mail. [23:54:30.316 N] For automatic prices PM me on the buddy forum [23:54:30.316 N] [23:54:30.394 D] Activity: Loading Tiles [23:54:30.409 D] Loading Kalimdor_40_28 [23:54:30.833 D] Successfully generated path from {1635.189, -4445.97, 17.02819} to {1607.681, -4424.809, 13.6011} in 432 milliseconds [00:54:38.612 N]PB 1.650: MoveTo Action completed for type NearestMailbox [23:54:38.628 D] InteractDebug:511072020 [23:54:38.628 D] Interact Done:511072020 [00:54:43.745 N]PB 1.650: Mail retrieval of items:AllItems finished [23:54:43.776 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnUnitSpellCastSucceeded from event UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED; it is not a member [00:54:44.291 N]AHBuddy: Posting items to the AH. [23:54:44.291 D] Loading Kalimdor_40_29 [23:54:44.540 D] Loading Kalimdor_39_28 [23:54:44.727 D] Loading Kalimdor_39_29 [23:54:44.883 D] Loading Kalimdor_40_30 [23:54:45.039 D] Loading Kalimdor_41_28 [23:54:45.180 D] Loading Kalimdor_40_27 [23:54:45.383 D] Loading Kalimdor_39_30 [23:54:45.632 D] Loading Kalimdor_41_29 [23:54:45.804 D] Loading Kalimdor_41_27 [23:54:45.991 D] Loading Kalimdor_38_28 [23:54:46.163 D] Loading Kalimdor_41_30 [23:54:46.303 D] Loading Kalimdor_38_29 [23:54:46.568 D] Loading Kalimdor_38_30 [23:54:46.709 D] Loading Kalimdor_38_27 [23:54:46.771 D] C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_38_27.etm is not this user's mesh file! [23:54:46.771 D] Failed to load C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_38_27.etm at all. [23:54:46.787 D] Loading Kalimdor_42_29 [23:54:46.787 D] C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_42_29.etm is not this user's mesh file! [23:54:46.787 D] Failed to load C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_42_29.etm at all. [23:54:46.787 D] Loading Kalimdor_38_27 [23:54:46.787 D] C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_38_27.etm is not this user's mesh file! [23:54:46.787 D] Failed to load C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_38_27.etm at all. [23:54:46.787 D] Loading Kalimdor_38_27 [23:54:46.787 D] C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_38_27.etm is not this user's mesh file! [23:54:46.787 D] Failed to load C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_38_27.etm at all. [23:54:46.787 D] Loading Kalimdor_38_27 [23:54:46.787 D] C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_38_27.etm is not this user's mesh file! [23:54:46.787 D] Failed to load C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_38_27.etm at all. [23:54:46.787 D] Loading Kalimdor_42_29 [23:54:46.787 D] C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_42_29.etm is not this user's mesh file! [23:54:46.787 D] Failed to load C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_42_29.etm at all. [23:54:46.787 D] Loading Kalimdor_42_29 [23:54:46.787 D] C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_42_29.etm is not this user's mesh file! [23:54:46.787 D] Failed to load C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_42_29.etm at all. [23:54:46.787 D] Loading Kalimdor_42_29 [23:54:46.787 D] C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_42_29.etm is not this user's mesh file! [23:54:46.787 D] Failed to load C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_42_29.etm at all. [23:54:46.787 D] Loading Kalimdor_42_30 [23:54:46.787 D] C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_42_30.etm is not this user's mesh file! [23:54:46.787 D] Failed to load C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_42_30.etm at all. [23:54:46.787 D] Activity: Downloading Mesh... [23:54:47.941 D] Downloaded C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_42_28 [23:54:47.941 D] Activity: Loading Tiles [23:54:47.941 D] Loading Kalimdor_42_28 [23:54:47.957 D] Loading Kalimdor_42_29 [23:54:47.957 D] C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_42_29.etm is not this user's mesh file! [23:54:47.957 D] Failed to load C:\Users\Briski\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes\Kalimdor\Kalimdor_42_29.etm at all. [23:54:47.988 D] Could not generate full path from {1606.462, -4422.875, 13.68748} to {1639.42, -4449.21, 18.53408} (time used: 3.666 seconds) [23:54:54.290 D] PB 1.650: Wait for 00:00:00.5000000 or until !Me.IsMoving Completed [23:54:54.290 D] InteractDebug:507045232 [23:54:54.290 D] Interact Done:507045232 [23:54:54.930 D] PB 1.650: Wait for 00:00:02 or until AuctionFrame.Instance.IsVisible Completed [23:54:54.930 D] Activity: Posting to the auction house. [23:54:55.382 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnUnitSpellCastSucceeded from event UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED; it is not a member [00:54:55.897 N]AHBuddy: Posting items to the AH. [00:54:56.973 N]AHBuddy: Posting items to the AH. [00:54:58.081 N]AHBuddy: Posting items to the AH. [00:54:59.135 N]AHBuddy: Posting items to the AH. [00:55:00.196 N]AHBuddy: Posting items to the AH. [00:55:01.256 N]AHBuddy: Posting items to the AH. [00:56:39.856 N]AHBuddy: Posting items to the AH. [00:56:40.886 N]AHBuddy: Posting items to the AH. [23:56:41.369 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: Main window is closing [23:56:41.401 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnUnitSpellCastSucceeded from event UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED; it is not a member [23:56:41.416 D] PB 1.650: Stop Called [00:56:41.479 N]AHBuddy: Gold earnt this session: 0c
I deleted some of the post loop since my reply was too long otherwise
Why would you want to go to the same spot every time?How to add my own hotspot at auctioner location and bot will use only that one all the time?
I'd recommend changing to a better zone to bot the AH. I'll look into the elevated surfaces issues when I get some time. Moving to the mailbox is completely handled by professionbuddy, not the profile.Yeah, about that. My banker uses a different spot all the time, but it's very bot like. Many times it runs INTO the brazier in SW (left Auctioneer), or it goes BEHIND the auctioneer, running into the big stone slab the auctioneer is located on. I even saw it running past the auctioneer once, only to turn back on the spot to talk to her. A human player would not do that.
Secondly, the toon is ALWAYS running into the mailbox in SW, outside the bank. It just takes 3 or 4 steps too many and humps the mailbox.
Originally Posted by hoper
How to add my own hotspot at auctioner location and bot will use only that one all the time?
Why would you want to go to the same spot every time?
You could try removing the locations from the gotoah subroutine and your own, but I support any changes you do to that.I am in need to Zakanator, also if i can add one more at mailbox too will be great. Can you please tell me how can i do that?
I tried adding my own hotspot bellow auctioners names in AHBuddy at the end but it just wont apply,
Getting beta access would be the best bet, with the new profile editor about to go into beta, editing the profile will be easier than ever.Any tips on how to configurate everything faster than one by one ?
Quote Originally Posted by hoper View Post
I am in need to Zakanator, also if i can add one more at mailbox too will be great. Can you please tell me how can i do that?
I tried adding my own hotspot bellow auctioners names in AHBuddy at the end but it just wont apply,
You could try removing the locations from the gotoah subroutine and your own, but I support any changes you do to that.
That will be cause of IgnoreStackSizeBelow. The default value for ghost iron ore is 20, so it will ignore any auctions for that item that are below a stacks size of 20.For some reason my bot undercut stacks of 14-15 so my ghost iron ore were 20g on AH any reason why it does that ?
You'll have to remove the GoToAH subroutine and all the references to it and then change AutoFindAh to false and add your location.Thanks for taking the time to have a look, here is the code for Dalaran if i am not wrong...
<If Condition="Me.IsHorde" >
<!--Reginald Arcfire-->
<CustomAction Code="locAuctioneer.Add(new WoWPoint(5925.073, 730.2632, 642.1348));" />
I changed (5925.073, 730.2632, 642.1348));" /> with my own generated hotspot next to auctioner Reginald Arcfire, but it doesnt apply, it still stop on different hotspots.
How can i fix this so it will only stop on the hotstop i want next to auctioner?
Wow. Zakanator, just wow. I've been building my own professionbuddy profiles so I have unique behaviors and decided to download your code and have a look at it. I'm very impressed.
Originally Posted by hoper View Post
Thanks for taking the time to have a look, here is the code for Dalaran if i am not wrong...
<If Condition="Me.IsHorde" >
<!--Reginald Arcfire-->
<CustomAction Code="locAuctioneer.Add(new WoWPoint(5925.073, 730.2632, 642.1348));" />
I changed (5925.073, 730.2632, 642.1348));" /> with my own generated hotspot next to auctioner Reginald Arcfire, but it doesnt apply, it still stop on different hotspots.
How can i fix this so it will only stop on the hotstop i want next to auctioner?
You'll have to remove the GoToAH subroutine and all the references to it and then change AutoFindAh to false and add your location.