Okey now ive tried everything i can think of for the last hour, ive set it to post in stacks of 1 and 2 stacks, put false on partial stacks etc, and when i post gems it post in all sort of stacks and not singles... yes ive placed it to 1, it posts in 9 , 10, 20 etc. what is wrong?
Edit: okey its now fixed, by some strange way, my problem or question now is that after it posted 2 of the items, it wont undercutt ppl cause it says i got 2 items alrdy posted, any way to change this so i dont have to cancell all the undercutted and then go repost, takes a huge chunk of time for it to undercutt, post items, go to mailbox, loot, go back in check for undercutts, cancell and post again