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[Professionbuddy] AHBuddy - Full Auction House Bot

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How do I make it post at a fallback price if the lowest buyout is lower than my min buyout rather than keeping stuff in my bags?
I dont get it how to enter shoulder enchants to sell and serpenths eye..... help me please :S
I've got a bank alt with TONNES of random mats etc in his bank and bags. Is there a way for this profile to just undercut automatically instead of individually setting a minimum/maximum price for each item which will take too much time lol.

I've set prices for all the auction I use and it works perfect, but! It keeps posting some items for 0c bid, those items are Living steel and Trillium bar, their settings are exactly like the working ones except higher price, why? Tried clean install of HB as well, and the weird past is that everything else works.

Edit: I agree with Fisty, if a price isn't set but there are still items on the AH, it will just put it at 0c bid, instead of undercutting 1copper.
Hey guys im willing to pay 40$ for someone to teach me how to use AH bot to make gold... i can only afford 1 account so i cannot farm on multiple accounts.. my offer is serious so someone please help me.
Yes you can!

I did exactly the same thing, I set my minimum @ 6g0s0c and my maximum @ 499g0s0c. I edited my profile with this:

This tells Professionbuddy to sell a maximum of 20 of ech glyph @ 1 per stack for a minimum of 6g and maximum of 499g.

Is that what you wanted to know? :)

Where did you get the information for adding new xml tags like subcategory?
what means location 0?
why is there an item id, if this will sell all glyphs?
Would anybody give me a few tips on how to configure it to flip the AH?

Like buying cheap and selling at market price...
Is anything false in this profile?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <ChangeBotAction BotName="Combat Bot" />
  <While Condition="true" IgnoreCanRun="True">
    <SellItemOnAhAction Category="Glyph" SubCategoryType="WoWItemGlyphClass" SubCategory="None" UseCategory="True" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Everything" ItemID="" MinBuyout="1g0s0c" MaxBuyout="400g0s0c" StackSize="1" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" Amount="1" BidPrecent="100" UndercutPrecent="0.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" Location="1542.401, 225.1617, -56.87341" />
    <WaitAction Condition="false" Timeout="new Random().Next(600000, 1200000)" />
    <CancelAuctionAction UseCategory="True" Category="Glyph" SubCategory="None" SubCategoryType="WoWItemTradeGoodsClass" ItemID="" AutoFindAh="True" MinBuyout="0g0s0c" Location="1542.401, 225.1617, -56.87341" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" />
    <WaitAction Condition="false" Timeout="new Random().Next(600000, 1200000)" />
    <GetMailAction GetMailType="AllItems" ItemID="" CheckNewMail="True" MaxCODAmount="0g0s0c" MinFreeBagSlots="0" AutoFindMailBox="True" Location="1542.401, 225.1617, -56.87341" />
    <WaitAction Condition="false" Timeout="new Random().Next(600000, 1200000)" />

I think WaitAction doesnt takes the random value correctly :(
Was wondering if anyone could help me edit some of the items to buy and resell. I can't figure this out for the life of me.. When I feel like I got it down, it just ends up not doing what I thought it was going to do...

Basically I just want it to buy the following:

Ghost Iron Ore: Infinite Amounts / 70g Max Posting Price / 55g Min Posting Price / Buys Anything Under 50g A Stack.
Green Tea Leaf : Infinite Amounts / 55g Max Posting Price / 40g Min Posting Price / Buys Anything Under 35g A Stack.
Golden Lotus: 500 Max Amount / 85g Max Posting Price / 55g Min Posting Price / Buys Anything Under 50g A Stack.
Fools Cap: Infinite Amounts / 85g Max Posting Price / 65g Min Posting Price / Buys Anything Under 55g A Stack.

Like I said, I have NO idea what im doing with this.. I've tried understanding it but I just cannot. If Anyone can edit a script and put those variables in for me I would be greatful or give me a detailed walkthrough...



<!--Ghost Iron Ore-->
<If Condition="(int)Me.Gold &gt;= (int)Settings[&quot;BuyOut Threshold&quot;]" IgnoreCanRun="True">
<BuyItemFromAhAction ItemListType="Item" ItemID="72092" MaxBuyout="2g50s0c" Amount="100000" BuyAdditively="True" AutoFindAh="True" BidOnItem="True" />


<!--Ghost Iron Ore-->
<SellItemOnAhAction UseCategory="False" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="72092" MinBuyout="2g75s0c" MaxBuyout="3g75s0c" StackSize="20" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="20" Amount="30" BidPrecent="100" UndercutPrecent="0.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" />

I can't test this right now because servers are down but I think this is what you are looking for.
Is the bot getting stuck, if i have not enough money to buy something, if i dont manuelly check how much money i have before buying? whats the reaction of the bot, if i dont have enough money to buy something? they dont just ignore then?
New update on the svn;
Cycle wait will now wait between 5 - 15 mins.
Improved checking gold threshold for buying auction.
Added glyphs, transmog set and other items.
Some upcoming features that will be looked at:
-Accepting COD mail for specific items
-Withdraw from guild bank
-Trade chat advertising
-And of course more items being added
When using in SW, after using the AH in the Trade District, it runs to the right (inside the building while facing npc's) and use the mailbox that is outside the building. so it is clicking through the wall to open the mail box. You should completly black list this mail box as it looks VERY bot-like when walking back and forth from the wall to the npc for the AH.
When using in SW, after using the AH in the Trade District, it runs to the right (inside the building while facing npc's) and use the mailbox that is outside the building. so it is clicking through the wall to open the mail box. You should completly black list this mail box as it looks VERY bot-like when walking back and forth from the wall to the npc for the AH.
It automatically uses the closest mailbox. I wouldn't recommend botting in stormwind. Those auction houses have a lot more traffic using them, otherwise use dwarven district auction house or if you position yourself in the correct spot you can use the auction house and mailbox without moving in the trade district.
Hello, in first place, sorry for my english dudes.
If I have 1 Bold primordial rubi, can the AH Bot put this on ah, 1 copper cheaper than the cheap enemy auction?
I have a lot of Jewel mats and want to put it autimatically a bit more cheaper than the other people auctions.
Can the bot do this?
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