Amount is the base amount for depositing/withdrawal.What am i supposed to put for amount/threshold/WAd (not sure what WAd is) for withdraw? Cuz I put 5 for amount for everything earlier and the exported xml said 1 for everything.
I have no idea what you mean.the bot is adding all my gems in one stack, i just want 1 gem/each stack., please help me, can't find the option for this? ty![]()
Try changing IgnoreStackSizeBelow to 1 and PostPartialStacks to false.<!--Glinting Imperial Amethyst-->
<SellItemOnAhAction UseCategory="False" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="76680" MinBuyout="0g0s0c" MaxBuyout="0g0s0c" StackSize="1" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="20" Amount="20" BidPrecent="100" UndercutPrecent="0.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostPartialStacks="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="True" />
when is posts to AH, it sets the stacksize to all i have, in this case 17 pieces of theese gems. I want it to post stacksizes of 1, by this 1 x 17 auctions.. please help <3
Just add/remove items from the sell/buy/bank tabs and adjust the setting in the settings tab.I have your beta version what more than downloading the profile I want it to buy but what else should I do to start a profile? any setting?
<SubRoutine SubRoutineName="PostToAH">
<If Condition="(bool)Settings["Post to the Auction House"]">
<CustomAction Code="AHBuddyLog("Posting items to the AH.""/>
<CallSubRoutine SubRoutineName="GoToAH"/>
<SellItemOnAhAction UseCategory="False" ItemID="93351" MaxBuyout="68g0s0c" MinBuyout="23g80s0c" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="True" StackSize="1" Amount="6"/>
<CustomAction Code="mailCounter++;"/>
<SellItemOnAhAction UseCategory="False" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="93351" MinBuyout="23g80s0c" MaxBuyout="68g0s0c" StackSize="1" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" Amount="6" BidPrecent="95" UndercutPrecent="0.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostPartialStacks="False" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" />
Change it to this, which is using the new format that'll require updating the profile from the svn once i've made the update.If i want to withdraw 2 stacks of crafty vermilion onyx from personal bank which parameters do i need to change from the script. The itemID for Crafty vermilion Onyx is 76659
<If Condition="(InbagCount(76659) + OnAhCount(76659)) < 5 && InBankCount(76659) > 0" >
<GetItemfromBankAction Withdraw="Amount" Bank="Personal" MinFreeBagSlots="0" GetItemfromBankType="SpecificItem" ItemID="76659" Amount="5 - (InbagCount(76659) + OnAhCount(76659))" AutoFindBank="True" WithdrawAdditively="True" />
Thanks in advance
<If Condition="(InBagItemCount(76659) + OnAhCount(76659)) < 40 && InBankCount(76659) > 0" > <GetItemfromBankAction Withdraw="Amount" Bank="Personal" MinFreeBagSlots="0" GetItemfromBankType="SpecificItem" ItemID="76659" Amount="40 - OnAhCount(76659)" AutoFindBank="True" WithdrawAdditively="False" /></If>
I've never seen the generated profiles miss attributes like that, maybe you downloaded a profile while I was making some changes. Since those are all attributes that aren't directly affected by the editor, i'll make them fallback to the default hard coded values if they're missing.AHbuddy has been posting ALL of my items rather than "AMOUNT" can someone help me understand what i'm doing wrong.
Edit: okay so I fixed it by changing the post line to the following. However I still don't understand WHY it fixed it.
Edit 2: There seems to be some problem with the beta xml generator were its not correctly tagging some items.
I open up AHBuddy.xml and I can't find buyore or any similar settings anywhere. Can you please help me out? Also where do I put myitems.xml from the beta program? I just renamed it to AHBuddy for now to see if it would work. All it does after checking mail for the first time is sit and say "Scanning for undercut items".
same thing here , only undercutting ONE item ^^ heres the log View attachment 11640 2014-11-07 01.36.txtyeah mine does the exact same.. well it does cancel auctions if its undercutted.. but yeah.. does not post anything again even tho i added the gems.. could be nice with some help!
I've also bought beta and can't How toI can't upload anymore my file on the beta version to update it (i used to do it around a month ago when you still had a choice between alpha and beta).
Should i name my xml file in a particular way?
doesn't work for meOk, i ve just figured it out.
If you upload it via the Sell tab (not the Buy tab) it works.