I used the username and password i got in the mail after payed for the full version. Sadly i'm getting a error when i enter it into the SVN. It says the following:
Error Unable to connect to a repository at URL
Error Access to SVN LINK forbidden
Nothing gets downloaded and i'm sortya stuck. Any ideas?
Hi Millz and guys,
i have probs with the frames. At raiding frames going down to 10 fps. With singular frames are at 45. im using tyrael , and i try softloch and hardlock, with both frames are bad.
it must be a usermistake by myself , but i have no idea. Whatelse can i try ?
Am i the only one that get and error when i try to log into to routine saying: Failed Authentication. Reason: Possible server issue. Please retry login soon. ?
Heyo. Been using your premium profile for a couple days, it's actually really solid, except for a few things here and there.
First, on multi dotting bosses like protectors or klaxxis, it sometimes doesn't dot the boss3 frame, until I target it. Can't explain why, wasn't able to reproduce.
And there's a little something that could be improved rotation wise :
Scenario : You have 2 orbs, and MB is up. Profile is casting MB. (not the free-proc MB, actual cast)
Now it should just use DP after that (or re-dot if needed, it does that pretty decently).
But sometimes, because the GCD comes up before you actually get the 3rd orb, the profile casts a Mind Flay. It interrupts it right after, yes, but you still lost one GCD for one tick of mind flay, which is not ideal. I think something like a 50-100 ms pause after the MB cast when you have 2 orbs could do the trick. Or whatever method you can come up with
Also, you shouldn't use the 2nd SW: D after using DP.
When you have 2 orbs, the profile currently goes SW: D -> DP -> 2nd SW: D Lost time on MF:I channeling, DPS loss. It should SW: D -> SW: D -> DP, since the 2nd one doesn't generate an orb anyway.
Oh and allow the cast of DP when moving. I'm currently doing it manually, but moving during the DP GCD is almost the only way to not lose DPS while moving.
Only things I can spot atm, will tell you later if I notice something else![]()
Hi here is my logfile. Several times frames going down.
hope there is something wrong we can handle.
So SVN still down as i can't login and update my shit?
Multi-Dotting has some strict conditions to ensure it doesn't pull units that we aren't fighting. For that reason, it will only DoT units which are targeting someone in our party or raid. It will always attack the current target."
Just curious, not really familiar with coding at all so not sure if this is possible. For PvP, if there was an option to enable multi-doting to all targets in range, player controled of course, that would be amazing. The more Dot pressure that you can put on an enemy healer, the better of a push your team will have in BG's. Just a thought. Again, keep up the great work!
Hi Millz,
ty for the tips. I tried everything you wrote and now my fps in raid is between 30 and 50. I think this is ok. What fps do you guys have in raids ?
latest release broke something.. not sure quite what yet.
Hey Millz,
I've some problems too. cc stops casting often. After casting a mind blast manually it picks up the rotation again. Happens every fight ...
thx jake-
He needs more info... what lvl are you, what is your ilvl(if 90) etc. Also, explain what is different with how singular executes the rotation in comparison to this rotation.my dps is garbage with this. Premium version, its about half of what i get with singular CC. I dont know if its something I have set wrong or what