GOAL: Made as much money i can for myself. Legion is coming!
<blablabla intro- you can skip for the juice>
Botting since mop, got hammered with the last banwave, so i decide to try this.
Keep in mind this is my first attempt to multibotting.
Got 5 battlechest code from friends, same as their HB licences (they quit botting some time ago, i already got mine, but i need +4).
Team setup: Prot Pala, Disc Priest, 3 BM Hunters
Get them to 90 via DungeonBuddy. Easy as pie.
Now the problems begin: THE 500 iLvl
When you get 90 via Db, you hit WoD with an ilvl of circa 340. So i start the questbot until i get to the garrison.
Bots will have ilvl under 400. LFD requires 500.
Already bought the 3 640 crafted items allowed, they are not enough for LFD.
So i start to do some experiments:
DB set to FARM
Note: Not that nice XP, get enough loot for all will takes eons. When the bot finish the dungeon, run to the exit and start running in front of it without exiting it. All of them. You cant AFK.
So i decide to switch back to Questing untill they all get to 500 and go via LFD.
I'll update editing this post.
29/05 update
Finally i got all toons at 100. It was a pain in the ass!
The next goal was hit 610 ilvl to put them in dugeon hc farming.
The thing was harder than i thought.
2 toons hits 611 after zillions of normal dungeon farming, other 3 stuck at 604.
After some crying on the wave of depression, i got the idea.
The Iron Front farming and their magic baleful drops!!!
With the 2 men flying mount i reach the iron front fp with all my toons, do some forum research and found this https://store.buddyauth.com/Product?productId=4801. (TY Aion for your amazing works, im going to buy some of yours)
I'm on an halfdead server, so the chance to get reported are really low, but i did want to get that risk, searched for iron front apexis farming and luckly found a raid.
Fired up the profile and after few hours, my team hit the average of 660 ilvl.
Now, a long night of resting for all and tomorrow i'll start with the farming.
30/05 update
Started the first day of HC farming.
The average i can get with this ilvl is 650 gph each toons. They runs for 10 hours.
so (650*10)*5= 32500
I dunno if it's good or not, hope someone who is doing the same can tell me more.
Some dungeons are tougher than the rest, Like UBRS, they wipe a couple of times everytime.
Some more Iron Front farming, then i put them to sleep
Bonus of the day: dropped a medallion during the farming. +3k
GOLD SO FAR: ~129k
04/06 update
Sorry for the delay with the update, but i changed 1 hunter for an enanch shaman and 1 BM for a combat rogue to boost up the aoe trash pack, and it really worked.
The team is close to 700 gph each toon. It costs me 1 day of downtime, but the trash part in each dungeon are melting like butter, speeding up the runs, especially UBRS like.
I changed up the schedule of the farming, now i'm on 8 hours of HC then 4 hours of IronFront tokens Farm. Due the change of 2 toons the ilvl still around 660, but the tank and healer are 675 and it helps a lot.
Aion is a really great guy, helping my out via discord, giving me tips to writing a lua script that helps me with Iron Front queue. /fstack is my new friend
GOLD SO FAR: ~269k
24/06 update
final report
After circa 20 days of Farming WoD dungeons, i tried to go farming FireLands and HoF.
I got 2 accs running out of time and 3 accs banned today in their last 1day of subs.
Farming WoD dungeon, with the baleful geras, pushed at max 700 gph, but some dungeons are pretty buggy (UBRS eg) that put it down to near 0 when i leave the team without babysitting (night runs).
You can choose to farm some or stay in random for the gold bonus and hope it wont bug.
During the farming in Iron Front, i dropped 5 battlepet that sells for 10k each on my realm. A pretty side bonus.
So to recap:
2 accs running out of time (Dungeons, Iron Front and FL+HoF)
1 acc banned 100% for players report (Dungeons, Iron Front)
3 accs banned (Dungeons, Iron Front and FL+HoF) after circa 10 days of farming HoF for 12 h/day
1 acc with GM (only questing) still up and running
1 acc with officer (nothing) alive
Gbank is untouched
The profit i got after all this is a little under 1kk so i can say i'm pretty happy about this.
<blablabla intro- you can skip for the juice>
Botting since mop, got hammered with the last banwave, so i decide to try this.
Keep in mind this is my first attempt to multibotting.
Got 5 battlechest code from friends, same as their HB licences (they quit botting some time ago, i already got mine, but i need +4).
Team setup: Prot Pala, Disc Priest, 3 BM Hunters
Get them to 90 via DungeonBuddy. Easy as pie.
Now the problems begin: THE 500 iLvl
When you get 90 via Db, you hit WoD with an ilvl of circa 340. So i start the questbot until i get to the garrison.
Bots will have ilvl under 400. LFD requires 500.
Already bought the 3 640 crafted items allowed, they are not enough for LFD.
So i start to do some experiments:
DB set to FARM
Note: Not that nice XP, get enough loot for all will takes eons. When the bot finish the dungeon, run to the exit and start running in front of it without exiting it. All of them. You cant AFK.
So i decide to switch back to Questing untill they all get to 500 and go via LFD.
I'll update editing this post.
29/05 update
Finally i got all toons at 100. It was a pain in the ass!
The next goal was hit 610 ilvl to put them in dugeon hc farming.
The thing was harder than i thought.
2 toons hits 611 after zillions of normal dungeon farming, other 3 stuck at 604.
After some crying on the wave of depression, i got the idea.
The Iron Front farming and their magic baleful drops!!!
With the 2 men flying mount i reach the iron front fp with all my toons, do some forum research and found this https://store.buddyauth.com/Product?productId=4801. (TY Aion for your amazing works, im going to buy some of yours)
I'm on an halfdead server, so the chance to get reported are really low, but i did want to get that risk, searched for iron front apexis farming and luckly found a raid.
Fired up the profile and after few hours, my team hit the average of 660 ilvl.
Now, a long night of resting for all and tomorrow i'll start with the farming.
30/05 update
Started the first day of HC farming.
The average i can get with this ilvl is 650 gph each toons. They runs for 10 hours.
so (650*10)*5= 32500
I dunno if it's good or not, hope someone who is doing the same can tell me more.
Some dungeons are tougher than the rest, Like UBRS, they wipe a couple of times everytime.
Some more Iron Front farming, then i put them to sleep
Bonus of the day: dropped a medallion during the farming. +3k
GOLD SO FAR: ~129k
04/06 update
Sorry for the delay with the update, but i changed 1 hunter for an enanch shaman and 1 BM for a combat rogue to boost up the aoe trash pack, and it really worked.
The team is close to 700 gph each toon. It costs me 1 day of downtime, but the trash part in each dungeon are melting like butter, speeding up the runs, especially UBRS like.
I changed up the schedule of the farming, now i'm on 8 hours of HC then 4 hours of IronFront tokens Farm. Due the change of 2 toons the ilvl still around 660, but the tank and healer are 675 and it helps a lot.
Aion is a really great guy, helping my out via discord, giving me tips to writing a lua script that helps me with Iron Front queue. /fstack is my new friend

GOLD SO FAR: ~269k
24/06 update
final report
After circa 20 days of Farming WoD dungeons, i tried to go farming FireLands and HoF.
I got 2 accs running out of time and 3 accs banned today in their last 1day of subs.
Farming WoD dungeon, with the baleful geras, pushed at max 700 gph, but some dungeons are pretty buggy (UBRS eg) that put it down to near 0 when i leave the team without babysitting (night runs).
You can choose to farm some or stay in random for the gold bonus and hope it wont bug.
During the farming in Iron Front, i dropped 5 battlepet that sells for 10k each on my realm. A pretty side bonus.
So to recap:
2 accs running out of time (Dungeons, Iron Front and FL+HoF)
1 acc banned 100% for players report (Dungeons, Iron Front)
3 accs banned (Dungeons, Iron Front and FL+HoF) after circa 10 days of farming HoF for 12 h/day
1 acc with GM (only questing) still up and running
1 acc with officer (nothing) alive
Gbank is untouched
The profit i got after all this is a little under 1kk so i can say i'm pretty happy about this.
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