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[Post in progress] My new 5 men team with the WoD Bchest


Oct 12, 2012
GOAL: Made as much money i can for myself. Legion is coming!

<blablabla intro- you can skip for the juice>
Botting since mop, got hammered with the last banwave, so i decide to try this.
Keep in mind this is my first attempt to multibotting.
Got 5 battlechest code from friends, same as their HB licences (they quit botting some time ago, i already got mine, but i need +4).

Team setup: Prot Pala, Disc Priest, 3 BM Hunters

Get them to 90 via DungeonBuddy. Easy as pie.

Now the problems begin: THE 500 iLvl
When you get 90 via Db, you hit WoD with an ilvl of circa 340. So i start the questbot until i get to the garrison.
Bots will have ilvl under 400. LFD requires 500.
Already bought the 3 640 crafted items allowed, they are not enough for LFD.

So i start to do some experiments:

DB set to FARM

Note: Not that nice XP, get enough loot for all will takes eons. When the bot finish the dungeon, run to the exit and start running in front of it without exiting it. All of them. You cant AFK.

So i decide to switch back to Questing untill they all get to 500 and go via LFD.

I'll update editing this post.

29/05 update
Finally i got all toons at 100. It was a pain in the ass!

The next goal was hit 610 ilvl to put them in dugeon hc farming.
The thing was harder than i thought.
2 toons hits 611 after zillions of normal dungeon farming, other 3 stuck at 604.
After some crying on the wave of depression, i got the idea.
The Iron Front farming and their magic baleful drops!!!
With the 2 men flying mount i reach the iron front fp with all my toons, do some forum research and found this https://store.buddyauth.com/Product?productId=4801. (TY Aion for your amazing works, im going to buy some of yours)

I'm on an halfdead server, so the chance to get reported are really low, but i did want to get that risk, searched for iron front apexis farming and luckly found a raid.
Fired up the profile and after few hours, my team hit the average of 660 ilvl.
Now, a long night of resting for all and tomorrow i'll start with the farming.


30/05 update

Started the first day of HC farming.
The average i can get with this ilvl is 650 gph each toons. They runs for 10 hours.
so (650*10)*5= 32500
I dunno if it's good or not, hope someone who is doing the same can tell me more.
Some dungeons are tougher than the rest, Like UBRS, they wipe a couple of times everytime.

Some more Iron Front farming, then i put them to sleep

Bonus of the day: dropped a medallion during the farming. +3k

GOLD SO FAR: ~129k

04/06 update

Sorry for the delay with the update, but i changed 1 hunter for an enanch shaman and 1 BM for a combat rogue to boost up the aoe trash pack, and it really worked.
The team is close to 700 gph each toon. It costs me 1 day of downtime, but the trash part in each dungeon are melting like butter, speeding up the runs, especially UBRS like.
I changed up the schedule of the farming, now i'm on 8 hours of HC then 4 hours of IronFront tokens Farm. Due the change of 2 toons the ilvl still around 660, but the tank and healer are 675 and it helps a lot.
Aion is a really great guy, helping my out via discord, giving me tips to writing a lua script that helps me with Iron Front queue. /fstack is my new friend :)

GOLD SO FAR: ~269k

24/06 update
final report

After circa 20 days of Farming WoD dungeons, i tried to go farming FireLands and HoF.

I got 2 accs running out of time and 3 accs banned today in their last 1day of subs.

Farming WoD dungeon, with the baleful geras, pushed at max 700 gph, but some dungeons are pretty buggy (UBRS eg) that put it down to near 0 when i leave the team without babysitting (night runs).

You can choose to farm some or stay in random for the gold bonus and hope it wont bug.

During the farming in Iron Front, i dropped 5 battlepet that sells for 10k each on my realm. A pretty side bonus.

So to recap:

2 accs running out of time (Dungeons, Iron Front and FL+HoF)
1 acc banned 100% for players report (Dungeons, Iron Front)
3 accs banned (Dungeons, Iron Front and FL+HoF) after circa 10 days of farming HoF for 12 h/day
1 acc with GM (only questing) still up and running
1 acc with officer (nothing) alive
Gbank is untouched

The profit i got after all this is a little under 1kk so i can say i'm pretty happy about this.

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Is Db even safe? I always just do quest mode vs db since more people reports bans on 5x db running even if its 3x faster...
Is Db even safe? I always just do quest mode vs db since more people reports bans on 5x db running even if its 3x faster...
The BAN report is about the heavy farming (24/7 siince WoD is out) of MOP HC dungeon or Farming 24/7 HoS/HoL
Trying this 'cause is not that "unusual" to farm WoD HC dungeons.
Sooner or later my team will be banned, but we'll see when and how. Since then, faming gold
This is what i was planing. Bought x10 BChest and farming WOD dungeons. My advice cuz i doing this for a while, best combo is Prot pala, fury warr, disco priest, feral druid and hunter. Merge 5 accounts and at lvl 15 put them on farming dungeons, they will need less then a 20 hours to level up to 90. After they level up, leave them resting for the night then start botting. Accounts these days wont last more then 10 days (max) so don't expect much. Also, make their Hearthstone somewhere out of main cities, somewhere where other players can't see you. When they farming make Free for All loot and put setup on Honorbuddy that only one player can loot, easier and much faster then rolling and waiting for all of them to loot each mob.
How is your team keeping up? Tempted to start with a new five man team myself. Not going to go too heavy botting dungeons 24/7. But it you are pretty much ensure to get banned within 1-2 weeks anyway I won't bother. If I could use the team to get myself a level 100 to use for Legion, as well as having a team of five farming dungeons for like say 4-5 hours every other day for cash might do it. But not if it ensures you a certain ban on all accounts within a split second.
The BAN report is about the heavy farming (24/7 siince WoD is out) of MOP HC dungeon or Farming 24/7 HoS/HoL
Trying this 'cause is not that "unusual" to farm WoD HC dungeons.
Sooner or later my team will be banned, but we'll see when and how. Since then, faming gold

Good thinking. Yes, your team will blend in with the rest who farm WoD heroic instances. Let us know how it goes ;)

GOAL: Made as much money i can for myself. Legion is coming!

<blablabla intro- you can skip for the juice>
Botting since mop, got hammered with the last banwave, so i decide to try this.
Keep in mind this is my first attempt to multibotting.
Got 5 battlechest code from friends, same as their HB licences (they quit botting some time ago, i already got mine, but i need +4).

Team setup: Prot Pala, Disc Priest, 3 BM Hunters

Get them to 90 via DungeonBuddy. Easy as pie.

Now the problems begin: THE 500 iLvl
When you get 90 via Db, you hit WoD with an ilvl of circa 340. So i start the questbot until i get to the garrison.
Bots will have ilvl under 400. LFD requires 500.
Already bought the 3 640 crafted items allowed, they are not enough for LFD.

So i start to do some experiments:

DB set to FARM

Note: Not that nice XP, get enough loot for all will takes eons. When the bot finish the dungeon, run to the exit and start running in front of it without exiting it. All of them. You cant AFK.

So i decide to switch back to Questing untill they all get to 500 and go via LFD.

I'll update editing this post.

29/05 update
Finally i got all toons at 100. It was a pain in the ass!

The next goal was hit 610 ilvl to put them in dugeon hc farming.
The thing was harder than i thought.
2 toons hits 611 after zillions of normal dungeon farming, other 3 stuck at 604.
After some crying on the wave of depression, i got the idea.
The Iron Front farming and their magic baleful drops!!!
With the 2 men flying mount i reach the iron front fp with all my toons, do some forum research and found this https://store.buddyauth.com/Product?productId=4801. (TY Aion for your amazing works, im going to buy some of yours)

I'm on an halfdead server, so the chance to get reported are really low, but i did want to get that risk, searched for iron front apexis farming and luckly found a raid.
Fired up the profile and after few hours, my team hit the average of 660 ilvl.
Now, a long night of resting for all and tomorrow i'll start with the farming.


30/05 update

Started the first day of HC farming.
The average i can get with this ilvl is 650 gph each toons. They runs for 10 hours.
so (650*10)*5= 32500
I dunno if it's good or not, hope someone who is doing the same can tell me more.
Some dungeons are tougher than the rest, Like UBRS, they wipe a couple of times everytime.

Some more Iron Front farming, then i put them to sleep

Bonus of the day: dropped a medallion during the farming. +3k

GOLD SO FAR: ~129k

Banned yet?
How is your team keeping up? Tempted to start with a new five man team myself. Not going to go too heavy botting dungeons 24/7. But it you are pretty much ensure to get banned within 1-2 weeks anyway I won't bother. If I could use the team to get myself a level 100 to use for Legion, as well as having a team of five farming dungeons for like say 4-5 hours every other day for cash might do it. But not if it ensures you a certain ban on all accounts within a split second.

I'm running this for about 7 days and no problem at all. knocking wood.
4-5 hours farming looks a little low, mostly because your toons have a really low ilvl; adding a 4 hours of IronFront token farm will boost your runs.

Update in the first post
Just to let you that starting from the 6th June will be the apexis bons week.
It means a tons of ppl will farm that, the bots will hide and loot better in a 40men raid.
If my team will survive untill that day i'll do 1 full day of Iron Front farm.
Ilvl is so important to boost this runs.
Buying the 640 crafted items is a waste of money.
a rogue and enh sham is serving you better for aoe clear ? that's odd, bm hunter aoe is one of the best - if not, the best you can get.
a rogue and enh sham is serving you better for aoe clear ? that's odd, bm hunter aoe is one of the best - if not, the best you can get.
This dps setup is working better than the 3 hunters, maybe is the interaction with DB,maybe Singular, but it's just speculations, the fact is that the trash pack are melting
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Which tank has the most dps at around 710 ilvl?
If you can afford, buy Tuanha Paladin CR and use a paladin. With that CR is a fucking beast.
Otherwise Warrior or Paladin, but remember to buy their glyph
Warrior: Cleave
Paladin: Consecrator
If you want some tips for maximizing your computer for fps and clears click on my link. I am also available for some questions where I can help as I am just getting back into this recently but a few years ago that was my main farming method.
I really dont understand the way blizzard bans.
5 toons farming + 1 toon questing and i got banned just in 1 toon from the dungeon farmer, all other accs are just fine.
as soon as tripware goes down, i'll put the other acc into the team and start again.
i really dont get it
btw 1 toons got 18 months ban.
So you consider the best team to be;

Tank - Prot Paladin
Healer - Disc Priest
DPS - BM Hunter
DPS - Combat Rogue
DPS - Enh Shaman

Instead of the normal route of;

Tank - Blood DK
Healer - Rest Druid
DPS - BM Hunter
DPS - BM Hunter
DPS - BM Hunter
I really dont understand the way blizzard bans.
5 toons farming + 1 toon questing and i got banned just in 1 toon from the dungeon farmer, all other accs are just fine.
as soon as tripware goes down, i'll put the other acc into the team and start again.
i really dont get it
btw 1 toons got 18 months ban.

tbh, as soon as your 5 man teams gets done reformat your pc or do a timewarp with windows 10 that puts it back to a fresh install recovery to delete all wow keys/install paths since they will have you marked.
So you consider the best team to be;

Tank - Prot Paladin
Healer - Disc Priest
DPS - BM Hunter
DPS - Combat Rogue
DPS - Enh Shaman

Instead of the normal route of;

Tank - Blood DK
Healer - Rest Druid
DPS - BM Hunter
DPS - BM Hunter
DPS - BM Hunter

Did some change on that:

Tank - Prot Paladin - tuhana CR
Healer - Disc Priest - Singular
DPS - BM Hunter - tuhana CR
DPS - BM Hunter - tuhana CR
DPS - Enh Shaman - Singular

Rogue wasn't performing that well,
Paladin with that CR is absolutely the best tank you can have in dungeon, HUGE dps
The Enh is a great boost too