1. Illegitimate HB usage (aka *****ed/bogus copy without the protection offered by a legit version
2. Garrison botbase/plugin usage (not too tough to get targeted if Blizzard did find patterns. They only had to check one instance across many toons)
3. LUA vulnerabilities in botbases/routines offered OUTSIDE of the Buddy Store, which many know have to be approved by the HB staff first. Much riskier botbases/routines basically
None of these are satisfactory answers.
I have seen people who were banned repeatedly accused of lying. There is no benefit for me to lie about when I was banned and how and my usage.
I have 4 legitimate keys of HB, no reason for me to use a non authorized version.
I did not use a Garrison bot or plugin, I did use a profile ( this profile ran with profession buddy, supplied with HB) but I have to also manual run my toon when using this profile. I interrupted and stopped it and finished manually every time the pattern many time when I used it. I also changed the pattern because I knew where it would be stuck and have trouble, in addition the mines don't spawn the same every day. The mines are set up in such a way that even manually running them would be more exactly duplicated than while i was using this profile.
And lately I haven't been using HB as much because the profile only slightly makes it easier. pretty much don't even use it for even an hour at a time and use is pretty random and always attended.
I only used the Hb supplied raid bot or combat bot ( I did not use enyo, nor any buddy shop cr.) for when I did raids or dungeons and I always manually moved my toons and was there 100% of the time, often again turning off HB when i knew it would not perform very well on certain bosses and areas. I also only ever used the singular CR honorbuddy supplies.
When i talked to the Blixx representative, She said that they were 100% certain with no doubts that I had HB running on my computer while i was on the Wow Client. How then? Did they scan my computer as they state they do, or was it the LUA we hear about? Others have also stated that Blizz claims they knew without a doubt that they were running Honorbuddy. Seems like an very easy fix would be to let us camouflage HB to look like something else. Make it so we each cause it to look like something we ourselves pick so they are all different. If its a LUA thing. I am not even sure what the LUA calls are. more Information might be helpful. Do the Lua calls state anything that says the profile , CR or HB specifically? Do these Lua calls happen with normal play?
I only hope my other two accounts do not get banned. since the second ban was days after the first, I expect more to come. And also I didn't even use the bot on my second account, but I did have HB open and used it on the first account while i multiboxed the second. Second was a healer i used to heal my first toon I didn't run a bot on her. I used them in old world dungeons for mog gear, which i can easily solo, just find it easier sometimes to have a healer along on follow. She still got banned. Since I have one more account on that bnet that is active I am waiting to see what happens.
Calling me a liar or insisting i have an illegitimate HB account is wrong. Why are you assuming this? To make yourself feel safe?