Ages ago I read of how some patches would sometimes reroll container contents, so while I cannot find the original post, this is an extension and explanation of what I have done with that information.
The newest TCG Loot Cards contain a card called Landro's Gift which can be redeemed for Landro's Gift Box in game: - World of Warcraft Landro's Gift Box - Landro's Gift Box WoW TCG Loot Card - WoW Landro's Gift Box Loot code emailed after checkout with our instant digital delivery system!
Do not auto loot them as you will destroy the container, you can take out items you want down to one to keep the container intact. Then if you server or faction transfer, they will be rerolled to provide more or different items. A few times the tier one loot in them did not change but they spawned extra mounts. I have tested it over ten times (spent over $300 now I guess) to make sure this is repeatable and constant.
Each box will contain one old tier one loot and the possibility of only one mount and only the ones on this list:
Reins of the Swift Spectral Tiger
Reins of the Spectral Tiger
X-51 Nether-Rocket X-TREME
X-51 Nether-Rocket
Big Battle Bear
Riding Turtle - You can't sell this as it's BoP
Other things of note:
You will not see a mount that you already know!
This will work on any level character, so you could have a level 10 server swapping all the time with an inventory and bank full of boxes and they will still have the chance to receive any mount without the level or riding ability to use it.
Also, all the mounts are unique, so once you pull one from a box you will need to pass it to an alt before you can see another one if it appears in a box. With containers, if multiple contain unique items you will not see the item if it exists in your inventory. So you can check all the boxes without removing anything and see what your stock of mounts is.
This also works for any other container you have. I received the Malygos mount from Cache of the Ley-Guardian, a Bear from the Hyldnir Spoils, and the Drake from the Oracle eggs.
You can continue to do this as long as your wallet and account can handle it to get all the mounts you like for whatever reason you want them