I have begun implementation of the daily challenges in garrison, and I am looking for testers. Here's the current status:
- Grubbles, Scrags, Stings - Done and works pretty good. There's even an alternate tactic for when the Iron Starlette gets critted. Can boost any level pet. Almost every fight is a win. Gives up to 2.9k exp per fight without buffs (or up to 5.3k exp buffed). With Safari Hat (10%), it took about 25 minutes for 1-25 (including 1 loss to RNG). Fully buffed, it took about 15 mins for 1-25. Requires Anubisath Idol and Iron Starlette.
- Brutus and Rukus
- Hanos, Manos, Fatos
- Rockbiter, Stonechewer, Acidtooth
- Tire and Fiero
- Kremlin and Gromli - Done and works pretty good. It will only boost pets with more than 500 hp because lower will be killed by aoe. Each fight gives roughly 1.8k - 2.7k exp per fight without buffs. Almost every fight is a win. If opponent procs stun on first hit, it will flee, heal and go again. Levelling pets was very fast on this, but I didn't have many pets left with enough hp since most were level 1. Requires Unborn Val'kyr and Stitched Pup.
- Protectron 011803, Protectron 022481, Blingtron 4999b
- Mr. Terrible, Carroteye, Sloppus
- King Flores and Queen Floret - Done but some RNG combinations can make it get stuck during combat. Needs more testing, but didn't have time to fix before next day. Can boost lvl 1 pets for 1.8k - 2.7k exp pr battle roughly without buffs. Not all fights are won due to RNG. Will flee, heal and try again if king isn't swapped in before round 3, since it won't work then. Requires Pandaren Water Spirit and Legs.
- Stitches Jr.
- The Beakinator
- Quintessence of Light
- Archimedes, Samm, Jahan - Done but more or less untested. I have tested the tactic, and it is implemented. But the code is not yet tested. This fight is really quick and gives a lot of exp. I dare say this could be one of the best challenges for levelling pets. But due to aoe, only magic and mechanical pets can be boosted from level 1. Others need to be level 2 and flying possible level 3. Requires a Nexus Whelpling and Chrominius.
- Deebs, Tyri, Puzzle
- Eleanor
Only tested on alliance, but should work for horde too. But for example, alliance needed a spot to go to between healer and fight area. I need a horde player to help me testing.