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In order for the botbase to do something, the following criteria must be met:

1. You have the fight checked off in the bot settings
2. You have the necessary pets to do the fight. Required pets are in the first post.
3. The battle is available, meaning you haven't already completed it, it's available on that day and you have a way of traveling to it.

If you open up the bot settings, any fights it can do for you should be highlighted green. Anything red means you are missing a requirement.
In order for the botbase to do something, the following criteria must be met:

1. You have the fight checked off in the bot settings
2. You have the necessary pets to do the fight. Required pets are in the first post.
3. The battle is available, meaning you haven't already completed it, it's available on that day and you have a way of traveling to it.

If you open up the bot settings, any fights it can do for you should be highlighted green. Anything red means you are missing a requirement.
The GUI is still only available to beta users :P
Ther is nothing to do, because bot settings dosnt open!

The settings will come soon! There is not yet support for it in HB, but it is on the way soon.
On the first post of this thread, you can see what the bot can do. If you meet the requirements for one of them, it will do it when you start the bot. You don't necessarily need a GUI to use it.
Ther is nothing to do, because bot settings dosnt open!


If you like pet battles, there is really nothing else that is even close to the value you get with this. I paid more than double the current price back when it was half as good, and I don't regret it for one second.
If you like pet battles, there is really nothing else that is even close to the value you get with this. I paid more than double the current price back when it was half as good, and I don't regret it for one second.
No but I understand his frustration when he buys something that does nothing. And there's not much info for him to figure out what's going on without the GUI.
No but I understand his frustration when he buys something that does nothing. And there's not much info for him to figure out what's going on without the GUI.

That's very kind of you! Once again, I have the prerequisites! But I want that when I buy something, it works! Apart from that, the Botbase nothing makes!
That's very kind of you! Once again, I have the prerequisites! But I want that when I buy something, it works! Apart from that, the Botbase nothing makes!
In order to help you find the reason it is not doing anything, could you provide me some more info?
Which fight is daily in your garrison? Looking at the first post of this thread, can you confirm that you have the pets required to do that daily battle? Note that they all need to be rare and lvl 25.
Are you in your garrison when starting the bot?
A couple ideas:

1. Like the setting we have for using leveling stones when they are available, could we have support for using Battle Pet Bandage (86143) when they are available and the heal/revive battle pet ability is already on cooldown? I think this would speed things up quite a bit for those of us sitting on stacks and stacks of these bandages.

2. I noticed that in some rare instances in Pandaria combat, the enemy pets can get lucky with crits and kill off both moths. When this happens the leveling pet automatically comes out, and the bot sits there confused until the character is eventually logged out. It would be nice for the pet to spam pass (until it dies) or the first ability and possibly finish the fight.
Anyone having problems on Taralune? pokelevel is often losing half dozen times waiting each time between for the heal spell before I give up and do it manually. Alot of times it will forfeit with chrom dead even when i'm fairly sure it would win if it'd just grab the nexus whelp and go to town.

Do you check for pet breeds on the particular pets? Can't remember from the gui. Like while chrominius has only one breed, nexus whelpling has 3 (p/p, p/s, p/b). That could affect some outcomes.

Main thing I do different manually is chrominius doesn't bother with ancient guardian at all, just goes nuts with arcane explosion till it dies. then nexus whelp arcane storm once, and mana surge to polish them off. Any chance of removing ancient guardian from the scripted rotation?

Also, any chance of detecting pet bandages and using if heal timer is > 50% or x minutes or something.

<WoWItem Name="Battle Pet Bandage" Entry="86143" />

A couple ideas:

1. Like the setting we have for using leveling stones when they are available, could we have support for using Battle Pet Bandage (86143) when they are available and the heal/revive battle pet ability is already on cooldown? I think this would speed things up quite a bit for those of us sitting on stacks and stacks of these bandages.

2. I noticed that in some rare instances in Pandaria combat, the enemy pets can get lucky with crits and kill off both moths. When this happens the leveling pet automatically comes out, and the bot sits there confused until the character is eventually logged out. It would be nice for the pet to spam pass (until it dies) or the first ability and possibly finish the fight.

I've had this double death thing happen a few times on garrison battles too, forgot to note down which ones though. Same results, stands there until timeout.

I was wondering why is he still traveling to Shadowmoon Valley by mount and not using fight master its taking forever to do daily's I know that its mentioned that there are issues with it in prievous post but I use other bot-base and they seem to manage flight masters just fine.

The other thing is are we getting a GUI or any settings at all?

Thanks in advance.

P.S i sow few post back that the Settings/GUI only beta but still no idea why my toon will not fly I have tried next to Flight master still walks off any idea or I'm I missing something?
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Anyone having problems on Taralune? pokelevel is often losing half dozen times waiting each time between for the heal spell before I give up and do it manually. Alot of times it will forfeit with chrom dead even when i'm fairly sure it would win if it'd just grab the nexus whelp and go to town.

Do you check for pet breeds on the particular pets? Can't remember from the gui. Like while chrominius has only one breed, nexus whelpling has 3 (p/p, p/s, p/b). That could affect some outcomes.

Main thing I do different manually is chrominius doesn't bother with ancient guardian at all, just goes nuts with arcane explosion till it dies. then nexus whelp arcane storm once, and mana surge to polish them off. Any chance of removing ancient guardian from the scripted rotation?

Also, any chance of detecting pet bandages and using if heal timer is > 50% or x minutes or something.

<WoWItem Name="Battle Pet Bandage" Entry="86143" />

I'll look into it. I think the healing is good at this specific point, but maybe it shouldn't be so aggressive with forfeiting.
I am not checking for breeds, but I am also fairly certain that the tactics I have made for most fights are breed independant. There is no easy way to check for breeds, as it is not an information that exists in the client. There are different calculations one can do to try and guess the right breed, but I've seen both wowhead and warcraftpets.com being wrong, so I guess the calculation isn't easy.

As for bandages, I'll add it soon.
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I've had this double death thing happen a few times on garrison battles too, forgot to note down which ones though. Same results, stands there until timeout.
I would like to hear about it. I have meant to code support for cases where the boostee is the only survivor in all fights, but some might have slipped.

I was wondering why is he still traveling to Shadowmoon Valley by mount and not using fight master its taking forever to do daily's I know that its mentioned that there are issues with it in prievous post but I use other bot-base and they seem to manage flight masters just fine.

The other thing is are we getting a GUI or any settings at all?

Thanks in advance.

P.S i sow few post back that the Settings/GUI only beta but still no idea why my toon will not fly I have tried next to Flight master still walks off any idea or I'm I missing something?
It is likely that Honorbuddy doesn't know which flight paths you have. Try running questing bot near a flight master in Draenor. Then he will go to it to save all your known paths. These are then saved in Settings/FlightPaths.xml and are then available for PokeLevel to use. This is something I am looking into doing automatically, but for now this workaround should work.
- Just finished some polishing on flight path usage. Now it will go and learn your current flight paths if none are known. Also I fixed some bugs where it would try to take a flight path that you did not know.
- Also located and fixed a bug that would sometimes cause the bot to just stand still until a stop/start after defeating a trainer
- Tweaked Taralune fight to be less aggressive in forfeiting, since it should be able to win anyway.
- Given Pandaria levelling logic an update. Including better logic in the fight. Also will now always put the best moth boosters on the team (highest health). This should allow for faster boosting if you have 3+ moths.

I want to add a few other things too, and then I'll upload the update.
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