I am so sad to say, i will not be using this bot anymore until the bot uses more human like behavior. I am using another paid bot right now (You probably know which one) that randomizes moves. I LOVE Your bot and UI... but it's too risky, it transfers 30 pokemon in seconds, it evolves pokemon in just seconds, it transfers 100+ items in just seconds, it catches pokemon way too fast! etc. Nothing is randomized which is probably getting flagged. The bot I am using right now from your competitor randomizes EVERYTHING. It randomizes walking distances (takes 9 seconds to walk 60.00 meters) etc. If you would like a copy of the bots logs I am using, PM me and I will send it to you. I WOULD LOVE TO KEEP USING YOUR BOT! But I am not using it anymore until these changes are implemented. I am on my 6th account now using your bot. The new account I'm using has been botting with the new bot im using for a week and no softban or flags.
Thank you. <3
EDIT: The new bot Im using also uses RAZZ BERRIES which is great!