Yes i like that story. Was scrolling through the no-brain comments here because i am a bit bored. You can say whatever you want, but you lack the brain and the thinking capability's to deal with the arguments i can unleash upon many of you. Hence i was top of my class during my schooltimes and the three digit IQ which is far above average, i usually don't even take the time to reply upon the down-syndrom comments. I work as an ambulance employee in the field. I'm 31. Comments like "Sod off", and "Get a fucking job", if you ask me, Bossland has strict rules upon this. As far as i know this is flaming etc. But whenever you dislike something Bossland does, or write something negative about the service, the fanboys arise, and Bossland removes the negative post. Of course the flaming or rude people just got a free passthrough. Anyhow, sometimes people forget that the service lacks hugely here and there. That i draw a line @ buying ALL Buddybots for $199 WITH access to a special 'Legendary' forum with profiles etc. i consider this pretty logic. To me this does not make any sense. And besides the fact that we can just not buy it, i think this is where Bossland takes a wrong path. Also, they pretend their service is extremely unique, that they "continued" where other bot developers stopped after facing lawsuits with Blizz etc. They earned millions... And Bossland is extremely greedy, and this goes at cost of quality and customer satisfaction. Here you have it, my reply. A little long, but this guy does not sod off. I am buddy here for a long time, and i usually never complaint, if i'm joining, then i take it as how it is. But it does not mean i don't have a opinion. And i felt like typing it...