Yes where in the profile will you need to add this in the name or in the xml it's self?
Your .xml file should look something like this
<Name>(Grind)Pickpock- Shao-Tien Precursor.xml</Name> <----- profile name
<MinDurability>0.4</MinDurability> <----- Min durability before it goes to repair
<MinFreeBagSlots>1</MinFreeBagSlots> <---- Min free bag slots before it goes and sells
<MinLevel>1</MinLevel> <---- Min level to use this profile
<MaxLevel>999</MaxLevel> <----- Max level to use this profile
<Factions>99999, 2479</Factions> <----- Factions of mobs to kill
<MailGreen>True</MailGreen> <---- To mail or not to Mail
<SellGreen>False</SellGreen> <---- to sell or not to sell
<Vendor Name="Merchant Tantan" Entry="59341" Type="Repair" X="1229.89" Y="1178.33" Z="397.27" /> <-----where you go to repair
<Mailbox X="833.9946" Y="212.9725" Z="503.4192" /> <----- where you go to mail
<Blackspots> <---- Where you don't want to go
<Hotspot X= Y= Z= />
<Hotspot X= Y= Z= /> <----- Where you go to kill
<Hotspot X= Y= Z= />
<Hotspot X= Y= Z= />