Quite frankly you are a prick. You take peoples money before letting them know a time frame, they wait for it and you decide to send the money back? But NO, GOD FORBID someone say that your procedure is garbage. I sent the money and waited, I want the svn login that I waited for.
The procedure is clearly defined on the first post where it says it could take up to a week... Or did you not read completely prior to sending money to someone? Don't blame someone else for your inability to comprehend even the most basic of the English language - feel free to use some other PVP plugin or routine... Quite frankly you are an idiot - you send money to someone without reading the time frame CLEARLY posted, then you wait and get mad and yell at the author because you can't read...
And better yet, if you don't like it - write your own - oh wait, you can't? Exactly... now GTFO