Just to be clear. You made a folder in your plugins folder and then did a check out of the SVN into that folder correct? It doesn't seem like it is using the Loaderfile.
Yep. Not sure whats causing the problem.
Just to be clear. You made a folder in your plugins folder and then did a check out of the SVN into that folder correct? It doesn't seem like it is using the Loaderfile.
Hey Phelon, I have SVN and GUI access, but every time I try to configure the GUI I get this error...http://s9.postimage.org/cm6u39hbz/Error.jpg Any idea why?
btw I have reinstalled a fresh HB and used a fresh new Ultimate PvP Suite folder and it still persists.
Humor me and take a picture of your plugins folder and the plugin windows in HB and post it here.
Just makes sense to add a hotkey to disable the whole addon instead of one part.
yea and no - I mean I'm not wanting to sound ungrateful and a hoykey will be better than nothing but imagine this scenario
1) In melee range with something so hotkey pressed
2) Kill melee target and now target a hunter
3) Hunter disengages and a priest is a better target and is closer
4) My character currently running towards Hunter so i have to tab/press hot key to turn off strafe to move to priest
If there was an extra GUI box with a value and tick to say enable straffing if target within X yards it would go
1) In melee range with something so hotkey pressed
2) Kill melee target and now target a hunter
3) Hunter disengages and a priest is a better target and is closer
4) My character never ran towards Hunter as they were outside range so im right next to priest able to tab and attack.
It just makes it look smoother but as I say if a hotkey is what you want to make then I'm sure i can work out someway of using it (or you un dll the code)
Get the exact same error on my system, clean HB install v2.5.6597.518 and clean Ultimate PvP Suite install.
The distance thing won't work because it will stand there like a dipshit if everything is out of range. I mean you are more or less trying to force this plugin to do something it is not designed to do. If I wrote that in it could potentially break the plugin for everyone who uses it afk. And the code is never going to back to a solution I am afraid unless it is the free version that I am forced to do, but then it wont have some of the nifty features that the donor one has (auto svn, strafing, gui, etc). I would love to help you out on this.. but I don't think it is possible with out screwing the plugin for others.
ah its cool - don't think ya get what i mean - I don't think i'm explaining it very well.
Being nosey I reflected the DLL and think i found the line
public static void CasterStrafeBehavior()
if (StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.DistanceSqr >= 35.0)
Basically i just have to neuter that but then make a new loader -.-
public static bool MoveTo(WoWUnit Target)
if (Navigator.CanNavigateFully(StyxWoW.Me.Location, Target.Location))
if (UltimatePvPSuite.EnableStrafing)
if (StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.Distance > StyxWoW.Me.CombatReach)
StopMovement(false, false, true, true);
[COLOR=#ff0000] if (Target.InLineOfSight && !StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.IsMoving &&
StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.DistanceSqr < 15 && StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.IsPlayer)
if (!StyxWoW.Me.MovementInfo.MovingForward)
[COLOR=#ff0000] else
return true;
return false;
return false;
public static bool MoveTo(WoWUnit Target, [COLOR=#ff0000]bool moveCheck=true[/COLOR]) {
if (Navigator.CanNavigateFully(StyxWoW.Me.Location, Target.Location))
if (UltimatePvPSuite.EnableStrafing)
if (StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.Distance > StyxWoW.Me.CombatReach)
StopMovement(false, false, true, true);
if [COLOR=#ff0000](moveCheck)[/COLOR]
if (Target.InLineOfSight && !StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.IsMoving &&
StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.DistanceSqr < 15 && StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.IsPlayer)
if (!StyxWoW.Me.MovementInfo.MovingForward)
return true;
return false;
return false;
I changed it just for you and will upload it in a bit. you will need to make a call in the loader for this.. but here ya go:
amazing!! thx dude - been playing all night with the free version, latest strafing version and last donation non dll version! Been a roller coaster ride of trying to understand other peoples code hehe but i had kinda given up as got it working sort of but with errors.
thx again! people can donate twice yea?![]()
pls ad buy gear option
Mr.GearBuyer works now 2 months not
don't mind i ask.. how do we get the SVN? i've donated and gave u the transaction ID.. just wondering how i receive the svn link?
Hey Phelon. I just have posted 10 profiles to your profilepack webpage, and it would be very nice if you would give me the link to the SVN.
Nickname is same as here.
The new update is not working here (SVN)
(see screenshot)
The new update is not working here (SVN)
(see screenshot)