Would love to donate, but your paypal only accept creditcard. It keeps asking to link a creditcard, while the amount on my paypal is high enough to donate 25$......
Any solution here?
Would love to donate, but your paypal only accept creditcard. It keeps asking to link a creditcard, while the amount on my paypal is high enough to donate 25$......
Any solution here?
Phelon, I donated in the past and my login/pw never worked. The SVN you PM'd me back at the end of April doesn't work. How do I go about getting the correct SVN?
I have sent multiple PM's since June 2, 2014 trying to get an update for Ultimate PVP suite as a donator and have yet to get any reply or information from you. Could you please respond.
Thank you.
When I try to configure Ulitimate PvP Suite I just get a message saying "Configuration Form is available for Donators Only." It doesn't even pop up anything for me to log in so I can adjust the setting for the plugin.
OMFG! To whoever created this 'Intelligent' PoS, please do me a favor and diaf or stop trying. I mean seriously....this retarded plugin prioritizes player pets with low hp pools over players >.> And how convenient that only donors can see the config menu for this PoS. This guy expects people to donate for some crap that knows absolutely nothing about pvp. I mean if your that freaking cheap that you INTENTIONALLY have it set that way then I hope noone ever donates to your sorry butt. But if this is just a taste of your actual skill, you have no business developing shit for a bot.
Edit Clark: PM me a log in Diagnostic mode so I can check it out.
Hello Phelons,
I wanted to know if it was for me that message, and if so, I do not understand how to make in Diagnostic mode?? Are you talking folder log in HonorBuddy ??