Not sure if this will help, but I put this together for my own personal gain. I dont know how to crawl wowhead so this was a lot of manual work. There are some deprecated ones, but I did not find that out until after I made the list. It was recently updated about a week ago. If anyone has an easier way to do this, please send me a pm too, lol.
4632, --Ornate Bronze Lockbox
4633, --Heavy Bronze Lockbox
4634, --Iron Lockbox
4636, --Strong Iron Lockbox
4637, --Steel Lockbox
4638, --Reinforced Steel Lockbox
5738, --Covert Ops Pack
5758, --Mithril Lockbox
5759, --Thorium Lockbox
5760, --Eternium Lockbox
6307, --Message in a Bottle
6351, --Dented Crate
6352, --Waterlogged Crate
6353, --Small Chest
6354, --Small Locked Chest
6355, --Sturdy Locked Chest
6356, --Battered Chest
6357, --Sealed Crate
6643, --Bloated Smallfish
6645, --Bloated Mud Snapper
6647, --Bloated Catfish
6715, --Ruined Jumper Cables
6827, --Box of Supplies
7190, --Rocket Boots Malfunction
7209, --Tazan's Satchel
7870, --Thaumaturgy Vessel Lockbox
8049, --Gnarlpine Necklace
8366, --Bloated Trout
8484, --Gadgetzan Water Co. Care Package
8647, --Egg Crate
9265, --Cuergo's Hidden Treasure
9276, --Pirate's Footlocker
9363, --Sparklematic-Wrapped Box
9539, --Box of Rations
9540, --Box of Spells
9541, --Box of Goodies
10479, --Kovic's Trading Satchel
10695, --Box of Empty Vials
10752, --Emerald Encrusted Chest
10773, --Hakkari Urn
10834, --Felhound Tracker Kit
11024, --Evergreen Herb Casing
11422, --Goblin Engineer's Renewal Gift
11423, --Gnome Engineer's Renewal Gift
11568, --Torwa's Pouch
11617, --Eridan's Supplies
11887, --Cenarion Circle Cache
11912, --Package of Empty Ooze Containers
11937, --Fat Sack of Coins
11938, --Sack of Gems
11955, --Bag of Empty Ooze Containers
11966, --Small Sack of Coins
12033, --Thaurissan Family Jewels
12122, --Kum'isha's Junk
12339, --Vaelan's Gift
12849, --Demon Kissed Sack
13874, --Heavy Crate
13875, --Ironbound Locked Chest
13881, --Bloated Redgill
13891, --Bloated Salmon
13918, --Reinforced Locked Chest
15102, --Un'Goro Tested Sample
15103, --Corrupt Tested Sample
15699, --Small Brown-Wrapped Package
15876, --Nathanos' Chest
16882, --Battered Junkbox
16883, --Worn Junkbox
16884, --Sturdy Junkbox
16885, --Heavy Junkbox
17685, --Smokywood Pastures Sampler
17726, --Smokywood Pastures Special Gift
17727, --Smokywood Pastures Gift Pack
17962, --Blue Sack of Gems
17963, --Green Sack of Gems
17964, --Gray Sack of Gems
17965, --Yellow Sack of Gems
17969, --Red Sack of Gems
18636, --Ruined Jumper Cables XL
18804, --Lord Grayson's Satchel
19035, --Lard's Special Picnic Basket
19150, --Sentinel Basic Care Package
19151, --Sentinel Standard Care Package
19152, --Sentinel Advanced Care Package
19153, --Outrider Advanced Care Package
19154, --Outrider Basic Care Package
19155, --Outrider Standard Care Package
19296, --Greater Darkmoon Prize
19297, --Lesser Darkmoon Prize
19298, --Minor Darkmoon Prize
19422, --Darkmoon Faire Fortune
19425, --Mysterious Lockbox
20228, --Defiler's Advanced Care Package
20229, --Defiler's Basic Care Package
20230, --Defiler's Standard Care Package
20231, --Arathor Advanced Care Package
20233, --Arathor Basic Care Package
20236, --Arathor Standard Care Package
20469, --Decoded True Believer Clippings
20601, --Sack of Spoils
20602, --Chest of Spoils
20603, --Bag of Spoils
20708, --Tightly Sealed Trunk
20766, --Slimy Bag
20767, --Scum Covered Bag
20768, --Oozing Bag
20808, --Combat Assignment
21042, --Narain's Special Kit
21113, --Watertight Trunk
21131, --Followup Combat Assignment
21150, --Iron Bound Trunk
21156, --Scarab Bag
21162, --Bloated Oily Blackmouth
21164, --Bloated Rockscale Cod
21191, --Carefully Wrapped Present
21216, --Smokywood Pastures Extra-Special Gift
21228, --Mithril Bound Trunk
21270, --Gently Shaken Gift
21271, --Gently Shaken Gift
21310, --Gaily Wrapped Present
21315, --Smokywood Satchel
21327, --Ticking Present
21363, --Festive Gift
21528, --Colossal Bag of Loot
21640, --Lunar Festival Fireworks Pack
21740, --Small Rocket Recipes
21741, --Cluster Rocket Recipes
21742, --Large Rocket Recipes
21743, --Large Cluster Rocket Recipes
21746, --Lucky Red Envelope
21812, --Box of Chocolates
21975, --Pledge of Adoration: Stormwind
21979, --Gift of Adoration: Darnassus
21980, --Gift of Adoration: Ironforge
21981, --Gift of Adoration: Stormwind
22137, --Ysida's Satchel
22154, --Pledge of Adoration: Ironforge
22155, --Pledge of Adoration: Darnassus
22156, --Pledge of Adoration: Orgrimmar
22157, --Pledge of Adoration: Undercity
22158, --Pledge of Adoration: Thunder Bluff
22159, --Pledge of Friendship: Darnassus
22160, --Pledge of Friendship: Ironforge
22161, --Pledge of Friendship: Orgrimmar
22162, --Pledge of Friendship: Thunder Bluff
22163, --Pledge of Friendship: Undercity
22164, --Gift of Adoration: Orgrimmar
22165, --Gift of Adoration: Thunder Bluff
22166, --Gift of Adoration: Undercity
22167, --Gift of Friendship: Darnassus
22168, --Gift of Friendship: Ironforge
22169, --Gift of Friendship: Orgrimmar
22170, --Gift of Friendship: Stormwind
22171, --Gift of Friendship: Thunder Bluff
22172, --Gift of Friendship: Undercity
22178, --Pledge of Friendship: Stormwind
22320, --Mux's Quality Goods
22568, --Sealed Craftsman's Writ
22746, --Buccaneer's Uniform
23022, --Curmudgeon's Payoff
23921, --Bulging Sack of Silver
24336, --Fireproof Satchel
24402, --Package of Identified Plants
25419, --Unmarked Bag of Gems
25422, --Bulging Sack of Gems
25423, --Bag of Premium Gems
25424, --Gem-Stuffed Envelope
27446, --Mr. Pinchy's Gift
27481, --Heavy Supply Crate
27511, --Inscribed Scrollcase
27513, --Curious Crate
29569, --Strong Junkbox
30260, --Voren'thal's Package
30320, --Bundle of Nether Spikes
30650, --Dertrok's Wand Case
31408, --Offering of the Sha'tar
31522, --Primal Mooncloth Supplies
31952, --Khorium Lockbox
31955, --Arelion's Knapsack
32064, --Protectorate Treasure Cache
32462, --Morthis' Materials
32624, --Large Iron Metamorphosis Geode
32625, --Small Iron Metamorphosis Geode
32626, --Large Copper Metamorphosis Geode
32627, --Small Copper Metamorphosis Geode
32628, --Large Silver Metamorphosis Geode
32629, --Large Gold Metamorphosis Geode
32630, --Small Gold Metamorphosis Geode
32631, --Small Silver Metamorphosis Geode
32724, --Sludge-Covered Object
32777, --Kronk's Grab Bag
33045, --Renn's Supplies
33857, --Crate of Meat
33926, --Sealed Scroll Case
33928, --Hollowed Bone Decanter
34077, --Crudely Wrapped Gift
34119, --Black Conrad's Treasure
34426, --Winter Veil Gift
34583, --Aldor Supplies Package
34584, --Scryer Supplies Package
34585, --Scryer Supplies Package
34587, --Aldor Supplies Package
34592, --Aldor Supplies Package
34593, --Scryer Supplies Package
34594, --Scryer Supplies Package
34595, --Aldor Supplies Package
34846, --Black Sack of Gems
34871, --Crafty's Sack
35232, --Shattered Sun Supplies
35286, --Bloated Giant Sunfish
35512, --Pocket Full of Snow
35792, --Mage Hunter Personal Effects
35945, --Brilliant Glass
37168, --Mysterious Tarot
37586, --Handful of Treats
39418, --Ornately Jeweled Box
39883, --*****ed Egg
39903, --Argent Crusade Gratuity
39904, --Argent Crusade Gratuity
41426, --Magically Wrapped Gift
41888, --Small Velvet Bag
43346, --Large Satchel of Spoils
43347, --Satchel of Spoils
43504, --Winter Veil Gift
43556, --Patroller's Pack
43575, --Reinforced Junkbox
43622, --Froststeel Lockbox
43624, --Titanium Lockbox
44113, --Small Spice Bag
44142, --Strange Tarot
44161, --Arcane Tarot
44163, --Shadowy Tarot
44475, --Reinforced Crate
44663, --Abandoned Adventurer's Satchel
44700, --Brooding Darkwater Clam
44718, --Ripe Disgusting Jar
44751, --Hyldnir Spoils
44943, --Icy Prism
44951, --Box of Bombs
45072, --Brightly Colored Egg
45328, --Bloated Slippery Eel
45724, --Champion's Purse
45875, --Sack of Ulduar Spoils
45878, --Large Sack of Ulduar Spoils
45986, --Tiny Titanium Lockbox
46110, --Alchemist's Cache
46740, --Winter Veil Gift
46809, --Bountiful Cookbook
46810, --Bountiful Cookbook
49294, --Ashen Sack of Gems
49369, --Red Blizzcon Bag
49631, --Standard Apothecary Serving Kit
49909, --Box of Chocolates
49926, --Brazie's Black Book of Secrets
50160, --Lovely Dress Box
50161, --Dinner Suit Box
50238, --*****ed Un'Goro Coconut
50301, --Landro's Pet Box
50409, --Spark's Fossil Finding Kit
51316, --Unsealed Chest
51999, --Satchel of Helpful Goods
52000, --Satchel of Helpful Goods
52001, --Satchel of Helpful Goods
52002, --Satchel of Helpful Goods
52003, --Satchel of Helpful Goods
52004, --Satchel of Helpful Goods
52005, --Satchel of Helpful Goods
52006, --Sack of Frosty Treasures
52274, --Earthen Ring Supplies
52304, --Fire Prism
52331, --Snufflenose Starter Kit
52344, --Earthen Ring Supplies
52676, --Cache of the Ley-Guardian
54467, --Tabard Lost & Found
54516, --Loot-Filled Pumpkin
54535, --Keg-Shaped Treasure Chest
54536, --Satchel of Chilled Goods
54537, --Heart-Shaped Box
57540, --Coldridge Mountaineer's Pouch
60681, --Cannary's Cache
62062, --Bulging Sack of Gold
63349, --Flame-Scarred Junkbox
64491, --Royal Reward
64657, --Canopic Jar
65513, --Crate of Tasty Meat
67248, --Satchel of Helpful Goods
67250, --Satchel of Helpful Goods
67443, --Winter Veil Gift
67597, --Sealed Crate
68133, --Violet Chest
68384, --Moonkin Egg
68598, --Very Fat Sack of Coins
68689, --Imported Supplies
68729, --Elementium Lockbox
68795, --Stendel's Bane
68813, --Satchel of Freshly-Picked Herbs
69817, --Hive Queen's Honeycomb
69818, --Giant Sack
69822, --Master Chef's Groceries
69823, --Gub's Catch
69886, --Bag of Coins
69903, --Satchel of Exotic Mysteries
69999, --Moat Monster Feeding Kit
70719, --Water-Filled Gills
70931, --Scrooge's Payoff
70938, --Winter Veil Gift
71631, --Zen'Vorka's Cache
73792, --Stolen Present
77501, --Blue Blizzcon Bag
77956, --Spectral Mount Crate
78897, --Pouch o' Tokens
78898, --Sack o' Tokens
78899, --Pouch o' Tokens
78900, --Pouch o' Tokens
78901, --Pouch o' Tokens
78902, --Pouch o' Tokens
78903, --Pouch o' Tokens
78904, --Pouch o' Tokens
78905, --Sack o' Tokens
78906, --Sack o' Tokens
78907, --Sack o' Tokens
78908, --Sack o' Tokens
78909, --Sack o' Tokens
78910, --Sack o' Tokens
85223, --Enigma Seed Pack
85224, --Basic Seed Pack
85225, --Basic Seed Pack
85226, --Basic Seed Pack
85227, --Special Seed Pack
85271, --Secret Stash
85272, --Tree Seed Pack
85274, --Gro-Pack
85275, --Chee Chee's Goodie Bag
85276, --Celebration Gift
85277, --Nicely Packed Lunch
85497, --Chirping Package
85498, --Songbell Seed Pack
86087, --Test Cache
86428, --Old Man Thistle's Treasure
86595, --Bag of Helpful Things
86623, --Blingtron 4000 Gift Package
87217, --Small Bag of Goods
87218, --Big Bag of Arms
87219, --Big Bag of Herbs
87220, --Big Bag of Mysteries
87221, --Big Bag of Jewels
87222, --Big Bag of Linens
87223, --Big Bag of Skins
87224, --Big Bag of Wonders
87225, --Big Bag of Food
87391, --Plundered Treasure
87533, --Crate of Dwarven Archaeology Fragments
87534, --Crate of Draenei Archaeology Fragments
87535, --Crate of Fossil Archaeology Fragments
87536, --Crate of Night Elf Archaeology Fragments
87537, --Crate of Nerubian Archaeology Fragments
87538, --Crate of Orc Archaeology Fragments
87539, --Crate of Tol'vir Archaeology Fragments
87540, --Crate of Troll Archaeology Fragments
87541, --Crate of Vrykul Archaeology Fragments
88165, --Vine-*****ed Junkbox
88457, --QA Test 1000g Box
88458, --QA Test 10k G Box
88567, --Ghost Iron Lockbox
89427, --Ancient Mogu Treasure
89428, --Ancient Mogu Treasure
89607, --Crate of Leather
89608, --Crate of Ore
89609, --Crate of Dust
89610, --Pandaria Herbs
89804, --Cache of Mogu Riches
89807, --Amber Encased Treasure Pouch
89808, --Dividends of the Everlasting Spring
89810, --Bounty of a Sundered Land
89856, --Amber Encased Treasure Pouch
89857, --Dividends of the Everlasting Spring
89858, --Cache of Mogu Riches
89907, --Test Crate
89991, --Pandaria Fireworks
90155, --Golden Chest of the Golden King
90156, --Golden Chest of the Betrayer
90157, --Golden Chest of Windfury
90158, --Golden Chest of the Elemental Triad
90159, --Golden Chest of the Silent Assassin
90160, --Golden Chest of the Light
90161, --Golden Chest of the Holy Warrior
90162, --Golden Chest of the Regal Lord
90163, --Golden Chest of the Howling Beast
90164, --Golden Chest of the Cycle
90165, --Golden Chest of the Lich Lord
90395, --Facets of Research
90397, --Facets of Research
90398, --Facets of Research
90399, --Facets of Research
90400, --Facets of Research
90401, --Facets of Research
90406, --Facets of Research
90621, --Hero's Purse
90622, --Hero's Purse
90623, --Hero's Purse
90624, --Hero's Purse
90625, --Treasures of the Vale
90626, --Hero's Purse
90627, --Hero's Purse
90628, --Hero's Purse
90629, --Hero's Purse
90630, --Hero's Purse
90631, --Hero's Purse
90632, --Hero's Purse
90633, --Hero's Purse
90634, --Hero's Purse
90635, --Hero's Purse
90716, --Good Fortune
90735, --Goodies from Nomi
90818, --Misty Satchel of Exotic Mysteries
90839, --Cache of Sha-Touched Gold
90840, --Marauder's Gleaming Sack of Gold