Won't pickup Scrap from Currency tab, will go empty to npc.
[HandleCurrencyTask] We've got 212 "Scroll of Wisdom" in our stash.
[HandleCurrencyTask] Need to get enough items for 440 "Scroll of Wisdom".
[HandleCurrencyTask] Can withdraw Amount: 4000
[HandleCurrencyTask] We can provide currency enough for 440 "Scroll of Wisdom".
[HandleCurrencyTask] Looking for Armourer's Scrap.
[ClickLMB] sleepTime = 26.
[ClickLMB] sleepTime = 172.
[LatencyWait] Now sleeping 21 ms.
[CommunityLib][ClearCursorTask] Nothing is on cursor, continue execution
[HandleCurrencyTask] Picked up: 0
[HandleCurrencyTask] Left to pickup: 2000
[HandleCurrencyTask] pickupAmount: 220
[SplitAndPlaceItemInMainInventory] Spliting up stacks. Getting 220 Armourer's Scrap. Count in stack: 2000
[SplitAndPlaceItemInMainInventory] Failed to split failed. Split Error: InvalidQuantity
[HandleCurrencyTask] Looking for Armourer's Scrap.
[CommunityLib][ClearCursorTask] Nothing is on cursor, continue execution
[CloseBlockingWindows] IsLeftPanelShown || IsRightPanelShown. Closing them.
[InteractWith] Now attempting to highlight 10.
[InteractWith] Now attempting to interact with 10.