As I don't really use this plugin anymore, i've bundled it up into a zip file, as most people are having issues with the SVN.
Iif you want a pre-modded setup, that's drag and drop in place, here's the version I use (give or take some files i deleted from the zip file)
This build incorporates a few tweaks to the standard pokeh version to get it to work in framelock. it's a hack, but it works. I also overwrote the default DB with some of my old content, but it's in no way complete. if you want to import the data into your own DB, i'll attach the SQL/csv file so you can import it into your own DB/table.
To do this, use a program like DB browser for SQLite3 @
DB Browser for SQLite to view the table contents of PetLogics.db, then, import the contents of exportlogic.csv into the table manually. it should append to the existing table. If you'd like, you can also hand-edit the table values or change it around.
There are some caveats.
1. this bundle does not have the auto-safari hat code. I just never got around to adding it into pokeh, i kept it as a separate plugin for editing purposes.
2. it does not have Lopina's fixes for the BattlePetGUID. it's one of a few bugs i never really went back in to fix/
3. it doesn't entirely work with my custom pet DB, so i created a new default one with 400 pets or so. this should be set for levels 1-10 in most cases and use the proper values. if you get stuck, eh, this is largely unsupported anyway.
4. This won't work at all like it used to, so don't expect a lot. just slightly less pathetic than it is now.
5. this version will not work with bots that need framelock enabled for navigation.
TO be sure , it will work without breaking HB, or the game, or any other plugins, but, it will only really engage if you're basically standing right on top of the pet. sometimes not even then, as the pet swap code needs a bit of time to run as well.
This plugin will not work with Gatherbuddy, AutoAngler 2 or Fishing Master, Garrison Bots, anything. Generally speaking ,If there's another way to get it working, /shrug. improving the HB APIs is out of my experience.
Ask the HB devs why plugins can't do this. It's been 5-6 months with no reply on the topic, perhaps something's changed.
7.In combination with questing, and reasonable settings, it will work enough to get pets levelled in pandaria or draenor while moving from location to location.
You will probably get to level 93-94 in shadowmoon valley just running the quests for the zone as it will initiate pet battles while roaming the quest zones.
Lastly, If you have any suggestions, or ideas, feel free to modify the code, test it, and let us know if you think the project's still viable.
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