1-I want it to start the fight by casting spell number 3. This one has a cd of 5 rounds. and I only want this to be recasted when target is over 40%
2-I want to cast spell number 2 wich is a weather buff that lasts 9 rounds. I only want this to be recasted if target is over 40%
3-I want spell number one to be a filler spell to be used when the rest is on cd.
Hope someone can help me with this
Winter's Little Helper - NPC - World of Warcraft
Thats the pet if you wondered!
here's a pseudo version, i can do it properly, but this shows roughly how to work it out for yourself.
the first 5 are just for safety, so you can AFK
swapout if health islessthan 70
passturn if buff 822 equals true
passturn if buff 498 equals true
passturn if buff 174 equals true
passturn if buff 734 equals true
cast 3 if health(enemypet) is greaterthan 40 AND cast 3 if cooldown 3 is false
cast 2 if health(enemypet) isgreaterthan 40 AND cast 2 cooldown 2 is false
cast 2 if weather buff is false AND cast 2 cooldown 2 is false
cast 1 if cooldown 1 is false
edit: just thought i'd fill in the pseudo routine as you outlined, in the above, it will fire if the weather changes or when the buff expires or if the health is low.
with the change, it will fire every time the weather changes but only if the enemy health is above 40. this could be every 9 turns, or every 3, if the pet has weather/can heal.
Arguably, with cast 2, you have a few options:
You can let it loop on CD ("if" it crits, it will hit harder than #1)
when the weather changes or the buff expires,
or as indicated, with weather/HP checks before running. (combining both cast 2 lines into a single line will do this, as shown below)
or another, better, 4th option (??)
tbh, i'd just leave it on a flat cooldown and re-buff every 3 turns, since it hits quite hard. as it stands, it will re-buff and cast when the health is high, and will just use the filler once the health is below 40%.
if you want it strictly to fire every time the weather changes but only if the enemy health is above 40, change to the following:
cast 3 if health(enemypet) is greaterthan 40 AND cast 3 if cooldown 3 is false
cast 2 if weather buff is false AND cast 2 if health(enemypet) isgreaterthan 40 AND cast 2 cooldown 2 is false
cast 1 if cooldown 1 is false
to explain
-- the passturn's are for the stuns & polymorphs from other pets. , 822/498 are definitely more common.
-- you can set the swapout to 30 for even level combat, i.e. lvl 5 to lvl 5 but if you're levelling a lvl 3 in a lvl 11 area for bonus XP, you can set this to swapout at 80 to take 1-2 hits before swapping to a higher level pet which can heal. If you PvP, nearly every 3rd PvP battle is 2 lvl 5's and a level 15/25 healing pet, so it's okay to keep the swapout high on non-healing or non-tank pets until you've reached lvl 20+,. then set it back to 30 % once you're done levelling.
-- You can change the 2x Cast 2's so that all 3 statements are in one command, it will slow down the battles using the filler, instead of hitting all CD's first.
-- cast 1 is default, and last