Revision 16 is available for download, you are currently using rev 0.This will now download in the background, you will be informed when its complete.
Downloading C:\Program Files\Honorbuddy\Plugins\LifeHelpers\Form1.Designer.cs
Downloading C:\Program Files\Honorbuddy\Plugins\LifeHelpers\Form1.cs
Downloading C:\Program Files\Honorbuddy\Plugins\LifeHelpers\LifeHelpers.cs
Downloading C:\Program Files\Honorbuddy\Plugins\LifeHelpers\LifeHelpersSettings.cs
Downloading C:\Program Files\Honorbuddy\Plugins\LifeHelpers\Updater.cs
Download of revision 16 is complete. You must close and restart HB for the changes to be applied.
Checking online for new revision of LifeHelpers
Revision 16 is available for download, you are currently using rev 0.
This will now download in the background, you will be informed when its complete.
Downloading C:\Program Files\Honorbuddy\Plugins\LifeHelpers\Form1.Designer.cs
Downloading C:\Program Files\Honorbuddy\Plugins\LifeHelpers\Form1.cs
Downloading C:\Program Files\Honorbuddy\Plugins\LifeHelpers\LifeHelpers.cs
Downloading C:\Program Files\Honorbuddy\Plugins\LifeHelpers\LifeHelpersSettings.cs
Downloading C:\Program Files\Honorbuddy\Plugins\LifeHelpers\Updater.cs
Download of revision 16 is complete. You must close and restart HB for the changes to be applied.