need it for hb3
- KOM will reduce tps (ticks per seconds) immediately to 5 when fps (frames per second) drop below 15
- if fps are above 15 KOM will continuously increase tps to maximum of 30
- Increased MOTIONLESS timer to 5.5 minutes as 3.5 minutes messes with user dialog timer within Kickz' questing profiles
- Issue with exception after using hearthstone fixed
if(hearth) {
Logging.WriteDiagnostic("ST: {0} - IsPlayerInRange: {1} - STC: {2} - STF: {3}", st, IsPlayerInRange, stc, stf);
if(hearth) {
Logging.WriteDiagnostic("ST: {0} - IsPlayerInRange: {1} - STC: {2} - STF: {3}", st, IsPlayerInRange, stc, stf);