thalord, here's some features I think would work well and wouldn't be too terrible for you to implement imo.
- Screenshots album (like website)
- Link to Wowhead or other item DB to fix chat messages like "|cffffffff|Hitem:43214:0:0:0:0:0:0:492634496:75:0:0|h[Kurzel's Blouse Scrap]|h|r"
- Add HB log to site, maybe filter out [Singular] messages to save space?
- Don't screenshot on personal /say and /guild
- Instance chat (since party and raid are no longer used for dungeons/BGs)
- At least for me, death and level up events trigger twice quite a bit, so I get double screenshots of the same event.
Good program though man. Love that I'm actually able to keep track of my guy at work.