If i open the web of buddycon.eu and switch it to mobile display - will it ring if I get a notification?
Wenn ich bei buddycon.eu auf Mobile dr?cke, wird das bei Ereignissen,dann einen Ton abgeben?
Thanks for this great plugin!
Chrome or Firefox should support that, Im using Chomre and its workingfound the function with PC notification.
which browser you recommend to use for flawless working?
Naja man k?nnte den +- des Goldes je Tag also immer von 0:00 bis 23:59 messen.Hey,
danke f?r dein gro?artiges tool!
Ich habe ein Featurerequest:
Kannst du zus?tzlich zu dem xp/h oder nodes/h anzeigen wieviel Gold er in den letzten 24h std. gemacht hat? Das w?re eine gro?e Hilfe um ein kleines Benchmarking zu haben.
Good ideaMaybe also the exact level with the lvl up notification
Thx !
Dont know how exactly HB handles professions, so a maybeMaybe you can add a notification for reached lvl 600 in a profession ?
Thx for you work.
Der Button wird angezeigt falls der Browser es unterstützt (sollte der Chrome) und es noch nicht für diese Seite aktiviert oder deaktiviert wurde.ich bin wieder mal zu unfähig >,<.
Im web Menü ist jetzt der Button verschwunden für die Notifications am Desktop. Ist das normal? Braucht Chrome Extraeinstellungen?
Danke dir im Voraus![]()
I'm having this same issue. Somethign happen recently with updates?My honor Buddy crashes now when having this in pluginI am not using the latest one. I am using a release just before the last one
I'm having this same issue. Somethign happen recently with updates?
I'm having this same issue. Somethign happen recently with updates?
Could you test BuddyCon2 again, i think i fixed the error (was on the server)If you use BuddyCOn2, try Buddycon1
Could you test BuddyCon2 again, i think i fixed the error (was on the server)
Originally Posted by thalord
Own screenshot hosting :
First you need a webspace that has PHP. GD is used for Thumbnails but not needed (if you have it the script detect that).
Make a dir and put the upload.php inside it. Make a dir called "sc" in the same dir where the php file is. And give the sc dir CHMOD 777.
Edit the second line in the php file.
Put your URL to the script in the Plugin Settings ie: http//mydomain.blub/shots/upload.php
Have Fun
Feeling stupid lol.. 3 step what exactly should i edit there? dont get it lol :S
Open the File with i.e. Notepad and then chnage that line (there is a comment there how it should be done)me 2 please help where to edit the second line in what php file??
I doesnt had that error, but based on the error i think i fixed this bug, could you check that for me?"Division by zero
buddycon.eu doesnt work anymore :/
Hmm strange, with the same message?Disabling the plugin doesn't seem to work ;(
It's spamming my phone xD
You need to generate a Android Key (for that you use the hardware mnu button (if you have one) or the Menu button in the top right corner (3 dots)) that key must be set in the plugin settings (im currentyl reworking that system, so it will be easier)Hey thalord, I've used this plugin for awhile.
But I was just curious, is there a key I'm supposed to set up for the phone as well? Or do I just download the app and log in and watch porn the rest of the time?