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Thanks :D looking forward to it. That would really be the next step in the grinding plug-in.
Hi doomnezau,
I would agree, It's been planned, but I have something else that's prioratized above this.
QuestPlugin has to work with This plugin to make the experience seeming-less =). But before that, I need to get auto equip working so it will equip as it goes along based on conditions.
Lots of things I want to do, just don't have the time to do it all, so when new Devs pop up and start doing things, I'm really happy, because it shows the community is growing and people are sharing. Which is great.
Well man, take your time. This thing is great. Next league i'll start botting hardcore instead of playing hardcore :))
The GUI still freeze the bot on my side... tried everything I could but nothign seems to work, weird :s using 5.0 btw

Oh and the error is (pretty sure a russian had the same before) :

[Application_DispatcherUnhandledException] Unhandled exception
System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException: Le format de la chaîne d'entrée est incorrect. ---> System.FormatException: Le format de la chaîne d'entrée est incorrect.

It's the french error, seems like a formatting issue. ("." or "," or whatever)

Seems to be located in GridUtils.cs Line 139 Oo not sure why.
Last edited:
the bot keep farming same area sometimes without switching
Hey babosasa,
Can you post the full log? Thanks.

The GUI still freeze the bot on my side... tried everything I could but nothign seems to work, weird :s using 5.0 btw

Oh and the error is (pretty sure a russian had the same before) :

[Application_DispatcherUnhandledException] Unhandled exception
System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException: Le format de la chaîne d'entrée est incorrect. ---> System.FormatException: Le format de la chaîne d'entrée est incorrect.

It's the french error, seems like a formatting issue. ("." or "," or whatever)

Seems to be located in GridUtils.cs Line 139 Oo not sure why.
Hey toNyx,
Yup, the freezing is probably because of that, GridUtils needs to use Decimals, if you change your region it will fix it. I'll actually fix this soon, I can use GridUtils to check for culture and work accordingly, just have to finish reading on it.
Hey babosasa,
Can you post the full log? Thanks.

Hey toNyx,
Yup, the freezing is probably because of that, GridUtils needs to use Decimals, if you change your region it will fix it. I'll actually fix this soon, I can use GridUtils to check for culture and work accordingly, just have to finish reading on it.

any news about new version?
Dark blue firefly, I might have misread but can you run this plug-in with the Quest plug in?
Hi whistlingswordsman,
At the moment you cannot, I have set it so if either are enabled whichever one has the start button pressed on their selected side will disable the other plugin.
Have AdvanceGrindZoneChanger and QuestPlugin both enabled.
Click Start on QuestPlugin, and AdvanceGrindZoneChanger will auto be disabled.
I'm adding integration features atm via a third plugin to "oversee" everything. This plugin will be stats based, showing lots and lots of info that is exposed by the API.

Edit, typos doh.
Any word on when the boss farming will be supported? For naut's piety / dominus etc
Was going to ask the same thing :D

Would be great if i could set this plugin to farm Brutus+Merveil+Dom+Piety+Dom in Merc randomly . . . :D
Was going to ask the same thing :D

Would be great if i could set this plugin to farm Brutus+Merveil+Dom+Piety+Dom in Merc randomly . . . :D

Where's the profit in botting brutus/merveil ? Tabula? :D I Wonder.
To gear up in HC/at the start of leagues/gear up in races (like 1 week)/to add randomness :D
wondering how I could get this to stay for second phase of merviel. It's a great source for alterations if in hardcore. The quest plugin seems to have no trouble fighting both stages but this one seems to run after first stage.
Hey ,
Thanks for the full log,
[GrindZoneChanger] New grind zone being set to The Upper Prison.
Please Disable the Proof of Concept GrindZoneChanger, as it interferes with mine.
I'll have this check in next version.
Hey DBFF just wanted to say i have reached the point to where i keep dying, an now losing exp when you die. I had this on the back burner just waiting to test it. I havent been running it long yet about 30 mins an i got to say thank you for another great plugin for EB. Thanks for putting time into it an updating it you have helped so many people keep it up ur great :).

Anyone one have problems with The Docks Seems to get stuck a bit. just a random question as im trying to level up an im under geared soo yeah haha.

thanks in adv
