4.5 Please. Thank you.so should we use 4.5 or still use 3.3 ?
Does 4.5 works for you?so should we use 4.5 or still use 3.3 ?
Disabled all other plugins but still didnt work :/That's very weird. Anyone else having this error?
Can you run it without any plugins except mine and try? Ty.
It's sad to say that it didnt work. I will try that on my laptop now. Will edit this post if it works.
Tried on my laptop but also didnt work. Giving the same error.
When you extract the folder, make sure it's in the Plugins folder, and the name of the plugin folder itself is QuestPlugin (and not like QuestPlugin-11-11-2014-4.4\QuestPlugin).
So you should have files like:
"ExilebuddyBETA 0.1.2850.946\Plugins\QuestPlugin\QuestPlugin.cs"
"ExilebuddyBETA 0.1.2850.946\Plugins\QuestPlugin\QuestPluginGUI.baml"
"ExilebuddyBETA 0.1.2850.946\Plugins\QuestPlugin\QuestPluginGUI.g.cs"
"ExilebuddyBETA 0.1.2850.946\Plugins\QuestPlugin\QuestPluginGUI.xaml"
"ExilebuddyBETA 0.1.2850.946\Plugins\QuestPlugin\QuestPluginGUI.xaml.cs"
"ExilebuddyBETA 0.1.2850.946\Plugins\QuestPlugin\QuestPluginSettings.cs"
Did you rename them to lower case? They are case sensitive file names.C:\ExileBuddy\Plugins\QuestPlugin this is where everything are in my PC. I mean questplugin.cs and exactly others(without spaces) by everything
C:\ExileBuddy\Plugins\QuestPlugin this is where everything are in my PC. I mean questplugin.cs and exactly others(without spaces) by everything
No i didnt, sorry for writing "questplugin.cs" lower case but it is not like that in my folderDid you rename them to lower case? They are case sensitive file names.
I re-downloaded the 4.5 (fourth time LOL!)Yea, that's just the forum adding random spaces for no reason.
Download a clean copy of the bot (ExilebuddyBETA 0.1.2853.947 or Exilebuddy 0.1.2854.75), don't copy any other files to it, then download a clean copy of the plugin (QuestPlugin-12-11-2014-4.5.zip) and try again. If it doesn't work, please upload a new log file.
Now i am downloading beta and will try it4.5 seems to work fine on my end.... I'm using BETA, if that is of any use.
Ok looking at both logs, it seems it cannot locate the file, which is weird because that's where the .baml file comes in, it's a resource file which is the .xaml file re-configured to be a resource file, so it "should" work. The thing is, I'm pretty sure it's not just myself, yourself, pushedx, and Jalockin using this plugin. But you did say 3.3 worked. After 3.3 is when I switched over to code-behind, baml GUI based handler. So it's most definitely the issue there. I'm going to try to get a non code-behind, baml type build sometime this week for you. For now can you use 3.3, the only difference is there was code optimization done, and some Stats being put on the GUI. The logic for the quests are the same. So it should do what 4.5 will do without the fancy GUI, and minor QOL code optimizations.No i didnt, sorry for writing "questplugin.cs" lower case but it is not like that in my folder
I re-downloaded the 4.5 (fourth time LOL!)
Deleted everything about Exilebuddy (all my settings gone :/)
Re-created folders like you asked (that was how i did on the previous ones but still tried)
Now i am downloading beta and will try it
Edit: Beta also gave the same error but i upload beta log too ( the one with 11.48 is beta)
Ok looking at both logs, it seems it cannot locate the file, which is weird because that's where the .baml file comes in, it's a resource file which is the .xaml file re-configured to be a resource file, so it "should" work. The thing is, I'm pretty sure it's not just myself, yourself, pushedx, and Jalockin using this plugin. But you did say 3.3 worked. After 3.3 is when I switched over to code-behind, baml GUI based handler. So it's most definitely the issue there. I'm going to try to get a non code-behind, baml type build sometime this week for you. For now can you use 3.3, the only difference is there was code optimization done, and some Stats being put on the GUI. The logic for the quests are the same. So it should do what 4.5 will do without the fancy GUI, and minor QOL code optimizations.
Sorry for the constant issue just for you. I'll read up more and see if I can get a fix. I don't mind building a version without baml support. It just takes a little bit longer on code copying.
Thank you wasnt expecting that i dont know if it works but thanks you are so helpfulOk looking at both logs, it seems it cannot locate the file, which is weird because that's where the .baml file comes in, it's a resource file which is the .xaml file re-configured to be a resource file, so it "should" work. The thing is, I'm pretty sure it's not just myself, yourself, pushedx, and Jalockin using this plugin. But you did say 3.3 worked. After 3.3 is when I switched over to code-behind, baml GUI based handler. So it's most definitely the issue there. I'm going to try to get a non code-behind, baml type build sometime this week for you. For now can you use 3.3, the only difference is there was code optimization done, and some Stats being put on the GUI. The logic for the quests are the same. So it should do what 4.5 will do without the fancy GUI, and minor QOL code optimizations.
Sorry for the constant issue just for you. I'll read up more and see if I can get a fix. I don't mind building a version without baml support. It just takes a little bit longer on code copying.
Turkey/TurkishThat's not the issue. When you use the baml setup, you don't need the xaml anymore, because the baml is the xaml, just in a compiled format. You could delete "QuestPluginGUI.xaml" from being included and it would work correctly (for everyone else).
What region/language is your PC in ozgun311? I think the issue has to be a localization issue under the hood, so it'd be something I need to change in our setup.
Thank you wasnt expecting that i dont know if it works but thanks you are so helpful
System.Uri resourceLocater = new System.Uri("/QuestPlugin;component/questplugingui.xaml", System.UriKind.Relative);
Thanks Pushedx,Yeap, that's exactly what I thought. There's an issue with how your '/' gets mapped by the system, and for some reason it's not the same as pretty much every other region that I know of where we have users from. I'm not sure why this happens, but I'll have to look into how to fix this as it pertains to the new BAML setup. In the past, the same issue happened twice for EB, once for metadata, and then a second time for something else, but I forgot what. I'll try to track down what the issue is in a VM and see if a fix can be made.
I'm pretty sure the error is from:
Code:System.Uri resourceLocater = new System.Uri("/QuestPlugin;component/questplugingui.xaml", System.UriKind.Relative);
in "QuestPluginGUI.g.cs", but that is generated by Visual Studio and not by plugin authors.
if (_update)
//Log.InfoFormat("[QuestPlugin] TICK _update = {0}",_update);
if (!_updateThreshold.IsFinished)
// Log.InfoFormat("[QuestPlugin] TICK _updateThreshold timeleft : {0} ", _updateThreshold.TimeLeft);
_update = false;
_update = false;
Log.InfoFormat("[QuestPlugin] TICK _updateThreshold Reset");
_updateThreshold.Reset(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Utility.Random.Next(3000, 5000)));
if (_update)
//Log.InfoFormat("[QuestPlugin] TICK _update = {0}",_update);
if (!_updateThreshold.IsFinished)
// Log.InfoFormat("[QuestPlugin] TICK _updateThreshold timeleft : {0} ", _updateThreshold.TimeLeft);
_update = false;
[B] UpdateQuestsAndGUIDispatcher();[/B]
_update = false;
Log.InfoFormat("[QuestPlugin] TICK _updateThreshold Reset");
_updateThreshold.Reset(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Utility.Random.Next(3000, 5000)));
Thank you wasnt expecting that i dont know if it works but thanks you are so helpful
Ah good to hear, let me know if you have other issues. Thanks again Pushedx, for helping us resolve this.Changing my region and keyboard layout worked! i had no issues with 4.5. Now i tried beta #949 with Turkish Q it also worked! Thank you guys.
Changing my region and keyboard layout worked! i had no issues with 4.5. Now i tried beta #949 with Turkish Q it also worked! Thank you guys.