I would suggest not to. We don't know whats been done to it. What information/access has been given to Blizzard. Just play it safe and wait for HB.Hi also from piroxbots, waiting for money to transfer into paypal so I can join this community. In the mean time does anyone know if it is safe to continue using pvptool until it goes offline? Thanks
I deleted my Pirox, whats not to say he doesnt give all the info about us to Blizzard to avoid being sued? hes a shady bastard like that. I dont trust him one bitHi also from piroxbots, waiting for money to transfer into paypal so I can join this community. In the mean time does anyone know if it is safe to continue using pvptool until it goes offline? Thanks
Then why would you use his program in the first place?I deleted my Pirox, whats not to say he doesnt give all the info about us to Blizzard to avoid being sued? hes a shady bastard like that. I dont trust him one bit
It was cheaper than HBThen why would you use his program in the first place?
It was cheaper than HB![]()
In the end HB is still here. Pvptool is no more.LOL.. seems it was cheaper AND you could run as many clients you wanted off one key or whatever he had.
I deleted my Pirox, whats not to say he doesnt give all the info about us to Blizzard to avoid being sued? hes a shady bastard like that. I dont trust him one bit
Hi guys, another pirox user here. Used pirox for 3 years, but Im no stranger to HB.. I have used it before but not as much as pirox so I have a few questions.
Hm, I miss it.
As awesome HB is pirox had certain quality's which put a smile on my face when botting. I fell in love with HB because it was intelligent with meshes, questing etc but the PVP in this bot is fairly bad but pvptool was actually quite decent at it.
Some HB weaknesses where actually the strengths of pvptool and its a shame to all of a sudden see it go.
Although, what I'm most upset about is not the fact that pvptool has died. Its more the fact of the VERY short notice. Many people had websites selling things for the bot. Many others where making huge projects for it which they invested many hours and some even months to do. Just to see it all go.... And even losing all my rep on that forums makes me cry haha
Still, pvptool will leave a big hole in the botting community and will be missed for some of the quality's it had.
He already was caught stealing info, he had a trigger mechanism that if you *****ed his bot. Your info went to his server then was forwarded to Blizzard.
I thought it was a GB user that caught him. Was a big deal back last year or year before
Come on Smoogel yes it was, Pirox even admitted to in on the Mmowned website.The information was not forwarded to Blizzard. Pirox just hacked it lol.
Besides, he said about it in the moderator forums before it went live. Approxmently a week before it was published into a public version of the bot. Most moderators agreed with the idea =/ Some even said it was a bad idea but he did not listen.