There appears to be a small problem with inviting Draenei (the race is spelled incorrectly as Dranei) for high level characters. The fix below needs to be put into SuperGuildInvite.lua
Also for some reason it's showing everything on screen (ie: who screen as it's processing). I'll try clearing and reloading the plugin and SGI but thought I'd mention in case anyone else had similar issue. - Tried, still have the issue.
local Races = {}
if UnitFactionGroup("player") == "Horde" then
Races = {
"Blood Elf",
Races = {
"Night Elf",
Also for some reason it's showing everything on screen (ie: who screen as it's processing). I'll try clearing and reloading the plugin and SGI but thought I'd mention in case anyone else had similar issue. - Tried, still have the issue.
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