Hey I'd like to ask a question, sorry if it has been asked already. maybe users can chime in.
which one of your (numerous) profiles can level pets 1-25 most painlessly? that's really all I want. The WoD trainers / dailies / legendaries have been nerfed to hell and the pet charms they give are pretty useless anyways. Same idea honestly for MoP.
So is there a way to just level pets nonstop, ie with 2 booster pets and it adds lvl 1 pets and just keeps going nonstop - not tied to daily trainers or garrison or anything else you can only do once a day. basically, which one of your packages is best for that? I have a bazillion lvl one pets and I just want to click go and come back to all of them lvl 25, even if it's slow. the otherwise buggy and crappy (and now discontinued) "Pet Battle Royale" could do that very well, and for free to boot. but I'm willing to pay $10 or whatever.