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[Pet Battle] Pet Training Profiles

first of all thanks for making these profiles.
but i encounter a few problems when i tried it out.
correct me if i put this in the wrong thread.

i am having troubles with this:

- pets only use first ability
- lvl 25 pets killing lvl 1 pets
- not swapping lvl 1 pet when vs lvl 25 pet (powerlvl)
- spamming revive battle pets when on cooldown

what i was hoping for is a profile that levels several pets to lvl 25 by starting combat with the lower level one and than finishing him off with the 25s.
i just can't get that to work.

some help would be apreciated, thanks
pokebuddy does not swap pets in and out pet swapper does diffrent plugin diffrent thread m8.. as for 1st ability u need read the instructions on 1st few posts about adding the pet battle settings as they come in another svn u have to add manualy. as for the killing it will target and kill any pet as long as the pokebuddy is clicked on i just unclick it till i get were i need to be then reclick once there save all the battles it may encounter on the way how this helps you.

i have problem. the bot is only using the first pet he doesnt change it. I have petswapper set up like on my main. i have no problems on my main. Maybe someone could help?
My bot didnt want to level pets in the alliance area at first wanted to go to horde so after an hour i gave up and just went to horde area now its just flying about and doing nothing , (Flying about in the area) would be awesome if someone helped
Just FYI Thunder Bluff profile moves you to Durator and farms there I think you messed up the thunder bluff one. Closed reloaded and even deleted durator and manually moved to thunder bluff and it flew me back to durator and started battle petting there.
I've been gone for a few months during a cross country move back to my original hometown. For the inactivity I apologize.

I was going to copy and paste each of the replies and respond to each, but after reading through them you are all encountering the same issue. An issue with the plug-in, not the profiles. Please review the OP and read everything. If you are having issues with the bot not fighting correctly, flying to another zone across the map etc, figure out which plug-in and bot you have installed and redirect your post to the forum for that specific plug-in/bot.
Is it possible to get this to stay in one zone and level multiple pets by swapping them in rather than flying around the world to level on set of pets?
using plugin battlepetswapper... but tis always starting the battle with pet 2 I dont get it. The lvl 1 pet should be starting first the swapping out.....
using plugin battlepetswapper... but tis always starting the battle with pet 2 I dont get it. The lvl 1 pet should be starting first the swapping out.....

BPS handles putting in appropriate or custom pets, not always in order.

pokehbuddy handles combat.

if its starting with pet #2, the PB combat rating is probably set to put the strongest pet forward, in this case #2.

change to levelling (under the advanced tab), which puts the weakest pet forward :)
thanks ill try that today

edit: working like it should now! thanks!
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thanks ill try that today

edit: working like it should now! thanks!

OK, so I've been running this alot since I posted. The major problem I see is setting it up to effectively level in ringer mode with battle pet swapper. I have it set to swap out at 65 because 50 was too low and they kept dying... but the problem is that when one of my ringers gets to 65 it is also swapping them out. Is there any way to avoid this? Because its swapping back in my low level pet and its dying... at least 1 in every 3 battles...
You can modify the PokeBuddy addon to swap out your pet when they get to 75% health. I don't remember how off the top of my head (opened it with Notpad++ and changed all of the 300's to 750's). When I get home later I will take a look at the code and what lines need to be modified and let you know. That is how I grinded up all of my lower level pets. As soon as they took one hit, they were swapped out for my ringers, who just crushed everything.

Generally the Emperor Crab is what I used as my ringer. With his shield and heal over time abilities, nothing was able to get him under 90% health. So I set it up with 2 lower level pets and my crab, and let it fly.
You can modify the PokeBuddy addon to swap out your pet when they get to 75% health. I don't remember how off the top of my head (opened it with Notpad++ and changed all of the 300's to 750's). When I get home later I will take a look at the code and what lines need to be modified and let you know. That is how I grinded up all of my lower level pets. As soon as they took one hit, they were swapped out for my ringers, who just crushed everything.

Generally the Emperor Crab is what I used as my ringer. With his shield and heal over time abilities, nothing was able to get him under 90% health. So I set it up with 2 lower level pets and my crab, and let it fly.

Frog, Spider, Turtle are generally good choices.

Emperor crab has the advantage of being one of the top 20 power pets, i.e.

Lil' Ragnaros
Red Cricket
Mini Diablo
Lil' Deathwing
Stunted Shardhorn
Crimson Geode
Emperor Crab
Cornish Rex Cat
Yellow Moth
Nether Ray Fry
Giant Sewer Rat
Widow Spiderling

etc. that can heal. it's generally a good pet to have. the health version of the emperor crab is also handy too.

as for health to swap out on,

you can leave
swapout if pet health islessthan 30

above it, you can add:

swapout if pet health islessthan 90 and enemypetlevel is greater than mypetlevel + 5.

put this as the first line for any pets that are less than level 20, and you can power-level them easily without them dying so often. for level 25 pets, you can remove the swapout for health check entirely if you want.
hello, i'm trying to try this stuff out, however, i'm having an issue.. i used the links provided for the plugins and used both of the svn's to download them.. but when i start up HB and go to my plugins, neither of them show up in my plugin list.. so i ran the profile anyway, just to see what happens, and of course it just flyies in circles cause no plugins kicking in and doing their thing..

what do i do? =(
hello, i'm trying to try this stuff out, however, i'm having an issue.. i used the links provided for the plugins and used both of the svn's to download them.. but when i start up HB and go to my plugins, neither of them show up in my plugin list.. so i ran the profile anyway, just to see what happens, and of course it just flyies in circles cause no plugins kicking in and doing their thing..

what do i do? =(

Are you sure the plug-in is installed in the correct folder and/or correctly installed? The folder needs to be named correctly that has the plug-in inside of it, I ran into that problem once before.
I been just having mad issues with this. I wanted this to level my pets. It has been switching pets around 1 or 2 which are both my low level pets and my 3rd is my high level pet. Pet swapper has not been switching them out. A video or a written tutorial of how to set up each one of the addons would be nice.
I been just having mad issues with this. I wanted this to level my pets. It has been switching pets around 1 or 2 which are both my low level pets and my 3rd is my high level pet. Pet swapper has not been switching them out. A video or a written tutorial of how to set up each one of the addons would be nice.

i only wrote the profiles, if you want a video tutorial, request one from the add on authors. I posted their links in the OP.
Anyone know how safe this profile is? I've rarely botted if ever, and this whole gatherbuddy2 scare has worried me.