Not in my case....I was actually playing my toon when it happened.
Uptime can be used as another piece of circumstantial evidence, but typically, it's the 250+ auctions a day that got you burned.
Abuse of the Economy
See this ? This refers to your
ECONOMIC activities. Most people don't play the AH at all, and all you do is farm and post there. You should split things between accounts.
Here is a setup, which should protect your investment fine.
1. Battlechest account for posting on AH.
2. Your own guild, pimped with plugins from this forum with a few hundred members. The more the better.
3. Other precautions.
Here is how you should play it out.
1. Make a guild, invite people into it. Keep inviting as much as you can. They will level up the guild for you and generate gold for its bank to function properly. Give them some daily repairs allowance, say, 25g for members and more for people who try to run raids, because they will eventually try. Most of these expenses will be covered by the money your members are generating with their activities around the world automatically. See how much they are really pulling from the bank for repairs, and if it's really nothing, increase the allowance, to appear generous, if it's too much, decrease it.
2. Make a Guild Bank, with say 2 public tabs and as much private tabs as you need. Members will deposit mats in there, exchange stuff, basically, they will fill your bank for you and according to the rules of the game everything in the Guild Bank belongs to the guild.
3. Log on your Battlechest account, make a lowbie, invite it into the guild, let it withdraw all the mats from your own tabs you intend to post, post them on the AH, come back 24hrs or 12hrs later, collect the money deposit them in the bank, delete the lowbie. When you have more mats in your private tabs for posting, make another lowbie, invite, post, collect gold, deposit into GB, delete lowbie. Make the lowbies with different names, so competitors won't be able to catch you and it will look to them like someone just came, emptied their bags and disappeared. You could split the auctions between different lowbies to appear to others like a single character isn't posting 250+ items, but 5 characters are posting 50 items.
4. When guild dings 25, log on one of your lowbies and start spamming Trade that you are selling a Guild. Monetize the guild and start over.