Blizzard Entertainment, Inc., by and through itself and/or its licensees and affiliates, considers cheating through the use of "unauthorized third party programs" to be a gross violation of the Terms of Use Agreement ("TOU") and/or the End User License Agreement ("EULA") that you have accepted in order to view this notice, that pertain to any or all Blizzard Entertainment video games, such as, but not limited to, World of Warcraft?, StarCraft II?, Diablo III?, and their respective expansions ("Blizzard Games"). An "unauthorized" third party program as used herein shall be defined as any third party software, including without limitation, any "add-on" or "mod" that in Blizzard Entertainment's sole determination:
(i) enables or facilitates cheating of any type;
(ii) allows users to modify or "hack" a Blizzard Game's user interface, environment, and/or experience in any way not expressly allowed by Blizzard Entertainment in the EULA and/or the TOU;
(iii) intercepts, mines or otherwise collects information from or through Blizzard Games.
In an effort to combat the efforts of those individuals who are willing to violate the EULA and/or the TOU, Blizzard Entertainment utilizes an "anti-cheating" utility that runs as part of Blizzard Games. This "anti-cheating" utility performs limited scans of:
(i) the Random Access Memory ("RAM") that is occupied by a Blizzard Game to confirm that the Blizzard Game's program has not been altered or "hacked" in violation of the Blizzard Games Terms of Use;
(ii) the Blizzard Games "process" to determine if any unauthorized third-party programs or computer code has been attached to the Blizzard Games process; and
(iii) the Windows Process List to determine if any confirmed hacking or cheating programs are presently open in violation of the Blizzard Games Terms of Use.
The information that is obtained from this activity is communicated to Blizzard, who uses it solely to determine if the computer that a user is using to log on to Blizzard Games has any unauthorized third-party programs, "hacks," or "cheats" that violate the Blizzard Games Terms of Use Agreement and is not used for any marketing purposes, and will never be sold, leased, or otherwise transferred to any third party. Also, note that other than the previously mentioned scanning activity, Blizzard currently does not employ any other scans of the computer that you use to play Blizzard Games.
In the event that Blizzard Games detect an unauthorized third-party program, Blizzard may in its sole determination:
(a) communicate information back to Blizzard Entertainment, including without limitation your account name, details about the unauthorized third party program(s) detected, and the time and date the unauthorized third party program was detected; and/or
(b) exercise any or all of its rights under the TOU, with or without prior notice to you.