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People need to learn self control or Blizzard may decide to break HB on the wow end.

People should be limited to one... This now stops the greedy fags from farming day and night and selling the virtual stuff for cash.. People need to get out of the house and get proper jobs.
Im like the only botter on my server :p actually there is like 2 or 3 more


when i join BGs thats where fun starts, half of the team is our brothers and sisters
This thread is not retarted. I know what u mean. IMO there r too many "Hardcore" botter who destroy the game atmosphere time by time.
It would be a good solution to limit the time that you can bot on an account per day to 10hours.

Only my opinion, but i think there r a few member who think that way too.

Well u can't say to the hardcore botters to stop doing something that they are doing for years now as for them its a way of earning money, it maybe ruins the game but tbh in my mind if all botters would get away from wow they would lost like 30% of the player base for sure(ok maybe i am not realistic but that is the feeling i got), if not more so as much as they say we are poison to the game we do make a large player base and actually are the reason for relatively stable market when it come to mats and items crafted from them.
Blizzard's revenue from botting account purchases and subscriptions is quite substantial. It's too integrated into the game at this point.
As long as botting generates more benefits than harm for blizzard, they won't hit the killswitch on it.
They have all the necessary information needed to ban the majority of us, but they don't. They provide enough of of an incentive for us to bot so that when the account eventually gets banned, we instantly reload.
Botting in Wow, is just almost as botting in Diablo 2. When people bot, an excess of materials/mats/gear/ runes(diablo2)/uniques (diablo2) are available to buy. Simple economics. More supply and less demand = cheaper prices. Example : botter sells 500 stacks of ore on the AH at half the price of the last person, meaning who ever buys that ore is either A: prospecting it, B: Smelting/ENG/Blacksmith, or C: reselling. Which all = to people being more interested in the game, which means its more enjoyable. Would you rather farm 2-3 weeks for 2-3k gold, and spend it buying 10-15 items or since the massive supply of materials accomplished by botters, 40-50 items. It helps both ways.
I didn't read the whole thread but from the first posts all I can say is: RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES DOOMSDAY IS COMING!!!!! THE HAND OF DESTINY IS UPON US!!!!

Srsly this sounds like a chapter from the bible...

Back on the thread, boting is like having an automated facility, would everyone in the world have a car if there were no robots in the facilities where they are built? No. Would cars be that cheap? No. If there are no bots everything will go so damn expensive in the game that almost no one will be able to purchase anything. Of course that may have a positive impact on the gold price as it may rise up again since there won't be sooo many gold sellers(botters) to sell to chinese..
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I repeat, this thread is retarded. Especially the boob saying that the price for the bot should be increased. #1, you sound like a tool saying "Now that I have the bot, make it cost more for everyone else." #2, raising the price isn't going to stop ANY hard-core botter from purchasing a bot.

People who bot 24/7 have been doing it for years. It's not as easy as it sounds. The bot gets stuck, crashes, WoW gets errors, etc. The people botting 24/7 and not getting banned are not the people you need to worry about. The ones that raise a Blizzard eyebrow are the ones that never make their own profiles, grind popular spots with popular profiles, and flood the AH with 300+ items all on one toon.

Even then, they will get banned eventually. It's their problem, not yours. Mind your own business. They paid for the bot just like you did. I love honorbuddy, but if it gets shut down, there will be 5 other bots up and running within a month. It's the nature of this business.
For one I'm going to say it's utterly selfish of you to feel this way when you're part of the "problem" and you act like a monthly SUB fee will stop anyone? Two, Where do you get off thinking that 100 people at a time are in uldum botting when the /who will only show 49 people when in theory there's really 150, but because these people are in Uldum automatically make them a bot?
Third, You don't expect Bossland to raise the prices when now is the time to CAPITALIZE on such a great product? Fourth, SHUT up, level some ALTS and enjoy this fine program that these lovely Developers have offered you.
For one I'm going to say it's utterly selfish of you to feel this way when you're part of the "problem" and you act like a monthly SUB fee will stop anyone? Two, Where do you get off thinking that 100 people at a time are in uldum botting when the /who will only show 49 people when in theory there's really 150, but because these people are in Uldum automatically make them a bot?
Third, You don't expect Bossland to raise the prices when now is the time to CAPITALIZE on such a great product? Fourth, SHUT up, level some ALTS and enjoy this fine program that these lovely Developers have offered you.
^ this!!!
Well, to be honest, I have to confirm the thread starter...
It's so fucking obvious who is botting and who isn't. I'm not botting very often and try to get my shit done on my own. Only if I can't make it on my own, because of a lack of time I will use the bot to help. I never used the bottom for making profit.
And it really pisses mr off, when I see level 77 farming in Uldum, moving like not even idiots playing with joysticks would do, farming day and night and flooding the AH with tons of stacks of whiptail.

First off the market is totally destroyed. Second, you actually need to find more player playing, than bots running around. Third its absolutely UNREALISTIC to farm 869 Stacks Whiptail and farm 214 Stacks Highland Guppy by hand, so how can also single person add so many auctions?

I actually don't know anymore what I wanted to say with that post. It's to late and to much alcohol.

Anyway: without HB I wouldn't play WoW anymore. But not because it's fun letting the bot do ever... Because it's absolutely no fun to try to win against botters and know that this guy, which just stole my whiptail is not even on his PC...

I would really like to know how many active subscriptions HB has.
Well, to be honest, I have to confirm the thread starter...
It's so fucking obvious who is botting and who isn't. I'm not botting very often and try to get my shit done on my own. Only if I can't make it on my own, because of a lack of time I will use the bot to help. I never used the bottom for making profit.
And it really pisses mr off, when I see level 77 farming in Uldum, moving like not even idiots playing with joysticks would do, farming day and night and flooding the AH with tons of stacks of whiptail.

First off the market is totally destroyed. Second, you actually need to find more player playing, than bots running around. Third its absolutely UNREALISTIC to farm 869 Stacks Whiptail and farm 214 Stacks Highland Guppy by hand, so how can also single person add so many auctions?

I actually don't know anymore what I wanted to say with that post. It's to late and to much alcohol.

Anyway: without HB I wouldn't play WoW anymore. But not because it's fun letting the bot do ever... Because it's absolutely no fun to try to win against botters and know that this guy, which just stole my whiptail is not even on his PC...

I would really like to know how many active subscriptions HB has.

its people like you who ruin the game bitch n cry n report players if you don't like botters stop botting... that's one less of a botter in-game. also the thread starter should stop botting two less bots running around etc.
Apart from the fact that I don't report players, as I'm to lazy (would have to report more than playing...), I don't see the problem with it.
Everyone who is botting knows about the big chances of getting reported. The few times I'm botting I do know that too and wouldn't wonder if I'm getting reported and wouldn't take it bad. That's why even when I'm botting I always have one eye on my monitor...

And seriously? The ones which aren't botting and reporting bots ruin the game? Sorry but better think about that, as this is the dumbest shit I've ever heard...