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People need to learn self control or Blizzard may decide to break HB on the wow end.


New Member
Jan 20, 2011
I love Honor Buddy as much as anyone and hope that they win the lawsuit in Germany but it is starting to get kind of crazy. I am starting to think that there are as many botters as actual players in wow now. Yes Blizzard is afraid if they ***** down hard enough that we will go the way of the dodo like on Trions game.

But when you see 100 people in Uldum and almost all of them are gathering bots that is pretty shocking. I was actually man playing a bit of the AV weekend on my main which I never bot on and saw the obvious BG buddy possy making their normal rounds. 15 bots out of 40 players. Eventually the level of botting is going to be so severe that people will get tired of it and the universal cry of a million players will hit hard.
So, what is your idea on solving this "issue"?
I love Honor Buddy as much as anyone and hope that they win the lawsuit in Germany but it is starting to get kind of crazy. I am starting to think that there are as many botters as actual players in wow now. Yes Blizzard is afraid if they ***** down hard enough that we will go the way of the dodo like on Trions game.

But when you see 100 people in Uldum and almost all of them are gathering bots that is pretty shocking. I was actually man playing a bit of the AV weekend on my main which I never bot on and saw the obvious BG buddy possy making their normal rounds. 15 bots out of 40 players. Eventually the level of botting is going to be so severe that people will get tired of it and the universal cry of a million players will hit hard.

Even if everyone that used HB only botted for, say, half an hour? The amount of people that play this game, and use this bot, would still show up on the game just as you say they do now. It's not an issue, reallly. It's just the way things happen. HB is just like addons in the fact that everyone is using it. I know that's a horrible analogy, but that's just the way it is. In order for what you want to happen it would mean that at least 9/10ths of the HB community would have to stop botting, and I don't see that happening. If what you predict happens, then it's going to happen. That's just the way it was destined to be. And, if that does happen then I predict that the HB team will come up with a way to get around it and go on providing bots and accessory plugins and CCs for the community to get their fix.
WE ALL GONNA GET BANNED threads, years of bla bla bla and yet no bans.

I think I made one thread and that was the obviousness of the bots in BGBuddy which is now being changed, but people in Uldum you don't really see any of them only on /who command do you see how many people are there.
I am not talking about bans. I am talking about breaking honorbuddy. Blizzard could if they wanted to break it and make it easily detected in Warden Yes a few would be banned but once that point hit Honorbuddy would be through. Trion decided to take the dive and try to keep the game legit with the constant loading of raw data on Rift which pretty much breaks Riftomate. MMO Glider had an estimated 175k users which during back when WOW had around 5 million players was normally the largest presence logged on.

I would see bots in literally every zone grinding and I am just saying that maybe Boss needs to make Honorbuddy a bit more expensive or maybe even a monthly sub to curb the swell.
how about no, nothing is going to change.

too many people bot on accounts they care about which leads to silly threads.
I do not think it is a silly thread. Especially since I was on Rift when it happened because it did have an abnormally large base of the players botting. I love Honorbuddy and do not want to see it happen in wow. I love having my botted pocket healers follow me around when i world pvp on my server.
I am not talking about bans. I am talking about breaking honorbuddy. Blizzard could if they wanted to break it and make it easily detected in Warden Yes a few would be banned but once that point hit Honorbuddy would be through. Trion decided to take the dive and try to keep the game legit with the constant loading of raw data on Rift which pretty much breaks Riftomate. MMO Glider had an estimated 175k users which during back when WOW had around 5 million players was normally the largest presence logged on.

I would see bots in literally every zone grinding and I am just saying that maybe Boss needs to make Honorbuddy a bit more expensive or maybe even a monthly sub to curb the swell.

WTF?????? More expensive? Monthly fee? Why don't you leave people alone? If you don't like other botters, don't play. What you're trying to do is to make HB less popular by raising its price, and this way, many people will stop using it. Well... guess what? that's not gonna happen.
So whats the point of this thread exactly.. You want less botters?
Other people botting does NOT affect/bother me at all. Why does it bother you?
1 person botting 24/7 might lack self-control.

24 people botting 1 hour...how is that lacking in self-control?

Sure, I'd like less botters in Uldum so I could have all the nodes to myself, but that's just an observation on my own greed, not the fact that the botting community is broken. :cool:
Don't shoot the messenger here. He have some valid points.

Problem is that HB have gotten very popular, so more use it and talk about it.

As a user you bot as much as you dare.
As a developer they try to make it less bot like
As a owner of the game, they try to stabilize it by banning people.

What happends happend, I just try to lay low in all I do, and if I really need to do BG's to gear a new toon I spend a few minutes deleting some hotspots in the BG profiles.

Right now I have found a good spot for skinning, and this is the first time I have spendt time making toons that use this profession.
The people that truly lack self-control, gather bot 24/7, put 500 stacks of ore on the AH at half-price on an alt named AHtoon, brag about their botting prowess to friends, guildies, or in chat somewhere, or grind somewhere for 14 hrs straight for skins, will eventually be caught and banned. They can laugh and say they haven't been caught yet, but their chances of a ban are a lot higher that those of us who practice moderation. No level of botting is absolutely safe. But going nuts with botting is a whole lot less safe while putting a target on your back.

Also, I don't believe I've evere seen 100 bots in Uldum. On my server, heavy botting in Uldum tends to be avoided for the most part.
He has a point. I dont see many botters on my server but ppl need to control what theyre doing. 24/7 is just retarded. Im using my bot for things I dont like e.g. lvling, grinding, professions, rep etc. If u continue to farm 24/7 and use 5+ bots, then its just a matter of time. I hope that the community is adult enough to understand that.
everything will be ok cause if blizzard break hb then they do lost a lot of money

i know my self if i cant use hb to do the boring shit in wow then i dont see any point of me playing wow anymore

i dont see many bots maybe in bg i will see a train or 2 but its not that bad

i dont bot in uldum cause its just stupid so i would not know about that area
It'd be interesting to know how many HB codes have been sold, without that info one can only speculate how rampant botting really is. Blizzard is of course concerned with appearing like theyre doing something about botting. But Id bet few players actually cancel their sub because of others botting. Thus, in the climate of depressed sub numbers Blizz probably isnt too upset about pursuing things in court then in software updates. They know what Rift did, they could make it harder on HB but they choose not to. Ofcourse if the crys about botting reach fever pitch (people start leaving game) then yes they bet your ass things will change.
My self personally I run 10 bots on the same server, different guilds different classes. Except they are paired up so when one is about to log off, the other takes over, same zone, different route. Just so I have little downtime.

it usually comes down to a few people ruining it for the whole population. I personally just bot to maintain a steady supply of mats to make flasks and stuff we need for raiding, and sell enough gold (to websites, guildies) to keep my 10 bots + 2 main accounts active. Than you have joe schmoe who is botting cause its the hardcore thing to do; and just being a dick about the auction house gouging. Like yeah you have 500 stacks of something, why not spread it out over a week and make more money with being less obvious to what you are doing. Or just sell it privately, ' /2 elementium stacks for sale xxgold per; many available. ' is enough for myself at least to have 1-9 people pst me off the bat.
This guy do have a point, it's hard to imagine, but soon enough the standards of every server and every character will be raised. I think that Boss needs to raise the price.