Is it possible to log my character off, if he is ready wth his work?
My problem :
Farmer sends to lvl 1 bank char works
lvl 1 bank char puts all items into guild bank works
- BUT NOW : lvl 1 bank char always restart his work ( he also move to mail box, check it, und move to guild bank and so on....) <-- thats risky
at least he puts auctions in ah ( but if have set this on false = why he do that?)
after the time i have choosen in ARelog, my inscriptionist log in and does his work very fine.
Takes herbs from guild bank, mill them and craft inks.
- BUT NOW : like the lvl 1 bank char he wants to do his work again.
So my question is :
Can you make a profil, which is able to change character on his own, if he is ready with his work?
(mayby after the character does his break (2min))
All in all the profil should see if the bank char, or crafter is ready with his work, and log out or loggin an other char ( user should command this)
But all the other things works pretty nice! Thank you for that very much.
If you could now fix that 2 little points, i could use it 100% afk, and can make it part of my daily farmtours.
-> But atm its to risky, running with lvl 1 char 2h from bank to mail box.
(The Problem ist, that i farm every day differrent numbers of stacks - so i couldnt make a static profil in Arelog like you did on first page)
My last which is, that you add the option for miners to craft ghostironbarrs and send them to alchi.
Thank you for all your GREAT work ! (Sorry for my very bad english...)