I?ve got two chars, one with Alchemy + Jewelcrafting, and the other one has got Enchantment + Inscription. Should it be any problem? Apparently, the Jewelcrafter has to mail a few gems to the alchemist, so I don?t know if that could cause any trouble since you can?t email yourself. Any suggestion?
Also it is not disenchanting the Ghost Iron ore, just saying "Starting to prospect ghost iron ore" Then does nothing and tries to mail items that aren't there.
Did the patch screw it up?
<If Condition="(bool)Settings["Craft BOE for Vendor"]" IgnoreCanRun="True">
<While Condition="InbagCount(76135) >= 1 && InbagCount(76130) >= 1 && InbagCount(76134) >= 1 && Me.FreeBagSlots >= 5" IgnoreCanRun="True">
<CallSubRoutine SubRoutineName="CheckJewelersSetting" />
<CallSubRoutine SubRoutineName="Craft Necklace" />
<CallSubRoutine SubRoutineName="SellBOE" />
<CallSubRoutine SubRoutineName="SendMail" />
Hi! So when i run this on my enchanter it stands by the mailbox. Picking up most of the items that im gonna DE and then it takes a "1 minute pause" and it keeps doing that. any way to disable this?