Hey nice to see you have an svn running
Could you name them- remove the version number? Just so we don't have to keep updating relogger profile paths after every update, thanks!Code:[PB] AH.xml [PB] Combined Shuffle.xml
Hey nice to see you have an svn running
Could you name them- remove the version number? Just so we don't have to keep updating relogger profile paths after every update, thanks!Code:[PB] AH.xml [PB] Combined Shuffle.xml
will try this soon
so all i need is 2x lvl80 with the 4 professions at 600, right?
are there any mats that are recommended for being farmed? do you also use auction house bots that set price and re-list automatically?
nice profile, thx alot!
but i have a smal problem:
my enchanter and juwelcrafter are at the same char. now when i park him near the juwelcrafter trainer in SW he cant find a Mailbox from this postition...
Having problems with the jewelcrafting. For whatever reason after prospecting ore in stormwind by the guild bank, the character moves to the left of the bank and gets stuck there. He just stands there... then the profile resets to flying to location to move into the bank... but it does not, it just stands there looking deeply into the wall. Settings are set to also craft BOE for vendor... profile skips this step entirely.
Any ideas?
how can i set hbrelog to switch the profiles?-