Experiencing an issue
Have you used ProfessionBuddy as botbase? YES
Did you copy the latest version of the profiles to "Bots/ProfessionBuddy/Profiles" ? YES
Are you level 90 with flying mount in pandaria? YES
Have you cleared your bags? Please do. YES
Have you installed .net framework 4.0 ? YES (well, 4.5 now actually)
Hello and thanks for the profile!
I started this on a level 90 druid with level zero herbalism and checked off mining as I only want to level herbs.
Everything was going perfectly until the druid got to Cape of Stranglethorn. Here, at level 160, he refuses to pick up either Fadeleaf, Khadgar's Whisker, Goldleaf and I think Liferoot. He's only picking up Bruiseweed. I stopped the bot and checked these nodes myself. There's nothing near them, perfectly attainable, and no reason for them not to get picked up, and they are orange and yellow now (as I have manually gotten the druid to 175). Still though, at 175, he won't go pick them up and so, he just flies around forever wasting his time.
Any ideas on what might be going on?
Thanks for your help.
EDIT: I just saw the bot blacklist things because they are allegedly "gray" which they are not! Fadeleaf shows as
Yellow, Kahdgar's Whisker shows as
Orange, and Goldthorn shows as
So why is the bot doing this, as seen below in this cut & paste form the log?
Mine/Herb 1-600: Blacklisting Khadgar's Whisker because it's grey
Mine/Herb 1-600: Blacklisting Fadeleaf because it's grey
Mine/Herb 1-600: Blacklisting Fadeleaf because it's grey
Mine/Herb 1-600: Blacklisting Fadeleaf because it's grey
Mine/Herb 1-600: Blacklisting Fadeleaf because it's grey
Here's a log from a brief run where it blacklisted everything it could have plucked.
Another thought (from looking at the log): If my herb level is 176 (which it is, and the bot sees that), then why is it starting the profile [GB2][A] 160-175 - Herbalism & Mining - Cape of Stranglethorn - by Lbniese.xml with an upper limit of 175?
So I used another profile to get up to 375 (worked like a charm) and thought I'd come back and try this one to see if my issue above was merely at the level mentioned. It is not. Even at 375, this profile goes to the wrong zone (1 level beneath my skills) AND blacklists everything that it could be getting improvements in skill on (not grey nodes).
IMHO, this profile has a problem that needs to be addressed. Others posting after this seem to be having similar problems.